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2024-03-28 23:41 阅读量:5k+








Tinubu to unveil Nigeria’s values charter

The document describes the upcoming introduction of the Nigeria Values Charter by President Bola Tinubu, which represents a social contract between the government and its citizens. The charter consists of the Nigerian Promise and the Citizen Codes, each with seven pillars, and is intended to be incorporated into educational policies. The charter outlines seven core obligations of the Nigerian state to its citizens and seven commitments of the citizens towards their country. The Minister of Information and National Orientation also highlighted the government's economic reforms and the upcoming National Spokespersons Summit and Awards, emphasizing the role of communication professionals in shaping perceptions and fostering trust. The summit is viewed as a pivotal event aimed at transforming the communication landscape in Nigeria, with the theme "Change Narrative, Change Society" reflecting the need to create a cohesive national identity.




Tinubu sets up renewed hope infrastructure fund

The President of Nigeria, Bola Tinubu, has approved the creation of the Renewed Hope Infrastructure Fund in order to address the country's infrastructure funding gap of $25 billion per year. The initiative will be based in the Presidency and will focus on areas such as road, rail, agriculture, ports, and aviation. The Chairman of the Federal Inland Revenue Service, Zacch Adedeji, stated that the fund will be launched in a few months after the Minister of Budget and Economic Planning, Abubakar Bagudu, prepares a supplementary budget to accommodate the new spending.


西非国家经济共同体 (ECOWAS) 正在努力对该地区境内流离失所者 (IDP)、难民和寻求庇护者进行人道主义需求评估。西非经共体人类发展和社会事务专员法图·萨尔教授强调了该组织与成员国和合作伙伴合作减轻受人道主义紧急情况影响的民众痛苦的努力。联合国难民事务高级专员报告称,超过 690 万人被迫流离失所,其中很大一部分是国内流离失所者和难民。关于验证基线数据的研讨会旨在解决流离失所和人道主义事件对各种弱势群体和收容社区的影响。联邦人道主义事务和扶贫部常务秘书强调,需要集体应对该地区日益加深的人道主义危机,重点是为有需要的人提供保护、援助和可持续解决方案。此外,由15个国家组成的西非经共体还面临包括该地区军事接管和三个国家退出等挑战,这威胁到非洲大陆自由贸易区。尽管对这些国家实施了经济制裁,但为了非洲次区域的团结和安全,这些制裁后来被解除。


ECOWAS plans need assessment to assist IDPs, others

The Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) is working to develop a humanitarian needs assessment for Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs), refugees, and asylum seekers within the region. The Commissioner of Human Development and Social Affairs in ECOWAS, Prof. Fatou Sarr, highlighted the organization's efforts to collaborate with member states and partners to alleviate the suffering of populations affected by humanitarian emergencies. The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees reported that over 6.9 million people were forcibly displaced, with a significant number being IDPs and refugees. The workshop on the validation of baseline data aimed to address the impact of displacement and humanitarian events on various vulnerable populations and host communities. The Permanent Secretary of the Federal Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs and Poverty Alleviation emphasized the need for a collective response to the deepening humanitarian crises in the region, focusing on protection, assistance, and sustainable solutions for those in need. Additionally, the 15-nation bloc ECOWAS has faced challenges including military takeovers in the region and the exit of three countries, which threatened the African Continental Free Trade Area. Despite economic sanctions imposed on the countries, they were later lifted in the interest of unity and security in the African sub-region.


多哥立法者通过了一部新宪法,将国家从总统制改为议会制,赋予议会选举总统的权力,总统任期六年。总统将由立法者在不进行公开辩论的情况下选出。这一改变以89票赞成、1票反对、1票弃权的压倒多数获得通过。新宪法还引入了部长会议主席的职位,拥有管理政府事务的充分权力,任期六年。这一变化标志着多哥向第五个共和国过渡,并且发生在定于 4 20 日举行的下一次立法选举之前。此外,该修正案将总统任期限制为两届,但不追溯适用,允许总统福雷·纳辛贝接下来的两次选举竞选总统。纳辛贝自 2005 年起接替其父亲纳辛贝·埃亚德马将军掌权,后者在 50 多年前的一次政变中夺取了权力。


