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2024-03-24 08:58 阅读量:4k+





1.刚刚:Tinubu 接待来自 MetaFacebook 的代表

该文件讨论了博拉·蒂努布总统在阿布贾州议会大厦与尼克·克莱格爵士率领的 Meta Platforms Incorporated 代表团的会面。蒂努布总统强调尼日利亚在技术进步方面不落后的重要性,并表示其政府致力于在信息和通信技术领域开辟机会。他还强调了技术在推动小型企业发展方面的重要性,并表达了合作促进共同利益的愿望。克莱格爵士感谢蒂努布总统颁布行政命令,促进 Meta 支持的深海电缆在尼日利亚登陆,并宣布计划在 Instagram 上推出一项功能,允许尼日利亚创作者通过其内容获利。通信、创新和数字经济部长Bosun Tijani 博士强调了 Meta 平台在尼日利亚的关键作用,以及需要继续参与为该国人民创造机会并为全球发展做出贡献。


JUST IN: Tinubu receives delegates from Meta, Facebook

The document discusses President Bola Tinubu's meeting with a delegation from Meta Platforms Incorporated, led by Sir Nick Clegg, at the State House in Abuja. President Tinubu emphasized the importance of Nigeria not being left behind in technological advancements and expressed his administration's commitment to opening up opportunities in information and communications technology. He also highlighted the significance of technology in driving small businesses and expressed a desire for collaboration to promote mutual interests. Sir Clegg thanked President Tinubu for an executive order facilitating the landing of a Meta-backed deep-sea cable in Nigeria and announced plans for a feature on Instagram to allow Nigerian creators to monetize their content. Dr. Bosun Tijani, Minister of Communications, Innovation, and Digital Economy, emphasized the critical role of Meta platforms in Nigeria and the need for continued engagement to create opportunities for the country's people and contribute to global development.


该文件讨论了博拉·蒂努布总统对减少尼日利亚天然气燃烧和实施可持续发展报告标准的承诺。他在与国际可持续发展标准委员会主席 Emmanuel Faber 先生会面时表达了这一承诺,并认可了尼日利亚的采用准备路线图。该路线图旨在指导企业制定全面的可持续发展报告标准。蒂努布总统强调了可持续发展议程中合规的重要性,并承诺与 ISSB 合作,通过改革财务管理体系有效利用国家资源。法贝尔先生赞扬尼日利亚对可持续发展报告的承诺,并指出该国采用严格的新标准将释放可持续的资本流入并促进价值链的包容性。此外,尼日利亚财务报告委员会执行秘书 Rabiu Olowo 博士解释了尼日利亚加入可持续发展报告全球基线的决定,并概述了采用准备路线图。该文件还强调了可持续性标准的早期采用者以及强制采用的时间表。


Tinubu promises to reduce gas flaring

The document discusses President Bola Tinubu's commitment to reducing gas flaring and implementing sustainability reporting standards in Nigeria. He expressed this commitment during a meeting with the International Sustainability Standards Board Chair, Mr. Emmanuel Faber, and endorsed Nigeria's Adoption Readiness Roadmap. The roadmap aims to guide businesses towards comprehensive sustainability reporting standards. President Tinubu emphasized the importance of compliance within the sustainability agenda and pledged to collaborate with ISSB to effectively harness national resources through reformed financial management systems. Mr. Faber praised Nigeria's commitment to sustainability reporting and noted that the country's adoption of rigorous new standards will unlock sustainable capital inflows and promote inclusivity in value chains. Additionally, the Executive Secretary of the Financial Reporting Council of Nigeria, Dr. Rabiu Olowo, explained Nigeria's decision to join the global baseline for sustainability reporting and outlined the adoption readiness roadmap. The document also highlighted the early adopters of the sustainability standards and the timeline for mandatory adoption.


