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2024-03-25 07:20 阅读量:5k+





1.癌症治疗:Tinubu 批准 NSIA 参与升级六个肿瘤中心

尼日利亚总统博拉·蒂努布 (Bola Tinubu) 已批准国家主权投资局 (NSIA) 参与升级全国联邦大学教学医院的六个癌症治疗肿瘤中心。该项目此前曾陷入停滞,因此需要 NSIA 的参与来解决资金缺口并确保提供基础设施和人员培训。初始拨款中剩余的 N17.9b 以及 2024 年预算中分配的 N30b 将用于该项目,总计 N37.9b。此次合作预计将节省大约 N10b,因为 NSIA 与设备制造商的直接参与将保证采购设备的 30% 折扣。 NSIA的参与旨在消除中间商并确保项目的高效实施。该倡议在卫生部、NSIA 和六所联邦大学教学医院签署谅解备忘录 (MoU) 时得到确认。该项目被视为解决数千名难以获得癌症护理的尼日利亚人所面临的悲惨处境的里程碑,预计将结束阻碍该项目实施的延误和障碍。


Cancer treatment: Tinubu approves NSIA’s involvement in upgrade of six oncology centres

The President of Nigeria, Bola Tinubu, has approved the involvement of the National Sovereign Investment Authority (NSIA) in the upgrade of six oncology centers for cancer treatment in federal university teaching hospitals across the country. The project had previously stagnated, prompting the need for NSIA's involvement to address funding gaps and ensure the provision of infrastructure and personnel training. The remaining N17.9b from the initial appropriation, along with the N30b allocated in the 2024 budget, will be utilized for the project, totaling N37.9b. This collaboration is expected to save approximately N10b as NSIA's direct involvement with equipment manufacturers will guarantee a 30% discount on procured equipment. The involvement of NSIA aims to eliminate middlemen and ensure efficient implementation of the project. The initiative was confirmed during the signing of the Memoranda of Understanding (MoU) between the Ministry of Health, NSIA, and the six federal university teaching hospitals. The project is seen as a milestone in addressing the tragic situation faced by thousands of Nigerians struggling to access cancer care, and it is anticipated to bring an end to delays and obstacles hindering the project's implementation.


该文件讨论了博拉·蒂努布总统呼吁尼日利亚人通过购买当地制造的商品和服务来支持奈拉。总统还敦促公民举报任何操纵本国货币的行为。奈拉在外汇市场上取得了积极的进展,但蒂努布强调需要持续努力进一步加强奈拉,特别是为实施新的最低工资做好准备。政府的目标是从 2024 4 1 日起实施为期三个月的公共资助出国旅行禁令,每季度节省 50 亿奈拉。这项措施旨在减少不必要的开支,并确保官员专注于自己的职责。此外,政府正在实施各种重塑经济的举措,包括为小企业提供金融支持以及支持大型工业以保护就业机会。


Tinubu to Nigerians: Buy home-made goods to sustain stronger naira

The document discusses President Bola Tinubu's call for Nigerians to support the Naira by purchasing locally-made goods and services. The President also urges citizens to report any manipulation of the national currency. The Naira has seen positive gains in the foreign exchange market, but Tinubu emphasizes the need for sustained efforts to strengthen it further, particularly in preparation for the new minimum wage implementation. The government aims to save N5 billion quarterly by imposing a three-month ban on public-funded foreign trips starting April 1, 2024. This measure is intended to reduce unnecessary expenses and ensure officials focus on their mandates. Additionally, the government is implementing various initiatives to reshape the economy, including financial empowerment for small businesses and support for large-scale industries to protect employment opportunities.


各国议会联盟(IPU)第148届大会于2024323日至27日在瑞士日内瓦举行。尼日利亚代表团由参议院主席Godswill Akpabio率领,副议长Benjamin Kalu和参议员Asuquo Ekpenyong陪同。他们受到尼日利亚驻瑞士大使和南非大使的接见。各国议会联盟秘书长马丁·中功向尼日利亚参议院议长发出参加大会的邀请。上届议会联盟在安哥拉罗安达举行时,尼日利亚打破了长达59年的厄运,选举阿克帕比奥为全球议会机构的执行委员会。此外,阿克帕比奥还被非洲议会联盟(APU)提名进入议会联盟第六届世界议长会议筹备委员会。议会联盟成立于1889年,旨在通过议会外交和对话促进和平,在全球193个成员国中拥有179个成员国。该组织促进议会外交,旨在赋予议会和议员权力,促进全球和平、民主和可持续发展。