Togo lawmakers adopt new constitution

The Togolese lawmakers have adopted a new constitution that shifts the country from a presidential to a parliamentary system, granting the parliament the authority to elect the president for a single six-year term. The president will be chosen by lawmakers without public debate. The change was approved by an overwhelming majority, with 89 votes in favor, one against, and one abstention. The new constitution also introduces the position of "president of the council of ministers" with full authority and power to manage the government's affairs for a six-year term. This change signifies Togo's transition to its fifth republic and comes just before the next legislative elections, which are scheduled to be held on April 20. Additionally, the amendment limits presidential terms to two but does not apply retrospectively, allowing President Faure Gnassingbe to stand for the next two elections. Gnassingbe has been in power since 2005, succeeding his father, General Gnassingbe Eyadema, who seized power in a coup over 50 years ago.


该文件描述了继第 42 任奥鲁巴丹 Oba Lekan Balogun 去世后,伊巴丹地区下一任奥鲁巴丹 Oba Owolabi Olakulehin 登基的过程。它指出,伊巴丹领地的造王者们准备开会,批准奥拉库莱欣为下一任奥鲁巴丹。这次会议定于马波大厅举行,奥鲁巴丹候任者和国王制定者将参加会议,奥拉库莱因的提名将获得批准,然后转发给奥约州州长 Seyi Makinde 批准。


Olakulehin’s enthronement process may begin today

The document describes the process of enthroning the next Olubadan of Ibadanland, Oba Owolabi Olakulehin, following the passing of the 42nd Olubadan, Oba Lekan Balogun. It states that the kingmakers in Ibadanland were set to meet to ratify Olakulehin as the next Olubadan. The meeting, scheduled to take place at Mapo Hall, will involve the Olubadan-designate and the kingmakers, and Olakulehin's nomination will be ratified before being forwarded to the Oyo State Governor, Seyi Makinde, for approval.

6.尼日利亚人可能在 2024 年朝觐上花费超过 7250 亿奈拉

尼日利亚国家朝觐委员会 (NAHCON) 已指示尼日利亚朝觐者在 2024 3 29 日年度朝觐截止日期之前,根据当前外汇汇率额外支付 190 万奈拉的余额。迟交和不汇款导致该委员会错过了沙特朝觐和副朝部规定的最后期限,促使政府进行干预并呼吁降低成本。新票价预计将导致 2024 年朝觐总费用超过 7251 亿奈拉,早期注册者和新注册者的费用各不相同。票价上涨达到 2022 年价格的 280% 以上,可能会导致分配座位的朝圣者短缺。该委员会将与汇率统一相关的挑战作为票价调整的原因。


Nigerians may spend over N725bn on 2024 Hajj

The National Hajj Commission of Nigeria (NAHCON) has directed Nigerian pilgrims to pay an additional N1.9m balance in accordance with current foreign exchange rates before the March 29, 2024 deadline for the annual Hajj exercise. Late and non-remittances of fares led to the commission missing the deadline given by the Saudi Ministry of Hajj and Umrah, prompting the government to intervene and appeal for cost reductions. The new fares will result in a total estimated expense of over N725.1bn for the 2024 Hajj, with varying costs for early registrants and new registrants. The increase in fares, reaching over 280% of 2022 prices, may result in a shortfall of pilgrims filling the allotted seats. The commission cited challenges related to foreign exchange rate harmonization as a reason for the fare adjustments.