作为改革计划的一部分,联邦公务员制度委员会正计划实施基于计算机的晋升考试。主席 Tunji Olaopa 教授宣布从模拟实践过渡到基于计算机的测试以及核心操作的现代化。该委员会还推出了一个可供所有尼日利亚人访问的在线招聘门户,允许符合条件的候选人预先填写和更新招聘表格。符合资格的候选人将接受机考和口试,结果将实时整理和发布。该委员会正在与尼日利亚国立开放大学和 JAMB 作为技术合作伙伴签订外包合同,为联邦服务官员提供在线认证、CBT 考试和晋升面试。主席表示希望改革后的计划能够加强委员会的专业精神并支持总统的重燃希望议程。尼日利亚国立开放大学考试与评估主任 Olugbenga Ojo 教授支持使用 CBT 进行升级考试,并强调了这种方法的优点。


Civil service commission adopts computer-based tests for workers promotion

The Federal Civil Service Commission is planning to implement computer-based tests for promotional examinations as part of its reformed plans. The Chairman, Prof. Tunji Olaopa, announced the transition from analogue-rooted practices to computer-based tests and the modernization of core operations. The commission is also introducing an online recruitment portal accessible to all Nigerians, allowing eligible candidates to pre-fill and update recruitment forms. Eligible candidates will undergo computer-based tests and oral interviews, with results collated and released in real-time. The commission is entering into an outsourcing contract with the National Open University of Nigeria and JAMB as technical partners to enable online accreditation, CBT examinations, and promotion interviews for officers in the Federal service. The chairman expressed hope that the reformed plan would strengthen the professionalism of the commission and support the President's Renewed Hope Agenda. The Director of Examinations and Assessment at the National Open University of Nigeria, Prof. Olugbenga Ojo, supported the use of CBT for promotion exams and emphasized the advantages of this approach.


过去五年,美国政府在尼日利亚粮食安全方面投资了 2 亿美元,并向尼日利亚 33 家私营公司额外提供了 1.5 亿美元赠款。美国驻尼日利亚代理大使 David Greene 在阿布贾举行的 2024-2029 年全球粮食安全战略发布会上宣布对尼日利亚横跨七个州的可可价值链进行投资。该战略旨在未来五年提高农业生产力并推动经济增长。尽管有这些支持,格林强调尼日利亚人最有能力解决影响他们的问题。美国还参与了旨在为尼日利亚人提供装备的交流计划和奖学金,美国农业部资助科学交流研究员和私营部门利益相关者在美国进行研究。这包括阿加达·祝福(Agada Blessing)的案例,他是一名博士来自贝努埃州的学生,她得到美国国际开发署的支持,开展气候变化和化肥使用方面的研究。美国政府和其他合作伙伴已准备好支持尼日利亚,但他们强调尼日利亚政府需要创造一个支持私营部门的有利环境部门主导的增长和创业。这包括采用转基因作物和取消贸易限制以促进竞争和自由贸易。美国国际开发署尼日利亚代表团副主任萨拉·沃斯强调了尼日利亚粮食不安全的挑战,但强调通过政府间的携手合作,拥有丰富未来的潜力、私营企业、学术界和民间社会。


US invests $200m on Nigeria’s food security in five years, says US envoy

The United States government has invested $200 million in food security in Nigeria over the last five years, with an additional $150 million in grants given to 33 private sector companies in Nigeria. The US Acting Ambassador to Nigeria, David Greene, announced the investment in Nigeria's cocoa value chain, spanning across seven states, at the 2024-2029 Global Food Security Strategy Launch in Abuja. The strategy aims to boost agriculture productivity and drive economic growth over the next five years. Despite the support, Greene emphasized that Nigerians are best placed to solve the issues that affect them.The US is also engaged in exchange programs and fellowships aimed at equipping Nigerians, with the U.S. Department of Agriculture sponsoring scientific exchange fellows and private sector stakeholders to study in the United States. This includes the case of Agada Blessing, a Ph.D. student from Benue State, who was supported by USAID to develop her research on climate change and fertilizer use.The US government and other partners are ready to support Nigeria, but they emphasize the need for the Nigerian government to create an enabling environment that supports private sector-led growth and entrepreneurship. This includes embracing the adoption of genetically modified crops and removing trade restrictions to foster competition and free trade.USAID Nigeria Deputy Mission Director, Sara Werth, highlighted the challenge of food insecurity in Nigeria but emphasized the potential for a bountiful future by joining hands across government, private enterprise, academia, and civil society.


