2024-05-07 10:32 阅读量:1.6万+
* 颈椎病、腰椎病
* 急性扭伤、痛症
* 风湿、胃肠病
* 妇科病、不孕不育
* 过敏、皮肤病
* 中风、面瘫
* 高血压、失眠
* 忧郁症、减肥, 美容等
* 患者A:多年不孕,经王医师治疗后成功怀孕,生下健康宝宝。患者及家属感激不尽,声称神医。
* 患者B:腿患重疾许久,西医建议截肢。经王医师治疗后痊愈,免去截肢的痛苦。
* 患者C:中风,偏瘫、语言不利等,经王医师治疗后行走自如,功能恢愎。
* 患者D: 面瘫,嘴歪,眼晴闭不上,流口水等,经治疗后痊愈,同时也治愈了更年期所带来的各种症状。
* 患者E: 腰椎病,就诊时不能直立行走,第一次治疗后可以正常走路了,疼痛解除。
* 患者F: 我因肩痛(一只手抬不起来)、腰痛、膝痛(走楼梯很困难)、失眠、盗汗严重等疾病,每天吃很多药,后来胃也不太好,人消瘦,头昏昏沉沉的。经过 Kevin Wang 中医师的治疗后, 我的所有症状都好了, 体重也恢复了正常, 同时王医师还给我做了去皱纹和眼袋的美容治疗, 效果很好。感谢王医师的精心治疗和精湛的医术!
* 患者G: 我睡觉打呼噜严重, 大便不成形有3年多, 胃酸多, 烧心, 胃痛, 经常吃药来缓解。特别是得了新冠以后,经常咳喘,出虚汗,腰痛,失眠,头晕,心烦等症状。经过王凯文大夫的精心治疗后, 我的这些症状基本上都消失了。非常感谢王大夫的精湛医术, 医者仁心!
* 患者 H: 分享一个快速消除后背扭伤的案例:昨天早晨因一些原因造成后背扭伤,主要症状:从脖子以下不能动,整个后背痛,早晨联系了王医生,下午去做了针灸,第一次治疗后痛减轻了80%,脖子可以动了,可以自由坐卧,行动完全自由了。不过后背还有一点点痛,但不影响正常生活。第二次针灸后,疼痛完全消失,和正常没有任何区别。本人一直爱好中医,也相信中医可以治疗很多疑难病症,这次还是被针灸的快速祛痛效果震撼到了!非常感谢王医生的帮助,有你就是我们北卡家人的福音,以后有问题不用担心找不到好的医生了! 由于时间关系今天先分享这一个,后期继续分享自身案例。有需要的朋友可以联系王医生! 这是我在北卡生活这么久以来遇到的最无私最善良,一心站在患者角度考虑的好医生。本人极力推荐!还有很多呢王医生的针灸美容效果也特好,失眠这些的都是当天扎了以后,晚上都是睡整晚。效果杠杠的!
* 患者I: 我因失眠,每天凌晨4:00左右睡觉及其他病症,找到了王凯文医生治疗,治疗的当晚我10:00多就困了马上就睡了,一直睡到第二天大天亮;其他的病也得到了治疗,王大夫还为我制定的食谱。非常感谢王大夫为我解除了病痛!
* 患者J: 分享一个感冒案例:主要症状:发烧、头疼,咳嗽。第一次针灸后烧就退了,头疼好了,还有点咳嗽。第二次针灸后几乎不咳了,偶尔说话多了嗓子不舒服会咳嗽,从生病到现在没吃任何药。再次感叹针灸对感冒的神奇疗效!感恩王医生的帮助! 如果有想美容的姐妹可以看过来:抬头纹,眼皮下垂,嫩肤,紧肤等只有你想不到,本人亲自体验过了效果杠杠的!富贵包案例分享:如果没记错我应该是针灸了5次,现在几乎看不到了。效果非常非常满意。还有个疤痕的,我这个是在4岁多的时候烫伤的,现在已经36年了,之前抱着试试看的心态,毕竟这么久了要想除掉不是难为王医生吗?结果奇迹发生了,真的有改变。明显缩小了很多。找到一个好医生不容易,但现在我遇到了,再次感谢王医生的帮助!王医生的医术没得说 。
* 患者K:我脚上几年前扭伤的地方在王医生这里扎了一次针就不疼了。之前双脚发凉,针扎上几分钟就不凉了。我妈妈有心血管疾病多年,第一次在王医生这里做完针灸脚就消肿了。几次针灸下来,脚不发麻了,走路时双腿有力了,呼吸声轻了很多,脸上的斑也淡了很多。感谢王医生!