Akpabio, Kalu, others in Geneva for IPU meeting

The 148th Assembly of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) took place in Geneva, Switzerland from 23rd to 27th March, 2024. Nigeria's delegation was headed by Senate President Godswill Akpabio, accompanied by Deputy Speaker Hon Benjamin Kalu and Senator Asuquo Ekpenyong. They were received by Nigeria’s Ambassador to Switzerland and the South African Ambassador. The Secretary General of the IPU, Martin Chungong, extended an invitation to the Nigerian Senate President to participate in the assembly.At the previous edition of the IPU in Luanda, Angola, Nigeria broke a 59-year-old jinx by electing Akpabio into the Executive Committee of the global parliamentary body. Furthermore, Akpabio was nominated by the African Parliamentary Union (APU) into the Preparatory Committee for the 6th World Conference of Speakers of Parliament of the IPU. The IPU, founded in 1889, aims to promote peace through parliamentary diplomacy and dialogue, and has 179 member countries out of 193 worldwide. The organization facilitates parliamentary diplomacy and aims to empower parliaments and parliamentarians to promote peace, democracy, and sustainable development globally.


拉各斯州政府和联邦政府正在合作于 2024 6 月主办首届气候行动非洲论坛。该活动旨在满足非洲对可持续发展计划和气候智能型投资的迫切需求。该论坛将汇集领导人、专家和利益相关者,以绿色经济、光明未来、创新和投资非洲气候智能型发展为主题,讨论非洲环境挑战的解决方案。非洲气候行动执行主任 Grace Mbah 强调了技术驱动的解决方案和创新在减排、交通、农业、能源、建筑和施工领域的重要性。该论坛旨在促进有意义的对话和合作途径,为非洲创造更绿色、更可持续的未来。活动中的多位发言者强调了采取集体行动应对气候变化挑战的必要性,对结果表示乐观,并承诺激励集体努力,建设一个更绿色、更繁荣的非洲。


Lagos hosts African forum on climate action in June

The Lagos State Government and the Federal Government are collaborating to host the inaugural Climate Action Africa Forum in June 2024. The event aims to address the urgent need for sustainable development plans and climate-smart investments in Africa. The forum will bring together leaders, experts, and stakeholders to discuss solutions to Africa's environmental challenges under the theme, 'Green economies, brighter futures, innovating and investing in Africa’s climate-smart development.' The Executive Director of Climate Action Africa, Grace Mbah, emphasized the importance of tech-driven solutions and innovations in emissions reduction, transportation, agriculture, energy, building, and construction. The forum aims to facilitate meaningful discourse and collaborative pathways towards a greener, more sustainable future for Africa. Various speakers at the event highlighted the imperative of collective action to tackle climate change challenges, expressing optimism about the outcome and the promise of galvanizing collective efforts towards a greener, more prosperous Africa.




Communities rejoice as Niger Republic opens land border with Nigeria

The document discusses the recent opening of the Illela land border between Nigeria and Niger Republic, following the directive of the Presidency. The government of Niger Republic reciprocated by opening their border in Konni for operations. Nigeria had lifted sanctions against Niger, effectively reopening its borders with the Sahelian nation. The decision was made after calls for border reopening from Kano's governor. A resident of one of the border communities in Niger Republic commended the decision and expressed hope that the open borders will facilitate increased trading activities between the two countries and contribute to the improvement of their economies.

6.代表采取行动将 UBEC 的分配从 2% 增加到 4%

该文件讨论了对《全民基础教育委员会 (UBEC) 法案》的拟议修正案,将其资金从综合收入基金的 2% 增加到 4%。这项修正案的法案已在众议院二读通过,由来自夸拉的穆克塔尔·沙加亚 (Muktar Shagaya) 发起。该修正案旨在加强 UBEC 并为其提供更多资金以实现其目标。拟议的立法还强调了 UBEC 在阿布贾建立数字资源中心,旨在对尼日利亚数字教育教师进行培训。众议院基础教育和服务委员会主席巴科·乌塞尼 (Bako Useni) 表示委员会支持修正案和尼日利亚基础教育新方法,并强调在 UBEC 的授权下持续监督以确保数字资源中心和其他举措的可持续性的重要性。