内政部长奥鲁本米·通吉-奥乔会见了国防参谋长克里斯托弗·穆萨将军,讨论了军队和准军事机构之间合作以加强国家安全的必要性。 Tunji-Ojo 强调了无缝情报共享和资源分配对于应对新出现威胁的重要性。他强调了尼日利亚移民局和尼日利亚安全与民防部队开展培训举措的必要性。通吉-奥乔呼吁谅解,以促进该部下属机构与尼日利亚军方之间的协调和行动援助。穆萨将军赞扬了通吉-奥乔的举措,并重申武装部队致力于支持该部加强内部安全。他强调国防部和内政部团结应对当代安全挑战的重要性。


Interior minister seeks military, paramilitary cooperation

The Minister of Interior, Olubunmi Tunji-Ojo, met with the Chief of Defence Staff, General Christopher Musa, to discuss the need for collaboration between the military and paramilitary agencies to bolster national security. Tunji-Ojo emphasized the importance of seamless intelligence sharing and resource allocation to counter emerging threats. He highlighted the need for training initiatives for the Nigeria Immigration Service and the Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corps. Tunji-Ojo called for understanding to facilitate coordination and operational assistance between agencies under the ministry and the Nigerian military. General Musa commended Tunji-Ojo's initiatives and reaffirmed the Armed Forces' commitment to supporting the ministry in enhancing internal security. He stressed the importance of unity between the Ministry of Defence and the Ministry of Interior in addressing contemporary security challenges.




Mandela Washington fellows seek better deal for women

The document discusses the need for women to have leadership roles in rural areas of Nigeria to promote sustainable development and advance social justice. The Special Adviser to the Lagos State Governor on Health emphasized the importance of including women in decision-making bodies and policy forums, as well as addressing gender bias and stereotypes among policymakers and stakeholders. Overcoming these obstacles requires sustained commitment, leadership, and collaboration across government agencies, civil society organizations, and other stakeholders. Additionally, it was noted that to close the gender gap, women in rural and urban areas need to receive equal attention, and funding and market access would enable women in small and medium-sized businesses to prosper. The event also recognized and awarded individuals who have made significant contributions in various fields.


内政部长 Olubunmi Tunji-Ojo 博士在尼日利亚移民局 (NIS) 总部举行的 30 辆边境监视作业车辆落成仪式上强调了博拉·蒂努布总统对边境安全的真诚承诺。通吉-奥乔强调,蒂努布认为确保尼日利亚边境安全对于该国的和平与安全至关重要。他强调总统致力于为国家情报院有效履行职责提供领导、设备、福利和支持。国家情报局总审计长凯米·南纳·南达普女士重申了有效的边境监视和巡逻对于维护国家主权和公民的重要性。购买这 30 辆车辆被视为增强国家情报院履行职责能力的一项重大投资,特别是在侦查和威慑非法活动和跨国犯罪方面。南达普还提到了重组边境部队架构的计划,以确保根据国家情报院的核心任务对边境进行一致的监视和巡逻。


Tinubu’s commitment to border security not a rhetoric, says Tunji-Ojo

The Minister of Interior, Dr Olubunmi Tunji-Ojo, emphasized President Bola Tinubu's genuine commitment to border security during the inauguration of 30 operational vehicles for border surveillance at the Nigeria Immigration Service (NIS) headquarters. Tunji-Ojo stressed that Tinubu believes that securing Nigeria's borders is crucial for the country's peace and security. He highlighted the president's dedication to providing leadership, equipment, welfare, and support for the NIS to effectively carry out its duties. The Comptroller-General of NIS, Mrs Kemi Nanna Nandap, echoed the importance of effective border surveillance and patrol in safeguarding the nation's sovereignty and citizens. The acquisition of the 30 vehicles is seen as a significant investment in enhancing the NIS's capacity to carry out its duties, particularly in detecting and deterring illegal activities and transnational crimes. Nandap also mentioned plans to restructure the Border Corps architecture to ensure consistent surveillance and patrol of the borders in line with the NIS's core mandate.