* 患者L: 2015年,我50岁,突然腰痛,站十分钟都困难。MRI 检查有腰椎间盘突出。当时小儿子不到八岁,我心里担忧带孩子去公园玩都成问题。开始找王凯文医生针灸,每周一次。几个月后就好了。55岁开始跑步,现在每星期有规律地骑车、游泳、跑步。我们是基督徒,在治疗期间得到王医生夫妇和教会许多弟兄姐妹的代祷。
* 患者M: 我女儿今天来月经了,没有一点疼痛! 她非常高兴, 太感谢王医生啦!不到一个疗程就治愈了她多年的痛经,也了却了我一直的心病。 王医生真的是医术高超,衷心感谢!
* 患者N:因一侧手臂痛去过急诊,吃过药、打过两次封闭针。来就诊时整个手臂不能动,疼痛程度10。经王医师的治疗后,完全康复,同时也治疗了其他的疾病。患者非常感谢,称王医生的医德高尚,医术精湛!
*患者Q:因肠易激综合症( IBS )等病来王凯文医师这里治疗,第二次患者来就诊时说:“王医生第一次治疗后,大便就减少到每天二次了,而且急躁、焦虑、易怒也有了一些改善”;第三次就诊时说:“王医生第二次治疗后,大便每天1至2次了……”患者很开心。
*患者R : 因车祸住院,出院后因颈椎受损导致四肢瘫痪,经介绍慕名乘飞机来找王凯文医师治疗。经过治疗后,患者的四肢逐渐有了力量,能借助于walker站立起来,迈出了第一步,患者喜极而泣,万分感谢!家属及患者一再请求王医生要收下他们多付的医疗费,被王医生婉言谢绝。患者及家属说王医生不但医术高,医德更令人敬佩!
*患者S : 癌症晚期患者,到了最后时刻,医生建议去关怀病房,老人家不肯去。回家后,家属请王凯文医师出诊,帮助老人在临终前减少一些痛苦。在王医师的调理下,老人家生命延长了近4个月。家属含泪说:我们没有想到老人生命又延长了这么久,而且也没有太大的痛苦,非常感谢王医生!
*患者T: 感谢王凯文医生帮助我女儿通过针灸治疗咳嗽。我女儿住大学宿舍常会感冒咳嗽。有一次咳嗽厉害,吃药也没有很好的效果,晚上严重影响睡眠,还有两天又是期中考试。当时因为我自己在王医生诊所做针灸,女儿周末回家决定也尝试用针灸试试。早上针灸后咳嗽有些好转,下午又做了一次针灸,没想到晚上几乎就没有咳嗽,一夜睡到天亮。第二天没有再针灸,一整天几乎就没有咳嗽。感恩王医生的精湛技艺帮助了我女儿!
*患者U: 我之前有一次不小心扭了脚踝,过了一段时间好了。但之后有一天又无故开始疼痛,因为我还有一些亚健康的问题,所以就去找王凯文医生针灸治疗。因为我不开车,去王医生的针灸诊所很不方便。当王医生和他太太得知情况以后,就轮流接我去做针灸。特别感恩遇见这么有爱心的夫妇,王医生不仅针灸技术精湛,也特别有耐心。他不仅治好了我的病,还告诉我饮食方面的调整,真心感谢他们帮助我很多很多,不是用语言可以表达的。感恩遇见他们!
*患者V: 我孩子的车停在红绿灯处被后面的车撞了,当时觉得颈椎不舒服。没想到第二天开始疼痛加重,后来在医生建议下做理疗,十次理疗效果不大,便去王凯文医生那里针灸,几次针灸以后孩子告诉我好了很多,后来就没有再提起颈椎有疼痛。非常感谢王医生!