Reps move to increase UBEC’s allocation from 2% to 4%

The document discusses a proposed amendment to the Universal Basic Education Commission (UBEC) Act to increase its funding from two percent to four percent of the consolidated revenue fund. The bill for this amendment has passed the second reading in the House of Representatives and is sponsored by Muktar Shagaya from Kwara. The amendment aims to strengthen UBEC and provide it with more funding to achieve its objectives. The proposed legislation also highlights the establishment of a Digital Resource Center by UBEC in Abuja, which is intended for the training of teachers on digital education in Nigeria. The Chairman of the House Committee on Basic Education and Services, Bako Useni, expressed the committee's support for the amendment and the new approach to basic education in Nigeria, emphasizing the importance of continuous oversight to ensure the sustainability of the Digital Resource Centre and other initiatives under UBEC's mandate.

7.尼日利亚需要采取协调一致的方法来实现 2030 年供水目标 - WaterAid

摘要:- 国际非政府组织尼日利亚水援助组织强调,尼日利亚有 1.85 亿人缺乏基本供水。- 为了实现 2030 年获得供水的目标,尼日利亚需要将目前的供水率提高六倍进展。- 2021 年水、环境卫生和个人卫生国家结果常规调查 (WASHNORMS) 报告显示,23% 的尼日利亚人无法获得基本供水服务,只有 10% 的人能够获得基本水、环境卫生和个人卫生服务- 增加获得可持续水的机会取决于协调和综合的水资源管理方法,而这种方法是由主要政府和私人利益相关者以及部门参与者的凝聚力、联盟建设、协作和伙伴关系推动的。- 声明强调了多利益相关者的必要性、机构间和政府间合作,以实现有效的水资源管理和向世界各地的每个人提供可持续的供水服务,以促进和平与福祉。


Nigeria needs coordinated approach to meet 2030 target on water supply- WaterAid

Summary:- WaterAid Nigeria, an international NGO, has highlighted that 185 million people in Nigeria lack access to basic water supply.- To meet the 2030 target on access to water supply, Nigeria would need a six-fold increase in the current rates of progress.- The 2021 Water, Sanitation and Hygiene National Outcome Routine Mapping Survey (WASHNORMS) report revealed that 23% of Nigerians do not have access to basic water supply services, and only 10% have access to basic water, sanitation, and hygiene services combined.- Increased access to sustainable water is dependent on a coordinated and integrated approach to water resources management, driven by cohesion, alliance building, collaboration, and partnership by key government and private stakeholders and sector players.- The statement emphasizes the need for multistakeholder, inter-agency, and intergovernmental collaborations for effective water resources management and sustainable water service delivery to everyone everywhere, to promote peace and well-being.

8.为什么 Anambra APGA 下没有取得进展 – Ganduje

APC东南座谈会的主题是东南地区去边缘化和融入国家政治,在阿南布拉州内维举行,APC主席Alhaji Abdullahi Ganduje、伊莫州州长Hope Uzodimma和其他 APC 中坚力量。甘杜杰强调阿南布拉州由于与中央政府脱节而缺乏进展,敦促整合以使该州受益。乌佐迪马强调东南部需要与全国人民大会党的全国一体化保持一致,并强调成为执政党一部分的重要性。阿南布拉州州长新闻秘书和 APGA 副宣传部的反应表明对 Ganduje 的声明表示怀疑和反对,并指出阿南布拉在 APGA 的领导下正在进行基础设施建设。


Why Anambra is not making progress under APGA – Ganduje

The APC South-East Colloquium, themed 'De-marginalisation of South-East Zone and integration into national politics', took place in Nnewi, Anambra State, and was attended by APC Chairman Alhaji Abdullahi Ganduje, Imo State Governor Chief Hope Uzodimma, and other APC stalwarts. Ganduje highlighted Anambra State's lack of progress due to its disconnection from the central government, urging for integration to benefit the state. Uzodimma emphasized the need for the South-East to align with the national integration of the APC and stressed the importance of being part of the ruling political party. Reactions from Anambra State governor's Press Secretary and the Deputy Publicity of APGA suggested skepticism and opposition to Ganduje's statements, citing ongoing infrastructural development in Anambra under APGA's leadership.