8.INEC 为埃多和翁多政府民意调查进行早期安全准备工作

该文件讨论了国家独立选举委员会(INEC)主席马哈茂德·雅库布教授为埃多州和翁多州非周期州长选举及早做好安全准备的主张。雅库布强调了早期安全准备工作的重要性,埃多州和翁多州成功举行 2020 年州长选举就证明了这一点。他强调需要采取积极措施,确保人员、后勤和资产顺利部署到战略地点。此外,雅库布敦促参加江户知事选举的政党在提名门户关闭之前上传候选人的姓名和详细信息。该文件还提供了即将举行的州长选举的详细信息,包括埃多州和翁多州的登记选民人数、登记区域/选区以及投票站。此外,它还概述了选举的时间表、参与政党的数量以及上传候选人信息的截止日期。


INEC canvass early security preparations for Edo, Ondo Gov polls

The document discusses the advocacy by the Chairman of the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC), Prof Mahmood Yakubu, for early security preparation for the off-cycle governorship elections in Edo and Ondo States. Yakubu emphasized the importance of early security preparations, as demonstrated by the successful conduct of the 2020 governorship elections in Edo and Ondo States. He highlighted the need for proactive measures to ensure the smooth deployment of personnel, logistics, and assets to strategic locations. Additionally, Yakubu urged political parties participating in the Edo governorship elections to upload the names and particulars of their candidates before the nomination portal closes. The document also provides details about the upcoming governorship elections, including the number of registered voters, registration areas/wards, and polling units in Edo and Ondo States. Furthermore, it outlines the timeline for the elections, the number of political parties participating, and the deadline for uploading candidates' information.





Excitement as Lagosians await roll out of Red Line coaches

The summary of the document is that Lagosians are eagerly anticipating the roll-out of the Red Line rail system, which is expected to alleviate transit challenges in the region. The Red Line is poised to be a significant alternative for commuters, connecting the state with neighboring Ogun State. The line is expected to cater to a large number of passengers, with plans to extend its reach in the future. The project has received commendation from various leaders and experts, and it is seen as a significant step in the transformation of Lagos' transportation system.

2.NEC 批准在全国范围内启动 6.17 亿美元的 i-DICE 计划

国家经济委员会 (NEC) 已批准在全国范围内启动 6.177 亿美元的数字和创意企业投资 (i-DICE) 计划。副总统兼国家经济委员会主席卡西姆·谢蒂玛强调,政府致力于为所有尼日利亚人留下繁荣和机会的遗产。该计划旨在通过提供融资、培训和指导来增强企业家和小企业主的能力,创造就业机会并刺激经济增长。该计划将由多个组织资助,包括非洲开发银行、法国开发署和伊斯兰开发银行。该计划预计将培训和认证超过 120 万年轻人的 ICT 技能,为每个州创造至少 10 万个就业机会,并在全国范围内创造约 560 万个间接就业机会。政府正在优先考虑技能获取和创造就业机会,重点关注包容性和公平获得机会。该计划是政府创造更多可持续就业机会、实现经济多元化以及在全国范围内装备数字和创意孵化中心/创新中心的战略的一部分。


NEC okays take-off of $617mn i-DICE programme nation-wide

The National Economic Council (NEC) has approved the take-off of the $617.7 million Investment in Digital and Creative Enterprises (i-DICE) programme nationwide. Vice President Kashim Shettima, chairman of the NEC, emphasized the government's commitment to leaving a legacy of prosperity and opportunity for all Nigerians. The program aims to empower entrepreneurs and small business owners, create jobs, and spur economic growth by providing access to financing, training, and mentorship. The program will be funded by various organizations, including the African Development Bank, the French Development Agency, and the Islamic Development Bank. The program is expected to train and certify over 1.2 million youths in ICT skills, create at least 100,000 jobs per state, and generate approximately 5.6 million indirect jobs nationwide. The government is prioritizing skill acquisition and job creation, with a focus on inclusivity and equitable access to opportunities. The program is part of the government's strategy to create more sustainable jobs, diversify the economy, and equip digital and creative incubation hubs/innovation centers across the country.