新生命针灸诊所预约电话:(919)650—1115 请提前24小时预约,周日休息
地址:1513 Walnut St Ste250 Cary NC 27511
夏日时节 ,气温较高。夏属于五行中的火,与五脏中的心相对应,阳气较为旺盛,所以人们在夏季养生中应注意以下几点:
1. 夏季阳气上升,人体的心火容易过旺,根据五行心火克制肺金的原理,心火旺会抑制肺的功能,因比,可以吃一些清肺润肺的食物,如山药,梨,百合,银耳等。另外由于炎热高温,人们往往会流汗较多,导致体内缺盐,宜食用一些味稍咸的食物。
2. 天气炎热往往会导致心情烦躁,所以要保持一种平和,乐观的心态,心静自然凉。
3. 避免在高温下做剧烈运动,最好选择在早晨或者黄昏时进行强度较小的运动,如散步,打太极拳等。运动后不要用冷水冲澡,也不要饮用大量冷水。睡眠时不宜开风扇,也不要露天睡眠,以免风邪进入体内,堵塞经络,影响正常的气血运行。
预约电话:(919)650—1115 请提前24小时预约 周日休息
地址:1513 Walnut St Ste250 Cary NC 27511
【English】Dr. Kevin Wang: Your Guardian of Health
Are you suffering from the following problems?
* Cervical spondylosis, lumbar spondylosis
* Acute sprains, pain
* Rheumatism, gastrointestinal diseases
* Gynecological diseases, infertility
* Allergy, skin disease
* Stroke, facial paralysis
* Hypertension, insomnia
* Depression, weight loss, aesthetics, etc.
Dr. Kevin Wang, a Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) practitioner, can relieve your pain.
Dr. Kevin Wang is an experienced Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) practitioner has decades of clinical experience and has successfully cured many difficult and complicated illnesses. NCCAOM certified, state acupuncture license, and has been practicing TCM in the United States for more than ten years, with a wealth of clinical experience.
Dr. Wang specializes in the treatment of various difficult and miscellaneous diseases, especially for infertility, cervical spondylosis, lumbar spondylosis, pain, allergies, stroke, facial paralysis, and gastrointestinal disorders.
Patient Cases:
* Patient A: Many years of infertility, Dr. Wang treated her, and she successfully got pregnant and gave birth to a healthy baby. The patient and her family were very grateful and praised that she met “a miracle doctor”.
* Patient B: His leg had been suffering from a serious disease for a long time, and western doctor suggested amputation. After Dr. Wang's treatment, he was cured and saved the pain of amputation.
* Patient C: suffered from stroke, hemiplegia, and unfavorable speech, etc. After Dr. Wang's treatment, he was able to walk freely and recover his function.
* Patient D: Facial paralysis, crooked mouth, unable to close eyes, drooling, etc., cured after treatment, and cured various symptoms brought by menopause.
* Patient E: lumbar spine disease, could not walk upright at the time of consultation, could walk normally after the first treatment, pain lifted.
* Patient F: I suffered from shoulder pain (unable to lift one arm), back pain, knee pain (difficulty climbing stairs), insomnia, and severe night sweats. I was taking a lot of medications daily, which eventually caused stomach problems, weight loss, and dizziness. After receiving treatment from Dr. Kevin Wang, all my symptoms were resolved, and my weight returned to normal. Dr. Wang also provided cosmetic treatments for wrinkles and under-eye bags with excellent results. I am deeply grateful for Dr. Wang’s meticulous care and outstanding medical skills!
* Patient G: I had severe snoring during sleep, irregular bowel movements for over three years, excess stomach acid, heartburn, and stomach pain, which I managed with medications. After contracting COVID-19, I often experienced coughing, shortness of breath, night sweats, back pain, insomnia, dizziness, and irritability. Thanks to Dr. Kevin Wang’s careful treatment, most of my symptoms disappeared. I sincerely thank Dr. Wang for his excellent medical skills and compassionate care!
* Patient H: I'd like to share a case of quickly relieving a back sprain: yesterday morning, I injured my back, leaving me unable to move below the neck, with pain throughout my back. I contacted Dr. Wang in the morning and had acupuncture in the afternoon. After the first treatment, the pain reduced by 80%, and I could move my neck, sit, and lie down freely. After the second acupuncture session, the pain completely disappeared, and I felt entirely normal. As someone who has always appreciated traditional Chinese medicine, I was amazed by how quickly acupuncture relieved my pain this time. Thank you, Dr. Wang, for your help. You’re a blessing to our North Carolina community! Now I know I have a reliable doctor I can turn to for help. Dr. Wang is incredibly selfless, kind, and always considers the patient’s perspective. I highly recommend him!
Additionally, Dr. Wang’s acupuncture is fantastic for cosmetic treatments. For insomnia, you’ll sleep through the night after just one session. His methods are highly effective!