阿达马瓦州政府已启动改造首府约拉第二大市场 Jimeta 购物中心的计划。该综合体由 2,330 家商店组成,并将通过更多商店和现代化设施(包括停车场)进行扩建。由商业、贸易和工业专员主持的一个委员会已在吉梅塔指定了一个大型闲置设施,以便在改造期间临时安置贸易商。改造计划包括将商店升级到现代标准,并用多层建筑取代目前的一层商店。该项目预计将在华美达斋戒结束后两周开始,并在一年内完成。该举措与总督的城市更新计划相一致,旨在为周边道路网络的扩张创造空间。


Adamawa remodels capital city’s 2nd biggest market

The Adamawa State Government has initiated plans to remodel the Jimeta Shopping Complex, the second largest market in the capital city, Yola. The complex, which consists of 2,330 shops, is to be expanded with additional shops and modern facilities, including a car park. A committee chaired by the Commissioner of Commerce, Trade & Industry has designated a large unoccupied facility in Jimeta to temporarily house traders while the remodeling takes place. The remodeling plan includes upgrading the shops to modern standards and replacing the current one-story shops with multi-story buildings. The project is expected to commence two weeks after the ongoing Ramada fast and be completed within a year. The initiative aligns with the Governor's urban renewal program and aims to create space for the expansion of the surrounding road network.


拉各斯州政府宣布进行三小时的交通改道,在伊凯贾沿线的一座人行天桥上安装组件,旨在确保行人安全并改善拉各斯轨道交通红线的通行。改道将于 3 23 日星期六和 3 24 日星期日上午 5 点至 8 点之间进行。建议驾车者在此期间使用替代路线。此外,Ikorodu 轴线上的 Asolo 大桥的修复工作将导致改道,并为受影响的驾车者提供替代路线。政府已确保采取必要措施,包括交通管理人员和道路标志,以尽量减少改道期间的不便。


Lagos announces traffic diversions on Ikeja bridge

The Lagos State Government has announced a three-hour traffic diversion to install components on a pedestrian bridge at Ikeja Along, aimed at ensuring pedestrian safety and improving access to the Lagos Rail Mass Transit, Red Line. The diversion will occur on Saturday, March 23, and Sunday, March 24, between 5.00 a.m. to 8.00 a.m. Motorists are advised to use alternative routes during this time. Additionally, rehabilitation work on the Asolo Bridge in the Ikorodu axis will lead to diversions, with alternative routes provided for affected motorists. The government has assured the deployment of necessary measures, including traffic management officials and road signage, to minimize inconveniences during these diversions.

3.NDDC 将加强巴耶尔萨的水产养殖培训

尼日尔三角洲发展委员会(NDDC)宣布计划与巴耶尔萨州政府和一家私营公司合作,在耶纳戈亚地方政府区耶内格韦的巴耶尔萨水产养殖村对年轻人进行水产养殖培训。 NDDC 项目执行主任 Victor Antai 表示,该委员会致力于为该地区的年轻人提供就业机会,特别是农业。该水产养殖场目前由 Aquaseas Company Limited 运营,设有孵化场、土池、饲料厂以及鱼类加工和包装厂。 NDDC 的目标是让尼日尔三角洲九个州的年轻人到农场接受培训,然后为他们分配池塘开始创业。此外,NDDC 计划与巴耶尔萨州政府和该公司建立三方合作伙伴关系,为该地区的年轻人探索最佳合作伙伴关系。 Aquaseas Company Limited 董事总经理强调需要与 NDDC 在能力建设方面进行合作,特别是针对尼日尔三角洲地区的年轻人。该水产养殖村是一个完全综合的设施,重点是该地区青年的培训和能力建设,此前曾与巴耶尔萨州政府和其他组织合作。


NDDC to enhance aquaculture training in Bayelsa

The Niger Delta Development Commission (NDDC) has announced its plans to collaborate with the Bayelsa State Government and a private firm to train youths in aquaculture at the Bayelsa Aquaculture Village in Yenegwe, Yenagoa Local Government Area. The NDDC Executive Director, Projects, Victor Antai, expressed the commission's commitment to providing employment opportunities for the region's youth, with a particular focus on agriculture. The aquaculture farm, currently operated by Aquaseas Company Limited, features a hatchery, earth ponds, feed mill, and fish processing and packaging units. The NDDC aims to bring youths from the nine states of the Niger Delta to train at the farm and subsequently allocate ponds to them to start their businesses. Additionally, the NDDC plans to enter into a tripartite partnership with the Bayelsa State Government and the company to explore the best partnership for the region's youth. The Managing Director of Aquaseas Company Limited emphasized the need for collaboration with the NDDC in capacity building, particularly for the youth in the Niger Delta region. The aquaculture village is a fully integrated facility with a focus on training and capacity building for the region's youth, with previous collaborations involving the Bayelsa State Government and other organizations.