3.Fan Milk Obasanjo Farms 合作开展乳制品生产

该文件报道了 Fan Milk PLC Obasanjo Farms尼日利亚有限公司之间的战略合作伙伴关系,旨在推进奶牛养殖扩张并促进尼日利亚的本地采购。该合作伙伴关系包括在第一年内生产 300 头小母牛,并计划到 2026 年底将这一数字翻倍。Fan Milk 将从埃及进口 100 头怀孕小母牛,并将根据协议条款承购生产的新鲜牛奶五年合作伙伴协议。合作还包括人员培训和技术能力建设,重点是在农村地区创造就业机会。两家公司都致力于与当地社区合作,解决社会问题并促进负责任的企业公民意识。前总统奥卢塞贡·奥巴桑乔 (Olusegun Obasanjo) 对此次合作表示兴奋,达能撒哈拉以南非洲地区总经理强调了在当地采购原材料和赋予当地农民权力的重要性。该伙伴关系符合当前政府的议程,包括确保粮食安全、促进经济增长和消除贫困。尼日利亚奥巴桑乔农场有限公司的项目负责人对此次合作表示高兴,并强调了其对尼日利亚乳制品行业的重要性。 Fan Milk PLC 董事总经理强调,该合作伙伴关系旨在提高当地乳制品生产、减少进口依赖并促进可持续农业实践。法律公共事务总监兼秘书长表示,此次合作对公司来说具有战略意义,体现了 Fan Milk PLC 对促进尼日利亚乳业可持续发展的承诺。


Fan Milk, Obasanjo Farms partner on dairy production

The document reports on a strategic partnership between Fan Milk PLC and Obasanjo Farms Nigeria Limited aimed at advancing dairy farming expansion and promoting local sourcing in Nigeria. The partnership involves the production of 300 heifers within the first year, with plans to double that figure by the end of 2026. Fan Milk will be importing 100 pregnant heifers from Egypt, and will off-take the fresh milk produced as per the terms of the five-year partnership agreement. The collaboration also includes training and technical capacity building for personnel, with a focus on creating employment opportunities in rural areas. Both companies are committed to engaging with local communities to address social concerns and promote responsible corporate citizenship. Former President Olusegun Obasanjo expressed excitement over the partnership, and the General Manager of Danone Sub-Saharan Africa emphasized the importance of sourcing raw materials locally and empowering local farmers. The partnership aligns with the current government administration's agenda, including ensuring food security, promoting economic growth, and ending poverty. The Project Lead for Obasanjo Farms Nigeria Limited expressed pleasure at the partnership, highlighting its importance for the Nigerian dairy industry. The Managing Director of Fan Milk PLC emphasized that the partnership is designed to enhance local dairy production, reduce import dependency, and foster sustainable agricultural practices. The Director of Legal Public Affairs and General Secretary stated that the partnership is strategic for the company and demonstrates Fan Milk PLC's commitment to fostering sustainable dairy development in Nigeria.


贝宁总统埃乌阿雷二世在与尼日利亚制造商协会官员会面时强调,政府需要制定促进当地生产和促进出口的政策。他强调,鼓励出口将增强国家经济,并呼吁生产能够与外国产品竞争的高质量产品。奥巴还强调了确保尼日利亚生产的商品符合高质量标准并适合出口的重要性。 MAN 总裁 Otunba Francis Meshioye 寻求 Oba 的支持,以解决影响制造业的制约因素,包括埃多州基础设施发展的需要和推广尼日利亚制造的产品。 Meshioye 还强调了与宏观经济环境、燃料补贴取消、汇率波动和关税评估率相关的挑战,这些挑战对制造业产生了影响。


Roll out better production, export policies, Benin monarch urges govt

The Oba of Benin, Ewuare II, emphasized the need for government policies to promote local production and boost exports during a meeting with officials of the Manufacturers Association of Nigeria. He stressed that encouraging exports would enhance the nation’s economy and called for the production of high-quality goods that can compete with foreign products. The Oba also highlighted the importance of ensuring that goods produced in Nigeria meet high quality standards and are suitable for export. The President of MAN, Otunba Francis Meshioye, sought the Oba's support in addressing constraints affecting the manufacturing sector, including the need for infrastructural development in Edo State and the promotion of made-in-Nigeria products. Meshioye also highlighted challenges related to the macro-economic environment, fuel subsidy removal, exchange rate fluctuations, and customs duty assessment rates, which have impacted the manufacturing sector.


