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Harvard in News on 3/13/2025 媒体中的哈佛

Men’s Swimming and Diving Secures Invitations to NCAA Championships The Crimson 200 free relay team secured an NCAA invite after recording a 1:16.53 at the Ivy Championships. Sonny Wang (So.), Marre Gattnar (Fy.), David Greeley (Jr.) and senior Aayush Deshpande finished that race in second place and was .02 shy of reaching the NCAA A-cut of 1:16.51 (third in school history). The 400 free relay team of Wang, Gattnar, Greeley and Evan Croley (Fy.) surpassed the A-standard time of 2:49.79 at the Ivy League Championships when they finished in 2:49.76, which was good for second place and second in school history. 男子游泳和跳水项目获得 NCAA 锦标赛邀请 Crimson 200 自由泳接力队在常春藤联盟锦标赛上以 1:16.53 的成绩获得 NCAA 邀请。Sonny Wang (大二)、Marre Gattnar (大四)、David Greeley (大三) 和大四学生 Aayush Deshpande 在那场比赛中获得了第二名,仅差 0.02 秒就达到 NCAA A 组 1:16.51 的成绩(学校历史上的第三名)。由 Wang、Gattnar、Greeley 和 Evan Croley (大四) 组成的 400 自由泳接力队以 2:49.76 的成绩超越了常春藤联盟锦标赛的 A 组标准时间 2:49.79,获得了第二名和学校历史上的第二名。
See y’all at NCAAs. NCAA 见。✌️
10 Harvard Fencers Qualify for Nationals at NCAA Northeast Regional Championships Fencer Jessica Guo squares off against an opponent from the Columbia Lions last year. freshman Andrew Chen placing fifth, scoring a 13-10 mark. Chen outperformed his initial No. 12 seed and will be advancing to the championships. Freshman Olympian Nicholas Zhang followed in seventh place with a 15-8 mark. 10 名哈佛击剑运动员获得 NCAA 东北地区锦标赛全国赛参赛资格 击剑运动员 Jessica Guo 与去年哥伦比亚雄狮队的对手一较高下。 新生 Andrew Chen 排名第五,得分为 13-10。Chen 的表现超过了他最初的 12 号种子,将晋级锦标赛。 新生奥运选手 Nicholas Zhang 紧随其后,以 15-8 的成绩排名第七。
Harvard Men’s Squash Places Sixth at National Championship Jacob Lin continued the pattern of four game matches, taking down Quintin Campbell. On court for over an hour, Lin’s superior fitness and mental game were too much for Campbell to withstand. 哈佛男子壁球队在全国锦标赛中排名第六 Jacob Lin继续四局比赛的模式,击败了昆汀·坎贝尔。在球场上一个多小时,林的超强体能和心理素质让坎贝尔难以招架。
Pfoho Back On the Map | Harvard Housing Day 2025 Pfoho 重回地图 | 2025 年哈佛住宿日
Harvard vs Stanford: Which Coast is Better? 哈佛大学 VS 斯坦福大学:哪个更好?
Learn the Principles of Finance with This Harvard Course 通过哈佛课程学习金融原理
My day as a bodybuilder going to Harvard💯 我作为一名健美运动员去哈佛的一天💯
Is ADHD genetic? We asked a Harvard scientist | Hyperfocus ADHD 是遗传的吗?我们问了一位哈佛科学家 | Hyperfocus
Sen. Van Hollen to Harvard Economist: Will Trump's Tariffs Drive Up Housing Prices? 参议员范霍伦向哈佛大学经济学家提问:特朗普的关税会推高房价吗?
Inside the Political Mind: The Human Side of Politics 政治思想内幕:政治的人性一面



Liberal Undergrads Reconsider Post-Grad Employment in Trump’s Washington

Many liberal Harvard students are reconsidering post-graduate government careers under Trump's administration, shifting toward private sector jobs, independent agencies, or local government. Concerns include job security, mass layoffs in federal agencies, and a political climate misaligned with their values. Some students, like Victor E. Flores '25, had hoped to work in a Democratic administration but are now exploring alternatives. Others, such as Jack A. Kelly '26, still plan to work in federal agencies but worry about Trump’s efforts to weaken agency independence. Some, like Ava K. Pallotta '25, are turning to local activism, education, and nonprofits. Harvard’s role in encouraging public service careers remains a point of discussion.