1.Wike 吸引印度投资者前往阿布贾

联邦首都特区部长 Nyesom Wike 先生呼吁印度投资者进行大量投资,以加速阿布贾的发展。在印度高级专员 Shri Balasubramanian 先生访问尼日利亚期间,维克强调阿布贾的安全和基础设施得到改善,这是博拉·蒂努布总统重燃希望议程的一部分。他表示希望印度和阿布贾之间建立类似的关系,强调两国之间的共同利益。 Balasubramanian提到了印度和尼日利亚之间的长期外交关系,并列举了超过155家印度公司在尼日利亚各个领域的投资超过270亿美元。他赞扬印度大使馆的出色合作和设施,并表示希望继续和加强两国关系。


Wike woos Indian investors to Abuja

The Minister of the Federal Capital Territory, Mr Nyesom Wike, has called for substantial investments from Indian investors to accelerate the development of Abuja. During a visit from the Indian High Commissioner to Nigeria, Mr Shri Balasubramanian, Wike highlighted the improved security and infrastructure in Abuja as part of President Bola Tinubu's "Renewed Hope" agenda. He expressed the desire to establish a similar relationship between India and Abuja, emphasizing mutual interests between the two countries. Balasubramanian noted the longstanding diplomatic relationship between India and Nigeria, citing over 155 Indian companies with investments exceeding 27 billion dollars in various sectors in Nigeria. He praised the excellent cooperation and facilities extended to the Indian Embassy, expressing a desire to continue and strengthen the relationship.


拉各斯州政府表示支持拉各斯波波阿古达的巴西后裔社区通过展示其丰富的文化来促进旅游业。州长旅游特别顾问伊德里斯·阿雷贝(Idris Aregbe)强调了该州对此次活动的参与,活动将以舞蹈表演、美食和其他文化活动为特色。该活动不仅具有重要的文化意义,而且对拉各斯的旅游业和经济发展也具有潜力。规划委员会主席、海军少将安东尼·奥尼 (rtd) 赞扬了这一促进团结、互动和文化保护的举措,特别是在展示弗雷洪标志性美食方面。该活动由巴西后裔艺术文化协会(BDACA)于2019年发起,旨在通过音乐、艺术和旅游促进跨文化交流和经济发展。拉各斯举办第三届波波阿古达复活节艺术和音乐盛会,重点将是庆祝文化遗产和推动旅游业促进经济增长。


Brazilian panel gets govt’s backing on tourism

The Lagos state government has expressed support for the Brazilian Descendants' community of Popo Aguda, Lagos, to promote tourism by showcasing its rich culture. The Special Adviser to the governor on Tourism, Idris Aregbe, emphasized the state's involvement in the event, which will feature dance performances, culinary delights, and other cultural activities. The event is seen as not only culturally significant but also holding potential for tourism and economic development in Lagos. Rear Admiral Anthony Oni (rtd), Planning Committee chair, praised the initiative for fostering unity, interaction, and cultural preservation, particularly in showcasing the iconic Frejon delicacy. The event, which was initiated by The Brazilian Descendants’ Arts and Cultural Association (BDACA) in 2019, aims to promote cross-cultural exchange and economic development through music, arts, and tourism. As Lagos hosts the 3rd Popo Aguda Easter Arts and Music Extravaganza, the focus will be on celebrating cultural heritage and driving tourism for economic growth.


2023年尼日利亚保险业保费收入达1.003万亿奈拉,比上年增长27%。非人寿保险领域是主导力量,占所有承保保费的 61.3%,石油天然气和火灾保险等行业的需求不断增加。人寿保险部门也发挥了关键作用,占 38.7% 的份额,价值 3,881 亿奈拉。报告强调了保留率,表明人寿保险业务保留了87.7%的保单持有人,而非寿险业务的保留率较低,为54%,整体市场平均水平为66.7%。此外,及时的理赔似乎正在取得成效,人寿保险业务年内解决了约 95% 的净理赔。该行业还表现出强劲的财务状况,总资产达 2.67 万亿奈拉,资本总额达 8,510 亿奈拉,确保其有能力履行对保单持有人的义务。总体而言,该报告描绘了该行业增长和业绩的积极前景,表明市场正在走向成熟。


Insurance industry records over N1tr premium income in 2023

The Nigerian insurance industry recorded a premium income of N1.003 trillion in 2023, marking a 27 percent increase from the previous year. The Non-Life insurance segment was the dominant force, contributing 61.3 percent of all premiums written, with increased demand in sectors such as Oil & Gas and Fire Insurance. The Life insurance segment also played a crucial role, with a 38.7 percent share valued at N388.1 billion. The report highlighted retention rates, indicating that the Life insurance business retained 87.7 percent of its policyholders, while the Non-Life segment had a lower retention rate of 54 percent, with an overall market average of 66.7 percent. Additionally, prompt claims settlement seemed to be paying off, with the Life insurance business settling approximately 95 percent of net claims during the year. The industry also displayed a strong financial standing, with total assets of N2.67 trillion and capitalization at N851 billion, ensuring its ability to meet obligations to policyholders. Overall, the report painted a positive picture of the industry's growth and performance, suggesting a maturing market.