尼日利亚港务局 (NPA) 总经理 Mohammed Bello-Koko 强调了该国港口设施的缺陷,包括码头墙以及更换旧重力墙和修复 Escravos 防波堤的必要性。贝洛-科科在众议院港口委员会面前为 NPA 的预算辩护,寻求 Afrexime 银行和英国出口融资公司的贷款,以满足修复和重建破旧港口基础设施的迫切需要。 NPA 预计收入约为 6298.9 亿奈拉,旨在通过投资资金增加货运量。委员会主席强调了新人民军对该国的重要性,并表示有必要访问拉各斯以外的设施进行评估。此外,他对港口航道充满残骸表示担忧,并敦促国家人民军解决这一问题,以防止再次发生类似情况。


Defect in ports’ facilities hampering operations at ports, says NPA MD

The Managing Director of the Nigerian Port Authority (NPA), Mohammed Bello-Koko, highlighted the defects in the facilities at the nation’s ports, including the quay wall and the need for the replacement of old gravity walls and the rehabilitation of Escravos breakwaters. Bello-Koko defended the NPA's budget before the House of Representatives Committee on Ports and Harbours, seeking a loan from Afrexime Bank and the United Kingdom Export Finance to address the urgent need for rehabilitating and reconstructing dilapidated port infrastructure. The NPA is projecting about N629.89 billion in revenue and aiming to increase cargo traffic through investment funding. The committee chairman emphasized the importance of the NPA to the country and expressed the need to visit facilities outside Lagos for assessment. Additionally, he raised concerns about the ports' channels being full of wreckage and urged the NPA to address this issue to prevent further occurrences.


摘要:固体矿产开发部长德勒·阿拉克 (Dele Alake) 启动了一个新的矿山安全机构,由尼日利亚安全和民防部队 (NSCDC)、警察、陆军、海军和空军组成,将驻扎在尼日利亚 36 个州联邦和联邦首都地区 (FCT)。包括安全问题在内的七点议程得到了博拉·蒂努布总统的支持。矿业元帅已移交给该部负责确保采矿环境的安全,旨在消除尼日利亚矿业部门的不安全局势,实现收入最大化。


Alake launches mines’ security apparatus

Summary: Solid Minerals Development Minister Dele Alake has launched a new mines security apparatus, comprising the Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corps (NSCDC), the police, the army, navy, and the air force, to be domiciled in the 36 states of the federation and the Federal Capital Territory (FCT). The seven-point agenda, including the issue of security, has received the blessing of President Bola Tinubu. The Mines Marshal has been handed over to the ministry to secure the mining environment, with the aim of combating insecurity in the mineral sector of Nigeria to maximize revenue.

7.FG 告诉新任采矿法警,铲除非法矿工

固体矿产开发部实施了新的安全架构,以打击非法采矿和其他与国家矿产资源有关的犯罪活动。这项名为采矿元帅军团的举措涉及来自尼日利亚安全和民防军团的 2,220 名经过专门训练的安全人员。固体矿产开发部部长德勒·阿拉克 (Dele Alake) 强调了确保矿区安全和消除非法行为以最大限度地提高国家从矿产资源中获益的重要性。这一进展是在固体矿产部长领导的部际委员会成立之后发生的,该委员会旨在制定保护该国自然资源和遏制非法采矿威胁的蓝图。 Mines Marshal 是一个遍布 36 个州和 FCT 的指挥机构,旨在确保矿场安全并打击来自尼日利亚的非法采矿和走私固体矿物。这是一个跨机构的安全机构,将包括来自其他安全机构的特别人员。 NSCDC 司令阿布巴卡尔·奥迪 (Abubakar Audi) 表示相信矿业元帅将有效保护国家资产和基础设施,而众议院固体矿产委员会主席 Hon.乔纳森·格贝夫维 (Jonathan Gbefwi) 对新的安全机构表示满意,并承诺继续提供支持。矿业元帅由指挥官 CSC Attah John Onoja 领导,预计将在确保尼日利亚矿业部门安全和促进国家经济增长方面发挥关键作用。


