2021-08-26 19:53 阅读量:7k+
华人号:非洲时报1. We refer to our last press release issued on 8 December 2020 in terms of which we indicated that our Hate Speech case would be pended while we await the outcome of the Constitutional Court Judgment in the Qwelane matter(the" Constitutional Court Judgment). 我们提起于2020年12月8日最后发布的新闻稿,在此发布中我们表示过在等宪法法院对 Qwelane案件(“宪法法院判决”)判决结果的期间,我们的仇恨言论案须处于待审状态的。
2. The Constitutional Court Judgment (over 80 pages) was finally delivered on 30 July 2021. Upon receipt of request from any members of the Community TCA's attorneys Nam-Ford joyce anam-ford co Za )will make a copy of this Judgment available. 宪法法院的判决(80多页)终于在2021年7月30曰作出了判决.在收到来自社团任何成员的要求,南非杜省中华公会(TCA)的律师,胡丽珍律师事务所( loyce(@nam- ford. co, za)将会提供判决副本给请求者。
3. For the convenience of our Community, Nam-Ford have obtained a summary which is attached of the salient aspects of the Constitutional Court's Judgment from Advocate Ben Winks (Winks), who acted for the Nelson Mandela Foundation in the Qwelane case. Winks is also part of the team of advocates that Nam-Ford appointed in the TCA's Hate Speech case. The summary deals with the impact of the Constitutional Court Judgment on the Hate Speech action instituted by tca against the12 Respondents. 为了方便,胡丽珍律师事务所也从辩护大律师,代表纳尔逊曼德拉基金会对α welane一案的 Ben winks(“wnks"),获得了宪法法院判决中突出方面之摘要,Winks也是胡丽珍律师事务所在南非杜省中华公会(TCA)仇恨言论案件中所任命的倡导团队成员之一。该摘要涉及宪法法院的判决对南非杜省中华公会(TCA)针对12名被告所提起的仇恨言论诉讼之影响。
4. It is clear from the summary that the constitutional Court Judgment has a significant and positive impact on TCA's case and although there was a delay in the delivering of the Constitutional Court Judgment, which in turn delayed our matter, it was imperative and worthwhile waiting. 从总结中可清楚看到的是宪法法庭判决对南非杜省中华公会(TCA)仇恨言论案有着重要积极的影响,尽管宪法法院判决有所延误,关连也延误我方一案但这是个必要又值得的等待。
5.In the light of the Constitutional Court Judgment, all twelve of the statements complained of in the TCA’s case would satisfy the amended Section 10(1) of the Equality Act being “no person may publish, propagate, advocate or communicate words that are based on one or more of the prohibited grounds, against any person, that could reasonably be construed to demonstrate a clear intention to be harmful or to incite harm and to promote or propagate hatred”. 根据宪法法院的判决,在南非杜省中华公会(TCA)案件中被投诉的所有12个被告之陈述均符合修订后的《平等法》第10(1)条也就是“没有人可以基于一个或多个被禁止的理由提倡或对任何人传达发布,传播,倡导或传达可以合理解释为暗示打击或煽动危害和促进或传播仇恨。”
6. TCA must convince the Equality Court that the words used, in context, would be understood by the reasonable observer to have been intended (a) to impair Chinese people's dignity or emotional or psychological wellbeing, or (b) to incite discrimination, hostility or violence against them; and (c) to promote detestation and vilification of Chinese people, or despising, scorning, disrespecting, or ill-treating them. The evidence led by TCA during the trial against the 12 Respondents clearly supports this. 南非杜省中华公会(TCA)须说服平等法院,在上下文中所使用的词语可被合理的观察者理解为以下意图;
7. We stated in the last press release that once the Constitutional Court Judgment has been delivered the dates for the furnishing of the heads of Argument ( the "heads") in respect of our matter would be established and same are:-