* Patient I: Due to insomnia, I used to fall asleep around 4:00 a.m. every day. I sought treatment from Dr. Kevin Wang, and on the very first day of treatment, I felt sleepy by 10:00 p.m. and slept soundly through the night until morning. My other symptoms were also addressed, and Dr. Wang even tailored a diet plan for me. I’m incredibly grateful to Dr. Wang for relieving my ailments!
* Patient J: I’d like to share a case of curing a cold: my symptoms included fever, headache, and coughing. After the first acupuncture session, my fever subsided, and my headache was gone, though I still coughed slightly. After the second session, the cough almost disappeared. Without taking any medication, I recovered completely. Acupuncture truly works wonders for colds!
For those interested in cosmetic treatments: Dr. Wang provides solutions for forehead wrinkles, droopy eyelids, skin rejuvenation, and firming. I’ve personally experienced great results!
Regarding a hump-back case: after about five acupuncture sessions, my hump-back almost disappeared. I’m very satisfied!
Dr. Wang also treated a burn scar I’ve had since I was four years old (36 years ago). Although I wasn’t expecting much due to the age of the scar, I saw noticeable improvement after treatment. The scar shrank significantly. Finding a good doctor isn’t easy, but I’m so glad I found Dr. Wang. His skills are unparalleled—highly recommended!
* Patient K: I sprained my foot years ago, and just one acupuncture session with Dr. Wang alleviated the pain. My feet, which used to feel cold, warmed up within minutes of acupuncture. My mother, who has had cardiovascular issues for years, experienced reduced swelling in her feet after her first acupuncture session. After a few treatments, her feet no longer felt numb, her legs grew stronger when walking, her breathing improved, and the spots on her face faded. Thank you, Dr. Wang!
* Patient L: In 2015, at the age of 50, I suddenly experienced severe back pain and couldn’t stand for more than ten minutes. An MRI revealed a herniated disc. I was worried about how I’d take my young son (then under eight) to the park. I began weekly acupuncture sessions with Dr. Kevin Wang. A few months later, I was healed. At 55, I started running and now regularly bike, swim, and run each week.
As Christians, we were also supported by Dr. Wang and many church members through prayer during the treatment.
* Patient M: My daughter started her menstrual cycle today without any pain! She was thrilled, and I’m incredibly grateful to Dr. Wang. He cured her long-standing menstrual cramps in less than one course of treatment, lifting a huge burden from my heart. Dr. Wang’s skills are extraordinary—our heartfelt thanks!
* Patient N: Visited the emergency room due to pain in one arm, took medication, and received two corticosteroid injections. By the time of the consultation, the entire arm was immobile, with a pain level of 10. After treatment by Dr. Wang, the patient fully recovered, and other conditions were also addressed. The patient expressed immense gratitude, praising Dr. Wang's noble medical ethics and outstanding medical skills!
* Patient O: I injured my lower back two weeks ago, and the pain was so severe that I couldn’t bend over, lift my legs, or even walk properly. Last week, my husband drove me to Dr. Wang for acupuncture. After two sessions, the pain reduced by 80-90%. Now, except for some pain when bending over, I can walk and drive normally. I am very grateful to Dr. Wang for the treatment!
* Patient P: I had been suffering from bed-wetting issues for a long time, along with a chronic cough that would come and go, and general weakness. Although I had seen other doctors, the results were not significant. After treatment by Dr. Kevin Wang, not only did the bed-wetting stop, but my cough also disappeared, and I regained my strength. Dr. Wang even treated a long-standing scar that I had. I had a long scar on my upper arm that was red, hard, raised, and frequently itchy and painful, especially during rainy weather when the itching and pain would worsen. In summer, I never wore short sleeves because of it. (I didn’t take pictures of the scar before treatment, but this photo was taken when it was almost healed.) I am extremely grateful to Dr. Wang for his compassion and exceptional medical skills!
* Patient Q: Came to Dr. Kevin Wang for treatment of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and other conditions. At the second consultation, the patient said: “After Dr. Wang’s first treatment, my bowel movements reduced to twice a day, and my irritability, anxiety, and tendency to anger also improved somewhat.” At the third consultation, the patient said: “After Dr. Wang’s second treatment, my bowel movements are now 1 to 2 times a day...” The patient was very happy.