Smoke out illegal miners, FG tells new mining marshals

The Ministry of Solid Mineral Development has implemented a new security architecture to combat illegal mining and other nefarious activities related to the nation's mineral resources. This initiative, known as the "Mining Marshal Corps," involves 2,220 specially trained security personnel from the Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corps. The Minister of Solid Mineral Development, Dele Alake, emphasized the importance of securing mining sites and eliminating illegality to maximize the nation's benefits from its mineral resources. This development follows the establishment of an inter-ministerial committee, led by the Solid Minerals minister, to develop a blueprint for securing the country's natural resources and curbing the illegal mining menace. The Mines Marshal, a command structure spread across the 36 states and the FCT, aims to ensure security at mining sites and counter illegal mining and smuggling of solid minerals from Nigeria. It is an inter-agency security outfit that will incorporate special operatives from other security agencies. The NSCDC Commandant-General, Abubakar Audi, expressed confidence that the Mines Marshal will effectively protect national assets and infrastructure, while the Chairman of the House Committee on Solid Minerals, Hon. Jonathan Gbefwi, expressed satisfaction with the new security outfit and pledged continued support. The Mines Marshal is led by a Commander, CSC Attah John Onoja, and is expected to play a crucial role in securing Nigeria's mineral sector and contributing to the nation's economic growth.


该文件概述了尼日利亚侨民委员会 (NIDCOM) 主席兼首席执行官 Abike Dabiri-Erewa 与投资集团 Optiva Capital 在阿布贾举行的会议。 Dabiri-Erewa 强调了通过侨民投资促进尼日利亚经济繁荣的潜力,并强调与 Optiva Capital 的合作是挖掘侨民社区潜力的一步。此次会议符合 NIDCOM 与侨民建立结构化关系并建立信任的目标。达比里-埃雷瓦还提到了现有的平台,即侨民投资峰会上的尼日利亚人,该平台是侨民投资尼日利亚经济各个部门的纽带。此外,她还讨论了在适当的政府监督下由私营部门驱动的结构化尼日利亚侨民基金的计划。 Optiva Capital Partners 首席执行官 Jane Kimemia 对此次合作表示满意,并承诺与委员会进行战略合作,使侨民投资机会增加一倍。 Optiva Capital Partners 被描述为一家著名的财富管理公司,专门从事投资移民、投资咨询和保险服务。


Diaspora investment crucial to Nigeria’s economic prosperity …Dabiri-Erewa

The document outlines a meeting between Abike Dabiri-Erewa, Chairman/CEO of Nigerians in Diaspora Commission (NIDCOM), and an Investment Group, Optiva Capital, in Abuja. Dabiri-Erewa emphasizes the potential for economic prosperity in Nigeria through Diaspora investment, highlighting the collaboration with Optiva Capital as a step toward harnessing the Diaspora community's potential. The meeting aligns with NIDCOM's objectives of fostering a structured relationship with the Diaspora and building trust. Dabiri-Erewa also mentions the existing platform, the Nigerians in Diaspora Investment Summit, which serves as a linkage for Diasporans to invest in various sectors of Nigeria's economy. Additionally, she discusses plans for a structured Nigerian diaspora fund to be private-sector driven with appropriate government supervision. Jane Kimemia, CEO of Optiva Capital Partners, expresses satisfaction with the engagement and promises to work strategically with the Commission to double Diaspora investment opportunities. Optiva Capital Partners is described as a prominent wealth management firm specializing in investment immigration, investment advisory, and insurance services.



该文件讨论了教育技术平台 Edureel 对教育革命的全球影响。该平台由 Stephen Onyedikachi Onwe 创建,旨在利用技术改善全球教育。它通过人工智能驱动的工具解决了抄袭和个性化学习体验需求等挑战。尽管其影响力遍及全球,Edureel 仍然深深植根于尼日利亚的创新,旨在影响和提升全球教育标准。 Stephen Onwe 致力于推进教育技术并赋予教育工作者和学生权力,目标是提高全球教育的整体质量。


Firm committed to revolutionising education globally

The document discusses the global impact of Edureel, an educational technology platform, on revolutionizing education. Founded by Stephen Onyedikachi Onwe, the platform aims to use technology to improve education globally. It addresses challenges such as plagiarism and the demand for personalized learning experiences through AI-driven tools. Despite its global reach, Edureel remains deeply rooted in Nigerian innovation and aims to influence and elevate educational standards globally. Stephen Onwe is committed to advancing educational technology and empowering educators and students, with the goal of enhancing the overall quality of education worldwide.