4.解决采矿中禁区问题的专题地图 – DG

尼日利亚矿业地籍办公室主任奥巴迪亚·恩科姆 (Obadiah Nkom) 宣布,正在开发专题地图,以解决矿区禁区问题。这些地图旨在减轻墓地、河流/溪流、军事用地、管道和农田等地区的利益冲突,这些地区一直是采矿业利益相关者之间暴力纠纷的根源。 Nkom 在采矿地籍办公室主办的第 59 届年度国际会议和展览会上宣布了这一消息,强调采矿许可证持有者需要尊重敏感区域。此外,他还强调了尼日利亚地籍采矿系统的数字化,并指出随着电子采矿地籍系统(eMC+)的引入,该行业正在迅速发展。


Thematic maps to resolve “no go areas”  in mining underway – DG

The Director General of the Nigeria Mining Cadastre Office, Obadiah Nkom, has announced that thematic maps are being developed to address the issue of "no go areas" in mining sites. These maps aim to mitigate conflicts of interest in areas such as burial grounds, rivers/streams, military lands, pipelines, and farmlands, which have been sources of violent disputes among stakeholders in the mining industry. Nkom made this announcement at the 59th Annual International Conference and Exhibition sponsored by the Mining Cadastre Office, emphasizing the need for mining license holders to respect sensitive areas. Additionally, he highlighted the digitalization of Nigeria's Cadastre mining system, stating that the industry is rapidly advancing with the introduction of the Electronic Mining Cadastre System (eMC+).


尼日利亚水工程师学会全国主席 Adeyinka Sobowale 博士强调了赋予尼日利亚国家供水机构完全自主权的重要性。他表示,这种自主权将吸引投资者进入该行业,并最终改善安全饮用水的获取。索博瓦勒还强调,需要为该国 36 个州制定水资源或供水总体规划,并制定明确的行动计划,以应对获得安全饮用水的挑战。 Sobowale 表示,尼日利亚 87% 的人口(相当于 1.79 亿人)无法获得安全饮用水。他引用了《2021 年水、环境卫生、个人卫生国家成果常规图》报告,该报告显示,67% 的人口可以获得基本供水服务,但 68% 的人使用的饮用水在收集点受到耐热大肠菌污染。为了解决这个问题,索博瓦勒建议政府应给予各州供水机构充分的自主权,并为每个州制定供水总体规划。他还强调各州需要建立水监管机构来监管服务提供商的活动以保证质量。鉴于全球水资源管理面临的挑战,索博瓦勒最后强调了今年世界水日主题水促进和平的重要性。他强调水资源短缺和用水不平等可能导致紧张和冲突,主张政府探索机会、创新和合作,以加强供水和获得安全管理的饮用水。


Expert seeks autonomy for state water agencies

The National Chairman of the Nigerian Institution of Water Engineers, Dr. Adeyinka Sobowale, emphasized the importance of granting full autonomy to state water supply agencies in Nigeria. He stated that this autonomy would attract investors to the sector and ultimately improve access to safe drinking water. Sobowale also highlighted the need for a water resources or water supply master plan for each of the 36 states in the country, accompanied by a well-defined action plan to address the challenge of access to safe drinking water. According to Sobowale, 87% of Nigeria's population, equivalent to 179 million people, do not have access to safe drinking water. He referenced the 2021 Water, Sanitation, Hygiene National Outcome Routine Mapping report, which revealed that 67% of the population have access to basic water supply services, but 68% use drinking water supplies contaminated by thermotolerant coliform at the point of collection. To tackle this issue, Sobowale proposed that the government should provide full autonomy to state water supply agencies and develop water supply master plans for each state. He also emphasized the need for states to establish water regulatory agencies to regulate the activities of service providers for quality assurance. Sobowale concluded by underscoring the significance of this year's World Water Day theme, "Water For Peace," in light of the challenges facing water resources management worldwide. He stressed the potential for water scarcity and unequal access to water to lead to tensions and conflicts, advocating for government exploration of opportunities, innovation, and collaboration to enhance water supply and access to safely managed drinking water.