4.生姜种植者将为受损农场获得 N1.6b

联邦政府宣布为卡杜纳、纳萨拉瓦、高原和联邦首都特区的生姜农民提供 16 亿奈拉的一揽子计划,这些农民的农场在 2023 年受到生姜真菌病的影响。农业和粮食安全部长 Abubakar Kyari 表示,枯萎病造成了重大损失,影响了生计和尼日利亚作为世界第二大生姜生产国的地位。政府的目标是提供财政援助和资源,帮助农民从损失中恢复过来,投资于研究和开发,以了解真菌枯萎病并预防未来的爆发。此外,政府还计划建立 20 公顷的土地用于生姜种子的清洁种植和繁殖,加强农业推广服务,并为农民提供预防未来农作物病害的知识和最佳实践。姜枯病流行委员会工作组的成立旨在汇集研究人员、推广人员和敬业农民的专业知识,以克服挑战并建立更具弹性的生姜产业。部长强调了做好保护农业资源准备的重要性,并强调需要投资于研究、推广服务和农民支持系统,以确保尼日利亚的粮食安全和作为全球领先生姜生产国的持续成功。


Ginger farmers to get N1.6b for damaged farms

The Federal Government has announced a N1.6 billion package for ginger farmers in Kaduna, Nasarawa, Plateau, and the Federal Capital Territory whose farms were affected by fungal ginger disease in 2023. The Minister of Agriculture and Food Security, Abubakar Kyari, stated that the blight resulted in significant losses, impacting livelihoods and Nigeria's position as the world's second-largest ginger producer. The government aims to provide financial assistance and resources to help farmers recover from their losses, investing in research and development to understand the fungal blight and prevent future outbreaks. Additionally, the government plans to establish a 20-hectare land for clean ginger seed cultivation and multiplication, enhance agricultural extension services, and equip farmers with knowledge and best practices to prevent future crop diseases. The establishment of a ginger blight epidemic committee task force is intended to bring together expertise of researchers, extension agents, and dedicated farmers to overcome the challenge and build a more resilient ginger industry. The Minister emphasized the importance of preparedness in safeguarding agricultural resources and highlighted the need to invest in research, extension services, and farmer support systems to ensure Nigeria's food security and continued success as a leading global ginger producer.

5.FG 批准 1100 亿奈拉用于青年发展基金和农业计划

联邦政府已批准总额1100亿奈拉用于新重组的青年发展基金的运营和农业中小企业的投资。 2023 年补充预算和 2024 年预算各拨款 250 亿奈拉,尼日利亚中央银行另外拨款 600 亿奈拉。其目的是支持年轻企业并加强和扩大年轻企业。改组后的青年投资基金将建立专注于六个地缘政治区域具有比较优势的商品的集群。该委员会还批准在所有政府任命中将青年配额制度化为 30%,并实现公平的年轻女性代表性,以解决年轻人的边缘化和排斥问题。此外,理事会批准了一项全部门基本医疗保健提供方法,以消除分散性并增加初级医疗保健中心、孕产妇和儿童健康、性健康和生殖健康以及儿童营养的资源。此外,还宣布为贡贝联邦教学医院购买最先进的 CT 扫描仪。