在特朗普执政期间,自由派的哈佛学生都重新考虑研究生毕业后的政府职业,转而投身涉足部门、独立机构或队列。他们担心的问题包括工作保障联邦机构大规模评级以及与他们的政治气候不符的价值观。学生,比如2025届的一些维克多·弗洛雷斯(Victor E. Flores),曾希望在邻国政府中工作,但目前正在探索其他选择。其他,学生比如2026届的杰克·凯利(Jack)A.凯利),仍计划在联邦机构工作,但担心特朗普尊重机构独立性的举措。还有一些人,比如2025届的艾娃·帕洛塔(Ava K. Pallotta),则转向激进主义、教育和非营利组织哈佛大学在鼓励公共服务方面职业所发挥的作用仍然是一个讨论的焦点。



At Harvard, Grad Student Parents Navigate a Patchwork of Programs To Keep Up With Costs

By Iris Hur and Claire Jiang

Graduate student parents at Harvard face high childcare costs and limited financial support, despite increased Ph.D. stipends. With Cambridge daycare tuition reaching $50,000 a year, students struggle to balance expenses, academic responsibilities, and parenting. Harvard provides a one-time $7,484 stipend per child, while peer institutions like Yale, Princeton, and MIT offer annual subsidies. The Harvard Graduate Students Union (HGSU) offers reimbursements, but only to employed graduate students. Some parents commute from cheaper areas, take extra jobs, or rely on family support. Students seek better-organized resources and continued financial aid expansion.


作者:  Iris Hur 和 Claire Jiang

尽管哈佛的博士生奖学金有所增加,但研究生家长仍然面临着高昂的育儿费用有限的经济支持剑桥日托学费每年高达 50,000 美元,学生们很难平衡开支、学业责任和育儿。哈佛为每个学生提供 7,484美元则有额外津贴,而耶鲁、普林斯顿和麻省理工等同行机构提供年度拨款。哈佛研究生会(HGSU)提供报销,但仅限于就业的研究生。一些家长从较便宜的地区通勤、工作,或依靠家庭支持。学生寻求更多条理的资源持续扩大的经济援助

Harvard has increased graduate student compensation to keep pace with rising costs of living. But many students still struggle with the costs of raising a family — whether because of scattered resources and program eligibility requirements at Harvard, or sky-high prices in Cambridge. 哈佛大学已经提高了研究生的补助,以应对生活成本的上涨。但许多学生仍然难以负担养家糊口的费用——无论是因为哈佛大学资源分散、项目资格要求高,还是因为剑桥大学学费高昂。


As Trump Floats New Travel Restrictions, International Students Look for Guidance from Harvard

International students at Harvard are seeking more guidance from the Harvard International Office (HIO) as the Trump administration prepares new travel restrictions and deportation orders targeting protesters. The Woodbridge International Society requested a meeting with HIO, but officials said it was “too early” to assess the impact. The upcoming travel ban is expected to target Muslim-majority countries, including Iraq, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Yemen, Afghanistan, and Pakistan, raising concerns for affected students. Without clear direction from Harvard, many feel uncertain about their future in the U.S.


特朗普政府正在准备针对抗议者的新旅行限制驱逐令,哈佛大学的国际学生正在寻求哈佛国际办公室(HIO)更多指导。伍德布里奇国际协会要求 HIO会面,但官员们表示现在评估影响还“为时过早”。即将进行的传染病旅行疫情预计将针对穆斯林占多数的国家,包括伊朗、伊朗、利比亚、巴基斯坦、苏丹、叙利亚、也门、阿富汗和巴基斯坦,这引起了部分学生的担忧。由于没有哈佛的明确指示,许多人对自己对美国的未来感到不确定


Harvard Professor Paola Arlotta Receives Momentum Award from the International Society of Stem Cell Research

Harvard professor Paola Arlotta, chair of Stem Cell and Regenerative Biology, has received the Momentum Award from the International Society of Stem Cell Research for her groundbreaking work on neurological diseases and stem cell-derived brain organoids. Arlotta’s research focuses on growing miniature brain replicas ("avatars") to study conditions like autism spectrum disorder and to develop targeted drug treatments. Her lab members praise her mentorship, visionary leadership, and collaborative approach, which pushes boundaries in neuroscience. Arlotta credits her team for the award, emphasizing that scientific progress is a collective effort.

