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Igbinedion University Students Exploring the rich cultural heritage at China Cultural Centre

Students from the Department of International Relations and Strategic Studies at Igbinedion University, Okada, embarked on an educational excursion to the China Cultural Centre in Nigeria on 10th July, 2024. This visit marked a significant step towards fostering bilateral partnerships and cultural exchange between the two institutions.


Ms. Edi-ima delivering an enlightening presentation (Photo by Mrs. Chen Huiling)

Following a beautiful promotional video on Harmony between China and Nigeria and an enlightening PowerPoint presentation by Ms. Edi-ima, students from Igbinedion University's Department of International Relations and Strategic Studies enjoyed a comprehensive tour of the Chinese history. An immersive tour led by Mr. Zakari, the tour encompassed vibrant displays of Chinese cultural heritage, including the Spring Festival decorations and a captivating Chinese calligraphy exhibition, where students were treated to colourful displays and traditional artwork symbolizing prosperity and unity in Chinese society.


Mr. Zakari leading an immersive tour of Chinese Culture (Photo by Mrs. Chen Huiling)

Next, students explored a captivating Chinese calligraphy exhibition, where they admired masterful strokes and learned about the art's significance in conveying emotions and philosophies through brush and ink. Ms. Zhang Yaping provided insights into the evolution of calligraphy styles and encouraged students to appreciate the aesthetic beauty and cultural depth inherent in each piece.


Calligraphy game (Photo by Mrs. Chen Huiling)

A highlight of the tour was the engaging calligraphy game, where students had the opportunity to try their hands at writing Chinese characters under Ms. Zhang’s guidance. This hands-on activity allowed students to experience the art form firsthand, fostering a deeper connection with Chinese cultural practices and enhancing their appreciation for linguistic artistry.

Accompanying faculty member praised the interactive nature of the tour, emphasizing its role in broadening students' cultural horizons. "Experiencing the Spring Festival decorations and participating in the calligraphy game have been transformative for our students," It's through such immersive experiences that they gain a deeper understanding of cultural expressions and their impact on international relations."

The tour concluded with a reflection session where students shared their impressions and insights gained from the cultural exploration. Discussions touched upon the importance of cultural diplomacy in building bridges between nations and fostering mutual respect and understanding.


Enjoying short Chinese course (Photo by Mrs. Chen Huiling)

After the enriching tour, students were guided to a classroom where they received basic Chinese language instruction focusing on aspects of Mandarin pronunciation, common phrases, and cultural nuances embedded within the language.Following the language lesson, students proceeded to the library within the China Cultural Centre Nigeria. Here, they explored a collection of books, multimedia resources and literature that showcased various facets of Chinese history, philosophy and contemporary society. The library visit provided students with additional insights into China's cultural evolution and its global impact, further enriching their educational experience.


Gift presentation (Photo by Mrs. Chen Huiling)

Later, students gathered in the main hall where they were honored with a presentation of gifts by the Deputy Director of the China Cultural Centre Nigeria Mr. Liu Zhanping. This gesture symbolized the center’s commitment to fostering international partnerships and cultural exchange initiatives. The Deputy Director expressed optimism about future collaborations between Igbinedion University and the centre, highlighting the importance of cross-cultural understanding in today's globalized world.

Accompanying faculty member commended the comprehensive educational experience provided by the China Cultural Centre Nigeria. "From language instruction to library exploration and cultural exchanges, today's activities have been invaluable.


Group picture (Photo by Mrs. Chen Huiling)

The visit concluded with students reflecting on their newly found knowledge and cultural insights during a closing discussion. Topics ranged from the significance of language in diplomacy to the role of cultural institutions in promoting global understanding and cooperation. As students departed the Centre, they carried with them a deeper understanding of Chinese language, culture, and diplomatic relations. The immersive experience underscored the importance of cultural exchange in shaping future leaders in international relations and strategic studies at Igbinedion University.

By Mr. Zakari
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