FG approves N110bn for youth development fund, agric scheme

The Federal Government has approved a total of N110 billion for the operation of the newly restructured Youth Development Fund and investment in agricultural Small and Medium Enterprises. N25 billion each was appropriated in the 2023 supplementary and 2024 budgets, with an additional N60 billion from the Central Bank of Nigeria. The aim is to support young businesses and strengthen and scale young enterprises. The revamped Youth Investment Fund will establish clusters focused on commodities of comparative advantage across the six geopolitical zones. The council also approved the institutionalization of a 30 percent youth quota in all government appointments and equitable young women representation to address the marginalization and exclusion of young people. Furthermore, the council approved a sector-wide approach for basic healthcare provision to eliminate fragmentation and increase resources for primary healthcare centers, maternal and child health, sexual and reproductive health, and nutrition for children. Additionally, state-of-the-art CT Scanners for the Federal Teaching Hospital Gombe were announced for purchase.



The transformative power of Lagos-Calabar Coastal superhighway

The Lagos-Calabar Coastal superhighway, a monumental civil engineering project approved by the Federal Executive Council, is set to usher in a new era of ambitious road infrastructural development in Nigeria. The 700km long coastal highway, to be built by Hitech Construction Company, will run through nine coastal states, beginning from Victoria Island in Lagos and passing through Lekki Deep Seaport, Ogun, Ondo, Delta, Bayelsa, Cross River, and Akwa-Ibom States. The completion of the first phase of the project is expected to significantly boost the economy of Lagos State due to its connection to the Lekki economic corridor and other multinational industries. Additionally, the highway will compress the distance between Lagos and Ondo State, leading to increased economic opportunities and tourism traffic. The project has received praise from officials and political leaders for its potential to transform the economy and development prospects of Cross River State, as well as President Tinubu's commitment to bold and high-impact projects. The coastal highway is seen as a key transformative economic project that will mark President Tinubu's presidency, echoing the impactful achievements he spearheaded as the Governor of Lagos State.


阿比亚州政府已批准成立一个统一的工作组,以在州和地方政府地区执行政府政策和举措。该工作组旨在消除对公民的兜售和骚扰,并将有专门负责的协调员。成员将来自各个政府部门和机构以及地方政府。此外,政府计划在工作组成员正式就职之前为他们举行务虚会。该州还宣布与匈牙利球探合作,在阿比亚建立一所国际体育学院,为年轻人才提供体育机会。此外,州长还将启动 11.5 公里长的 Nunya-Eluama 公路的建设,该公路将为农民开辟将农产品运输到城市的区域。统一特遣部队分为六个区域,其中两个在乌穆阿希亚,四个在阿巴。

Abia sets up task force to tackle touting

The Abia State Government has approved the establishment of a unified task force to enforce government policies and initiatives across the state and local government areas. The task force aims to eliminate touting and harassment of citizens and will have coordinators with specific responsibilities. Members will be drawn from various government departments and agencies as well as local governments. Additionally, the government plans to hold a retreat for the task force members prior to their formal inauguration. The state also announced a partnership with scouts from Hungary to establish an International Sports College in Abia, providing opportunities for young talents in sports. Furthermore, the Governor is set to flag off the construction of the 11.5km Nunya-Eluama Road, which will open up areas for farmers to transport their produce to cities. The unified task force is divided into six zones, with two in Umuahia and four in Aba.


尼日利亚中央银行货币政策委员会(MPC)已将基准利率从之前的22.75%上调至24.75%,以抑制通胀上升。此举旨在减少支出、减缓经济增长,并最终降低通胀。与此同时,央行还调整了商业银行现金准备金率和流动性比率,以加强对货币供应量的控制。 CBN行长耶米·卡多佐强调了粮食安全的重要性,并敦促政府实施农业计划,以增加国内粮食产量并减少对进口食品的依赖。利率上升预计将影响企业和个人的借贷成本,从而可能影响投资和消费者支出。然而,CBN 的行动旨在从长远来看降低通货膨胀,最终稳定物价并保护尼日利亚人的购买力。这些措施的有效性将取决于多种因素,包括政府提高粮食产量的努力是否成功以及尼日利亚经济对紧缩货币政策的反应。