6.尼日利亚债务在 2023 年第四季度达到 N97.34tn -DMO

尼日利亚债务管理办公室报告称,2023 年第四季度尼日利亚公共债务达到 97.34 万亿奈拉(1080 亿美元)。这一增长归因于新的国内借款以及多边和双边贷款机构的支付。内债总额占公共债务存量总额的61%,外债占其余39%。外债存量偏向于多边和双边贷款机构的贷款,其中大部分是优惠和半优惠贷款。 DMO 强调其在公共债务管理中采用最佳实践的承诺,并表示支持财政当局增加收入的努力。尽管 2023 年第三季度略有增长,但 DMO 仍然关注债务可持续性。


Nigeria’s debt hit N97.34tn in Q4 2023 -DMO

The Debt Management Office of Nigeria has reported that Nigeria's public debt reached N97.34 trillion ($108 billion) in the fourth quarter of 2023. This increase was attributed to new domestic borrowing and disbursements by multilateral and bilateral lenders. The total domestic debt accounted for 61% of the total public debt stock, while external debt accounted for the remaining 39%. The external debt stock was skewed in favor of loans from multilateral and bilateral lenders, which are mostly concessional and semi-concessional. The DMO emphasized its commitment to employing best practices in public debt management and expressed its support for the fiscal authorities' efforts to increase revenue. Despite a marginal increase in the third quarter of 2023, the DMO remains focused on debt sustainability.


1.NiMet 表示,有效的预警系统可以促进粮食安全

尼日利亚气象局 (NiMet) 局长查尔斯·阿诺西克 (Charles Anosike) 教授强调了有效的预警系统对于促进粮食安全和防范气候灾害的重要性。阿诺斯克在美国国际开发署全球粮食安全战略国家计划启动仪式上发表讲话,强调需要将天气和气候信息纳入整个农业价值链。 NiMet 正在与合作伙伴合作,将天气和气候信息纳入农业部门,其季节性气候预测 (SCP) 工具提供天气和气候变化的展望,包括降雨模式和温度波动。阿诺西克还警告不可预测的降雨模式和极端事件对粮食和水竞争、农业产出和粮食不安全的影响。


Effective early warning system could boost food security, says NiMet

The Director General of the Nigerian Meteorological Agency (NiMet), Professor Charles Anosike, emphasized the importance of an effective early warning system in boosting food security and protecting against climate disasters. Speaking at the USAID Global Food Security Strategy Country Plan launch, Anosike highlighted the need to integrate weather and climate information into the entire agricultural value chain. NiMet is collaborating with partners to incorporate weather and climate information in the agricultural sector, and their Seasonal Climate Prediction (SCP) tool provides an outlook of weather and climate variability, including rainfall patterns and temperature fluctuations. Anosike also warned about the impact of unpredictable rainfall patterns and extreme events on food and water competition, agricultural output, and food insecurity.




British investors vow to revolutionise education

The team of British-Nigerian investors has unveiled a co-educational institution in Abuja, Nigeria, with the aim of revolutionizing the education sector. The institution will offer the Cambridge International Curriculum to provide students with access to quality education and equip them with a competitive edge for future academic pursuits at leading global universities. Renowned British educators have been appointed to bring their expertise in basic education and contribute to the educational enrichment of students. The school envisions its students as inquisitive and independent learners who will emerge as proficient and innovative global leaders. The institution aims to create a positive, caring, and safe school environment while fostering inquiry-based learning and instilling ethical values in students to become innovative and capable global leaders.


1.BBNaija's Miracle从航空学校毕业,获得认证飞行员

奈贾前室友Miracle Ikechukwu Igbokwe已顺利从航空学校毕业,并取得了飞行员资格。他在 Instagram 页面上宣布了这一激动人心的消息,并分享了一段自己在飞机驾驶舱内接受飞行助理指导的视频。此外,他还在 Instagram 故事上发布了一张飞行员证书的照片。


BBNaija’s Miracle graduates from aviation school, certified pilot

The former Big Brother Naija housemate, Miracle Ikechukwu Igbokwe, has successfully graduated from aviation school and has been certified as a pilot. He announced this exciting news on his Instagram page, where he shared a video of himself inside the cockpit of a plane receiving guidance from the flight assistant. Additionally, he posted a photo of his pilot certificate on his Instagram story.