哈佛大学教授 Paola Arlotta 荣获国际干细胞研究学会颁发的动力奖

哈佛大学干细胞与再生生物学系主任Paola Arlotta教授在神经系统疾病和干细胞衍生脑器官方面的开创性工作并获得国际干细胞神经研究学会颁发的“动力奖” Arlotta的研究重点是培育微型复制大脑产品(“化身”),以研究自闭症谱系障碍等疾病并开发有储备的药物治疗方法。她的实验室成员称赞她的指导、富有远见的领导能力和协作,这些都推动了科学的发展。Arlotta奖励她的团队,推动科学进步是集体努力的成果。


Harvard Responds to Protests - Smaller campus actions draw administrative and online responses.

Recent pro-Palestinian protests at Harvard—including a poster removal incident and a rally against Naftali Bennett—have prompted strong administrative and public responses. Harvard fired the employee involved in tearing down Israeli hostage posters, while University officials condemned the act as a violation of community values. Meanwhile, protests at Harvard Business School against Bennett’s speech were criticized by some faculty for stifling dialogue.

These events unfold as the Trump administration escalates scrutiny on antisemitism at universities, with Harvard now under federal investigation, following Columbia’s $400M funding cut. Larry Summers criticized Harvard’s response to antisemitism but later opposed government actions, warning that indiscriminate sanctions could harm scientific progress and free discourse. Amid national debates on campus speech, antisemitism, and federal intervention, Harvard faces increasing pressure from all sides.





Artist Profile: Grace Enger on Turning Life to Gold Through Music

By Xinran (Olivia) Ma

Grace Enger, a 22-year-old singer-songwriter, is on her first headline tour, promoting her latest EP, The Alchemist. Enger, who first gained recognition through social media ballads, has evolved her sound, now embracing live instrumentation and rock influences inspired by artists like Sara Bareilles and Alanis Morissette. On tour, she blends intimate storytelling with powerful vocals and dynamic instrumentation. She also incorporates social initiatives, partnering with I Support The Girls to aid underserved communities. Looking ahead, Enger is writing new music, aiming for larger venues and broader impact, staying true to her transformative artistic journey.

艺术家简介:Grace Enger通过音乐让生活变得精彩

马欣然 (Olivia)

22岁的创作歌手Grace Enger举办她的首次巡演,宣传她的最新EP 《炼金士》。Enger最初通过社交媒体民谣获得认可,现在不断完善自己的音乐,现在她受到了Sara Bareilles和Alanis Morissette等艺术家的启发,采用现场乐器演奏摇滚和风格。在巡演中,她将亲密的故事强大的声音和动态音乐演奏融为一体。她还参与社会演艺演艺活动与我支持展望未来,Enger正在创作新音乐,旨在扩大现场产生并更广泛的影响,坚持她变革性的艺术旅程


Columns: Freshmen, Embrace Your New Home

Harvard’s Housing Day is a defining moment for freshmen, as they are welcomed into one of the 12 Houses that will shape their college experience. Despite preconceived notions and rankings, each House fosters tight-knit communities, academic and career support, and lasting traditions. Notable alumni, such as Bill Gates (Currier) and Mark Zuckerberg (Kirkland), maintain strong ties to their Houses. While some freshmen may feel disappointed with their assignment, embracing House life—events, faculty deans, traditions, and friendships—will make Harvard feel like home. Housing Day is about gaining a family, not just a dorm.




Columns: This Housing Day, Dename Winthrop House

Matthew R. Tobin argues that it's time for Harvard to dename Winthrop House due to its namesakes’ history as enslavers. While some fear that renaming erases history, Tobin counters that Winthrop House was only named in 1931, long after the Winthrops’ deaths, making its renaming a modern values choice rather than a historical necessity. He suggests that Harvard can reckon with its past without forcing students to live under the name of enslavers. Renaming would also enhance house pride, allowing students to celebrate their community without its troubling legacy.