* Patient R: Hospitalized due to a car accident, and after discharge, suffered quadriplegia caused by cervical spine damage. Upon recommendation, they flew to seek treatment from Dr. Kevin Wang. After treatment, the patient’s limbs gradually regained strength, allowing them to stand up with the assistance of a walker and take their first step. The patient wept with joy and expressed immense gratitude! Both the patient and their family repeatedly insisted that Dr. Wang accept additional medical fees, but he politely declined. The patient and their family remarked that not only is Dr. Wang highly skilled, but his medical ethics are also truly admirable!
* Patient S: A terminal cancer patient who reached the final stage of their illness. The doctor suggested transferring to hospice care, but the elderly patient refused. After returning home, the family invited Dr. Kevin Wang for a house call to help alleviate the patient’s pain in their final days. Under Dr. Wang’s care, the patient’s life was extended by nearly four months. The family, with tears in their eyes, said: “We never expected that their life would be extended for so long, and without significant pain. We are deeply grateful to Dr. Wang!”
* Patient T: I would like to thank Dr. Wang Kaiwen for helping my daughter with acupuncture to treat her cough. My daughter often catches colds and coughs while staying in her university dorm. Once, her cough was severe, and even after taking medicine, it didn’t improve much. It seriously affected her sleep at night, and she had midterm exams in two days. Since I was undergoing acupuncture at Dr. Wang’s clinic, my daughter decided to try acupuncture when she came home for the weekend. After the acupuncture in the morning, her cough improved a bit. In the afternoon, she had another session, and to our surprise, she almost didn’t cough at all that night and slept through the night. The next day, without acupuncture, she barely coughed the whole day. I am deeply grateful to Dr. Wang for his superb skills in helping my daughter!
* Patient U: I once accidentally twisted my ankle, and it healed after some time. However, one day the pain suddenly returned for no apparent reason. Since I also had other sub-health issues, I sought acupuncture treatment from Dr. Wang Kaiwen. Because I don’t drive, it was quite inconvenient for me to get to Dr. Wang’s clinic. When Dr. Wang and his wife learned about my situation, they took turns driving me to the clinic for acupuncture sessions. I am especially grateful to have met such a compassionate couple. Dr. Wang is not only highly skilled in acupuncture but also incredibly patient. He not only cured my condition but also gave me advice on dietary adjustments. I am deeply thankful for their help, which is beyond words. I am truly blessed to have met them!
* Patient V: My child’s car was hit from behind while stopped at a red light, and at the time, they felt some discomfort in their neck. Unexpectedly, the pain worsened the next day. After seeing a doctor, physical therapy was recommended, but after ten sessions, there was little improvement. So we went to Dr. Wang Kaiwen for acupuncture. After a few sessions, my child told me that the pain had significantly improved, and they haven’t mentioned any neck pain since. We are very grateful to Dr. Wang!
Dr. Wang is passionate about public service and actively promotes Chinese medicine health care. He has given lectures on "Chinese Medicine Health Care" and "Daily Health Care" at community events.
If you are looking for a trustworthy Chinese medicine practitioner, Dr. Kevin Wang is your best choice!
Appointment Phone: (919) 650-1115
Address: 1513 Walnut St Ste250 Cary NC 27511
Website: nlacupuncture.com
Please make an appointment 24 hours in advance, closed on Sundays.
Stay free from illness and embrace good health with Kevin Wang, Acupuncturist!
Summer is coming, the temperature is rising. Summer belongs to the five elements of the fire, and the five organs of the heart corresponds to the heart, Yang Qi is more exuberant, so people should pay attention to the following points in the summer health:
1. summer yang qi rising, the human body's heart fire is easy to excessive, according to the five elements of the heart fire to restrain the principle of lung metal, heart fire will inhibit the function of the lungs, so you can eat some food for clear and nourish lung, such as yams, pears, lilies, silver fungus, winter melon and so on. In addition, due to the heat and high temperature, people tend to sweat more, resulting in a lack of salt in the body. Normal people should eat some slightly salty food.
2. The heat often leads to irritability, so keep a calm, optimistic attitude, be peaceful and naturally cool.
3. Avoid doing strenuous exercise in the high temperature, it is best to choose in the morning or at dusk to carry out less intense exercise, such as walking, playing tai chi and so on. Don't take a cold shower or drink a lot of cold water after exercise. Don't turn on the fan when you sleep, and don't sleep in the open air, so as not to wind into the body, blocking the meridians and affecting the normal operation of qi and blood.
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