BREAKING: CBN raises interest rate to 24.75% in bid to curb inflation

The Central Bank of Nigeria's Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) has raised the benchmark interest rate to 24.75% from the previous rate of 22.75% in an effort to curb rising inflation. This move is aimed at reducing spending, slowing economic growth, and ultimately bringing down inflation. Alongside this, the CBN has made adjustments to the Cash Reserve Ratio for commercial and merchant banks as well as the liquidity ratio to tighten control over the money supply. CBN Governor Yemi Cardoso emphasized the importance of food security and urged the government to implement agricultural programs to increase domestic food production and reduce reliance on imported food items. The increased interest rate is expected to impact borrowing costs for businesses and individuals, potentially affecting investment and consumer spending. However, the CBN's actions are intended to bring down inflation in the long run, ultimately stabilizing prices and protecting the purchasing power of Nigerians. The effectiveness of these measures will depend on various factors, including the success of government efforts to boost food production and the response of the Nigerian economy to tighter monetary policy.


1.NiMet 利用新技术增强服务

尼日利亚气象局 (NiMet) 局长查尔斯·阿诺西克 (Charles Anosike) 表示,尼日利亚气象局 (NiMet) 推出了一个新网站以增强其服务。该网站由内部 ICT 工作人员开发,可通过 nimet.gov.ng 访问,提供可持续且可扩展的门户。阿诺西克表示,该网站的推出是该机构改善服务交付并与航空业路线图保持一致的努力的一部分。该网站具有以用户为中心的设计、增强的响应能力和强大的安全措施。它还包括合作伙伴机构的天气预报小部件以及前任总干事、可持续发展目标和文件档案的部分。 Anosike 信息通信技术特别顾问 Cyprian Okpalaku 强调了该网站的功能,例如公众请求数据和监控进度的能力,以及将天气小部件集成到外部网站的能力。 Okpalaku 还强调了该网站对 NiMet SmartNet 的贡献,NiMet SmartNet 是一个用于管理该机构及其分支机构的后台和智能办公室运营的系统。


NiMet enhances services with new technology

The Nigerian Meteorological Agency (NiMet) has launched a new website to enhance its services, according to Director General Charles Anosike. The website, accessible through nimet.gov.ng, was developed by internal ICT staff to provide a sustainable and scalable portal. Anosike stated that the website's unveiling is part of the agency's efforts to improve service delivery and align with the aviation sector roadmap. The website features user-centric design, enhanced responsiveness, and robust security measures. It also includes a weather forecast widget for partner agencies and sections for former Directors General, Sustainable Development Goals, and document archives. Anosike's Special Adviser on Information Communication Technology, Cyprian Okpalaku, highlighted the website's functionalities, such as the ability for the public to request data and monitor their progress, as well as the integration of the weather widget into external websites. Okpalaku also emphasized the website's contribution to NiMet SmartNet, a system for managing back-office and smart office operations across the agency and its branches.


国家化学技术研究所 (NARICT) 所长杰弗里·巴米纳斯 (Jeffery Barminas) 宣布,其目标是到 2025 年引领科技创新。继NARICT2024年科技博览会上获得第二名后,巴米纳斯表示,该研究所计划在2025年的下一届博览会上展示创新项目。巴米纳斯强调,每年在进口粘合剂上花费大量外汇,尼日利亚2018年进口价值1329.1万美元的粘合剂,占进口额的0.02%。他肯定了 NARICT 致力于推动创新研究和开发,以开发资源并为尼日利亚的增长和工业化创造机会。巴米纳斯强调,创新研究产品和项目将加速国家经济发展、创造就业并利用资源。

Institute to boost science, technology

The National Research Institute for Chemical Technology (NARICT) aims to lead the way in science and technology innovation by 2025, as announced by its Director-General, Jeffery Barminas. Following NARICT's achievement of second place at the 2024 Technology Expo, Barminas stated that the institute plans to present innovative projects at the next Expo in 2025. Barminas highlighted the significant amount of foreign exchange spent annually on importing adhesives, with Nigeria importing adhesives worth $13.291 million in 2018, accounting for 0.02 per cent of imports. He affirmed NARICT's commitment to driving innovative research and development to exploit resources and create opportunities for Nigeria's growth and industrialization. Barminas emphasized that the Innovative Research Products and Projects will expedite the nation's economy, generate employment, and harness resources.