尼日利亚侨民医学实验室科学家 (NMLSD) 将举行首次会议,旨在改变尼日利亚的医疗保健。该组织于 2021 年在美国成立,拥有来自世界各地的多元化专业人士成员。该会议题为利用侨民经验改进尼日利亚医学实验室科学实践,重点是利用其成员的专业知识来推进尼日利亚的医疗保健。主讲人包括西非医学检验科学研究生学院注册主任 Godswill Okara 博士和美国康奈尔大学助理教授 Zeribe Nwosu 博士。 NMLSD 主席 Mujeeb Shittu 博士强调了会议在解决问题方面的作用医疗保健方面的挑战,特别是考虑到基础设施缺陷和熟练专业人员短缺导致医疗旅游业不断增长。会议委员会联合主席 Ukpai Eze 博士强调,尼日利亚需要投资于医学实验室诊断能力建设。


Lab scientists holds maiden conference

The Nigerian Medical Laboratory Scientists in Diaspora (NMLSD) is set to hold its inaugural conference, aimed at transforming healthcare in Nigeria. The organization, established in the United States in 2021, has a diverse membership of professionals from around the world. The conference, titled "Leveraging Diaspora Experience for Improved Medical Laboratory Science Practice in Nigeria," will focus on harnessing the expertise of its members to advance healthcare in Nigeria. Keynote speakers include Dr. Godswill Okara, Registrar of the West African Postgraduate College of Medical Laboratory Sciences, and Dr. Zeribe Nwosu, Assistant Professor at Cornell University in the U.S. The President of NMLSD, Dr. Mujeeb Shittu, highlighted the conference's role in addressing healthcare challenges, particularly in light of rising medical tourism due to infrastructure deficiencies and a shortage of skilled professionals. Dr. Ukpai Eze, the co-chair of the conference committee, emphasized the need for investments in medical laboratory diagnostic capacity building in Nigeria.


1.Israel Adesanya 开展房地产业务

简介: 出生于尼日利亚的UFC知名拳手Israel Adesanya宣布进军房地产行业。他通过 Instagram 页面宣布了这一消息,分享了房地产开发启动的视频,并将投资房地产的决定归功于父亲的指导。 Adesanya 将整个组织的规划和发展归功于他的父亲 Oluwafemi Adesanya,强调了 Adesanya 家族遗产的力量和长久性。


Israel Adesanya launches Real Estates business

Summary: Israel Adesanya, a well-known Nigerian-born UFC fighter, has announced his entry into the real estate business. He made the announcement via his Instagram page, sharing a video of the property development kick-off and attributing the decision to invest in real estate to his father's guidance. Adesanya credited his father, Oluwafemi Adesanya, with the planning and development of the entire organization, emphasizing the strength and longevity of the Adesanya family's legacy.


文章报道,前尼日利亚足球联合会(NFF)主席阿马朱·平尼克(Amaju Pinnick)和音乐巨星戴维多(Davido)拥有的布朗希尔投资公司(Brownhill Investment Company)已就针对戴维多音乐全球有限公司(Davido Music Worldwide Limited)提起的诉讼达成庭外和解。位于埃弗伦的三角洲高等法院赞扬双方的友好解决和庭外和解。该诉讼于 2023 10 月提起,涉及第 19 Warri Again 音乐会的演出合同违约。


Pinnick, Davido to settle out of court

The article reports that the Brownhill Investment Company owned by former Nigeria Federation Football (NFF) chairman Amaju Pinnick and music superstar Davido have reached an out-of-court settlement in a case filed against Davido Music Worldwide Limited. The Delta High Court sitting in Effurun commended both parties for their amicable resolution and settlement out of court. The lawsuit, filed in October 2023, pertained to a breach of contract for a performance at the 19th edition of the 'Warri Again Concert'.




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