这篇文章强调了达维多在非洲取得成功后打算将注意力转向他的美国梦。达维多表达了他与全球艺术家合作的愿望,并提到他正在制作两张专辑,一张为非洲,一张为美国。他强调他的目标是分享伟大的音乐和想法,影响其他艺术家,并为他人创作和制作。达维多还讨论了他与亚特兰大艺术家的联系,特别是因为他在那里住了几年,目前在该市拥有一所房子。他表达了他对美国文化,尤其是南方文化的熟悉,以及他与 Young Thug Gunna 等艺术家的关系。文章还提到了达维多的早年生活,他出生于亚特兰大,后来在幼儿时期搬到了尼日利亚。


It’s time to live the American dream – Davido

The article highlights Davido's intention to shift his focus to his American dream after achieving success in Africa. Davido expressed his desire to collaborate with artists globally and mentioned that he is working on two albums, one for Africa and one for America. He emphasized his goal to share great music and ideas, influence other artists, and write and produce for others. Davido also discussed his connection with Atlanta artists, particularly due to having lived there for several years and currently owning a house in the city. He expressed his familiarity with the American culture, particularly in the South, and his relationship with artists like Young Thug and Gunna. The article also mentions Davido's early life, having been born in Atlanta and later moving to Nigeria as a toddler.


拉各斯州政府正在支持巴西后裔艺术文化协会保护和庆祝巴西跨文化遗产,以促进该州的旅游业。政府参与定于 2024 3 29 日至 31 日举行的第三届年度波波阿古达复活节艺术和音乐盛会,这标志着保护和庆祝该州文化特征的重要性。该活动包括舞蹈表演和美食,旨在吸引观众并促进跨文化交流。政府致力于培育和促进庆祝集体遗产的举措,并相信该活动有潜力促进拉各斯的旅游业和经济发展。规划委员会主席、海军少将安东尼·奥尼(已退役)强调了该活动在通过音乐、艺术和旅游促进团结、社会互动和文化保护方面的作用。


Cross-cultural Brazilian heritage will boost tourism, says Lagos

The Lagos State Government is supporting the Brazilian Descendants Arts and Culture Association to preserve and celebrate cross-cultural Brazilian heritage, with the aim of boosting tourism in the state. The involvement of the government in the third Annual Popo Aguda Easter Arts and Music Extravaganza, scheduled for March 29th and 31st, 2024, signifies the importance of preserving and celebrating cultural identities within the state. The event, which includes dance performances and culinary delights, is intended to captivate audiences and promote cross-cultural exchange. The government is committed to nurturing and promoting initiatives that celebrate collective heritage and believes that the event has the potential to enhance tourism and economic development in Lagos. Rear Admiral Anthony Oni (retd.), Chairman of the Planning Committee, highlighted the event's role in fostering unity, social interaction, and cultural preservation through music, arts, and tourism.


在马拉喀什大体育场举行的一场国际友谊赛中,超级鹰队以 2-1 击败了由 10 人组成的加纳黑星队。这一结果意味着黑星队在过去的六场比赛中未尝一胜。临时教练菲尼迪·乔治凭借西里尔·德瑟斯和阿德莫拉·卢克曼的进球赢得了他的第一场胜利,而乔丹·阿尤则为加纳队打进了安慰性进球。前本德尔保险公司后卫本杰明·塔尼姆首次代表老鹰队出场,威尔弗雷德·恩迪迪以队长身份回归。在杰罗姆·奥波库被出示红牌后,黑星队下半场大部分时间都是由 10 人上阵。老鹰队将于 3 26 日星期二在马拉喀什与马里队进行另一场友谊赛。


Super Eagles defeat Ghana 2-1 in friendly

The Super Eagles defeated the 10-man Black Stars of Ghana 2-1 in an international friendly at the Grand Stade de Marrakech. The result means the Black Stars are winless in their last six games. Interim coach Finidi George earned his first win with goals from Cyriel Dessers and Ademola Lookman, while Jordan Ayew scored Ghana’s consolation goal. Former Bendel Insurance defender Benjamin Tanimu made his first appearance for the Eagles, and Wilfred Ndidi returned as captain. The Black Stars played most of the second half with 10 men after Jerome Opoku was shown a red card. The Eagles will play Mali in another friendly on Tuesday, 26 March in Marrakech.




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