联邦政府宣布计划对尼日利亚所有学校进行普查,目的是解决教育部门面临的挑战。教育部长 Tahir Mamman 教授强调了获取学校、教师和学生数据以帮助决策和政策制定的重要性。马曼还强调了提高学生基本技能的必要性,并强调了培训对于提高跟踪和报告教育部门举措实施进展的能力的重要性。此外,部长敦促参与者将其活动与教育部的可交付成果保持一致,并强调生成可信和可靠的教育数据的重要性。此外,部长还引用了医疗保健和工程等例子,表示相信教育领域的成功将对各个行业产生积极影响。文章还提到部长对卡杜纳州政府和安全组织在释放被绑架学童方面所做努力的赞扬。最后,外国联邦发展办公室高级教育官员承诺通过教育融资支持实现可交付成果并解决学习危机。


FG to carry out census of schools

The Federal Government announced plans to conduct a census of all schools in Nigeria with the goal of addressing challenges within the education sector. The Minister of Education, Prof. Tahir Mamman, emphasized the importance of obtaining data on schools, teachers, and students to aid in decision-making and policy formulation. Mamman also highlighted the need to improve basic skills among students and stressed the significance of the training in enhancing the capacity to track and report progress in implementing education sector initiatives. Additionally, the Minister urged participants to align their activities with the Ministry's deliverables and emphasized the importance of generating credible and reliable education data. Furthermore, the Minister expressed confidence that success in education would positively impact various sectors, citing examples such as healthcare and engineering. The article also mentions the Minister's commendation for the efforts of the Kaduna State government and security organizations in the release of abducted schoolchildren. Finally, the Senior Education Officer of the Foreign Commonwealth Development Office pledged support in achieving the deliverables and addressing the learning crisis through education financing.


该文件讨论了尼日利亚名人对鲍布里斯基在《阿贾纳库:两个世界的野兽》拉各斯首映式上获得最佳着装女性奖的反应。鲍布里斯基以女性身份击败了著名的诺莱坞明星,赢得了该奖项。该活动在拉各斯莱基地区的 Circle Mall 举行。鲍布里斯基在电影首映式上的服装、发型和化妆给评委留下了深刻的印象,并帮助她赢得了奖项并获得了 100 万奈拉的奖金。文件还提到,《Big Brother Naija Level Up》选手 Groovy 在同一场比赛中获得了最佳着装男性奖。这引起了很多人的反应,包括尼日利亚音乐家 Portable 和诺莱坞女演员 Dayo Amusa,他们对变装者获得最佳着装女性奖表示不满。讨论了围绕 Bobrisky 获胜的争议,包括 Daniel Regha 的观点,他同意 Amusa 的观点。该文件还简要介绍了鲍布里斯基成名的背景,包括她有争议的行为、整容手术的主张以及对拥有近 500 万粉丝的社交媒体的影响力。


How celebrities, odas react afta Bobrisky win Best Dressed Female award

The document discusses the reaction of Nigerian celebrities to Bobrisky winning the best-dressed female award at the Lagos premiere of 'Ajanaku: Beast of Two Worlds'. Bobrisky, who identifies as a woman, won the award, beating out prominent Nollywood stars. The event took place at the Circle Mall in the Lekki area of Lagos. Bobrisky's outfit, hairstyle, and makeup at the movie premiere impressed the judges and led to her winning the award and collecting a one million naira prize. The document also mentions that the Big Brother Naija Level Up contestant Groovy won the 'Best Dressed Male' award at the same event. This led to a reaction from various people, including Nigerian musician Portable and Nollywood actress Dayo Amusa, who expressed their dissatisfaction with a crossdresser winning the best-dressed female award. The controversy surrounding Bobrisky's win is discussed, including the opinions of Daniel Regha, who agreed with Amusa's viewpoint. The document also provides a brief background on Bobrisky's rise to fame, including her controversial actions, plastic surgery claims, and influence on social media with almost five million followers.




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