专栏:Dename Winthrop之家改名



By Grace V. Lang


Editorials: Obedience Didn’t Protect Columbia From Trump’s Attack on Higher Ed

The Crimson Editorial Board argues that Trump’s $400 million funding cuts to Columbia University are not about combating antisemitism but rather a political attack on higher education and an attempt to suppress pro-Palestinian speech. Columbia’s efforts to appease the administration by cracking down on protests failed to protect it, serving as a warning to Harvard: obedience won’t ensure safety. Instead of giving in, Harvard must prioritize its students and follow the recommendations of its antisemitism and Islamophobia task forces, rather than succumbing to political pressure from Washington.





Columns: So You Got Quadded?

While some freshmen dread getting Quadded, Jack P. Flanigan argues that the Quad’s separation from the Harvard bubble is a strength, not a weakness. Unlike River Houses, the Quad offers an escape from the workaholic culture, allowing students to slow down and appreciate their surroundings. Criticism of the 20-minute commute reflects a consumerist, time-scarcity mindset that discourages spontaneity and social engagement. Historically, the Quad—once part of Radcliffe College—has been a welcoming space for marginalized students, reinforcing its distinct identity within Harvard. Instead of lamenting the Quad, students should embrace its unique benefits.




Flyby: 12 Houses, 12 Eggs, One to Two Stomachs

By Carly Y. Chen and Wyatt G. Croog

Two Harvard students embarked on the ultimate brunch challenge: trying scrambled eggs from every dining hall to determine the best House for Sunday morning breakfast. Quincy House emerged as the clear winner, offering custardy, well-seasoned eggs, while Winthrop ranked worst with tasteless, dry, and crumbly eggs. Mather and Lowell had decent eggs, while Dunster, Adams, Eliot, and Kirkland suffered from "wall syndrome"—eggs that were stiff and unappetizing. Despite egg fatigue, the experiment confirmed that Quincy’s hot breakfast reputation is well-earned.


作者:  Carly Y. Chen 和 Wyatt G. Croog

哈佛学生开始了终极早午餐挑战:交换每个家食堂的炒鸡蛋,改造哪个家食堂最适合周日做早餐。昆西食堂成为胜利之家,其鸡蛋味道醇厚、调味禁忌,而温思罗普食堂排名最差,无味、干燥、易鸡蛋碎则马瑟和洛厄尔的鸡蛋还不错,而邓斯特、亚当斯、艾略特和柯克兰则“壁橱 ——鸡蛋又硬又没胃口。虽然鸡蛋让人厌烦,但实验证明昆西食堂的热早餐名副其实

The ultimate challenge. Waking up on Sunday morning. To eat 12 eggs. In each of the 12 Harvard Houses. In one to two hours. Follow one to two flyby writers as they attempt this at the cost of everything!


Inside Harvard's risky plan to 'play by Trump's rules'

Facing major federal funding cuts under Trump’s administration, Harvard is adopting a new lobbying strategy to mitigate risks. The university has hired Ballard Partners, a lobbying firm with close Trump ties, and is forming alliances with red-state universities to argue that cuts harm local economies. Harvard is also exploring conservative outreach, possibly inviting Trump allies to campus or running ads in right-leaning media. However, the move risks alienating faculty, students, and donors. Critics call this a "pact with the devil," while some argue it’s a necessary survival strategy to protect research and financial stability.


特朗普政府大幅削减资金,哈佛大学正在采取新的游说策略降低风险。该校聘用了与特朗普密切的游说公司Ballard Partners ,并与红州大学结成联盟,要求削减资金会损害当地经济。哈佛大学等探索与保护派的接触,可能会邀请特朗普的指挥介入或在右倾媒体上投放广告。然而,这可能会疏散远教职员、学生和捐赠者。批评者称这是“与魔鬼的契约”,而一些人则认为这是保护研究和金融稳定的必要生存策略

How the university is gearing up to fend off massive federal cuts 大学如何应对联邦政府大规模削减开支




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