7.1. TCA as the complainant to deliver their heads on 27 August 2021.
7.2. Thereafter the respondents to reply with their heads by 24 September 2021.
7.3. TCA will have an opportunity to do a reply thereto by 8 October 2021.
7.1. 南非杜省中华公会(TCA)作为申诉方在2021年8月27日交付书面的法律论点。
7.2. 此后,被告方须在2021年9月24日回复他们书面的法律论点。
7.3. 南非杜省中华公会(TCA)将有机会在2021年10月8日做出答复。
8. In the interim pending the delivery of the heads on the due date/s and to save time Nam -Ford who emphasised to the Equality Court the importance of the case to our Community and that it must be finalised have requested that the Equality Court allocate a date/s for the final hearing of oral argument. 在等待交付书面的法律论点期间,为了节省时间,胡丽珍律师事务所向平等法院强调了必须完成此案对我方社团的重要性并要求平等法院为最终口头辩论的听证会分配日期。
9. On Friday, 13 August 2021 the equality Court reverted and indicated that dates for the hearing will be during the last term (4 October to 5 December 2021). Although Judge Makume has stated that he could be on special leave during the last term, the judge has undertaken to make himself available, on the date/s agreed to between the complainant (TCA) and the Respondents' legal representatives. 2021年8月13日,平等法院已回复表示听审将会在最后一期(2021年10月4日至12月5日中)。虽然 Makume法官提及他可能在最后一期有个特别假,但法官也承诺在申诉人南非杜省中华公会(TCA)和被告方的法律代表所商定的日期出庭。
10. Nam-Ford will be liaising with all the legal teams to agree to a date/s and will thereafter advise TCA and the Community. 胡丽珍律师事务所将与双方律师团队联合商定日期并通知南非杜省中华公会(TCA)和社团。
1. This Summary serves to update the TCA and wider Chinese South African community on the implications, for our pending hate speech case, of the Constitutional Court s judgment delivered on Friday, 30 July 2021, in Qwelane v South African Human Rights Commission and Another(with the Nelson Mandela Foundation and others as amici curiae(friends of the court)).
宪法法院于2021年7月30日,星期五,就 Qwelane诉南非人权委员会和其他人(与纳尔逊曼德拉基金会和其他人(法庭之友))一案中作出的判决摘要用于南非杜省中华公会(TCA)和更广泛的南非华人社团在悬而未决的仇恨言论案件上做更新。
2. The Community will recall that, in the final days of our trial in late 2019, the Supreme Court of Appeal ("SCa")in the Qwelane case declared section 10(1) (the hate speech provision) of the Promotion of Equality and prevention of Unfair Discrimination Act ( "Equality Act)unconstitutional. That section originally read as follows(in the relevant part) no person may publish, propagate, advocate or communicate words based on one or more of the prohibited grounds, against any person, that could reasonably be construed to demonstrate a clear intention to
(a) be hurtful
(b)be harmful or to incite harm
(c)promote or propagate hatred
社团可想起最高上诉法院(“SCA”)在2019年年底的最后几天的审判,就 Qwelane一案,宣布《促进平等和防止不公平歧视法》(“平等法”)第10(1)条(仇恨言论条款)违宪。当时该部分原文如下(相关部分):
3. The SCA replaced this with: "No person may advocate hatred that is based on race, ethnicity, gender, religion sexual orientation and that constitutes incitement to cause harm."
4. This was a considerably narrower definition of hate speech than the original, and the sca also made a number of pronouncements that would make it harder to succeed with hate speech complaints(for example, suggesting that the subjective intention to commit hate speech was required). Also, the SCA order implied that any hate speech complaints instituted before its judgment would not be allowed to succeed (as section 10 was being declared unconstitutional retrospectively)
5. The SCA's judgment meant that strategically the TCA's case had to be put on hold. Although the TCA's complaint is not confined to hate speech(section 10), as it also concerns unfair racial discrimination(section 7)and harassment (section 11)-hate speech(section 10)is an important part of our case, and thus the matter could not be argued until the Constitutional Court had pronounced on the constitutionality of section 10.
6. After frustrating and unexplained delays, the Constitutional Court finally, on Friday, 30 July 2021, handed down judgment in which it largely overturned the SCA's judgment. The Constitutional Court has preserved the original section 10(1)of the Equality Act, except that it has taken out paragraph(a)(believing it to be redundant) and making paragraphs(b)and(c)"conjunctive" or cumulative requirements. The section now reads as follows:
"no person may publish, propagate, advocate or communicate words that are based on one or more of the prohibited grounds, against any person, that could reasonably be construed to demonstrate a clear intention to be harmful or to incite harm and to promote or propagate hatred."
7. Importantly, the Constitutional Court confirmed that the test for hate speech is objective, meaning that the actual subjective intention of the speaker is irrelevant. Hate speech will be found if the reasonable observer would understand the speech as demonstrating a clear intention to be harmful or incite harm, and to promote or propagate hatred. This means, for example, in Mr Horne's case(the 4th Respondent that appeared in Court), that his testimony about his subjective intention is unhelpful to him -all that matters is what the reasonable observer would have understood as being intended by the words "wipe them out"(i.e that "them" meant the Chinese")
重要的是,宪法法院确认仇恨言论的测试是为客观的,意思是,评论者的实际主流意图是无关紧要的。如果理性的观察者将言论理解为明确的有害或煽动伤害意图,则将被认定为仇恨言论及宣扬或传播仇恨。这意味着,例如 Horne先生在案件中(出庭的第四名被告),他个人主观意图的证词对他是没有帮助的-重要的是理性的观察者会理解“消灭他们”(即“他们”的意思是“华人”)。
8. The Court crucially also confirmed that there is no requirement to show that anybody acted on the hate speech to commit violent acts against the targeted group(as counsel for the 4th and 8th Respondents seemed to suggest during cross-examination of our witnesses). The speech is judged on its own contents and context. It does not matter what happened or did not happen afterwards. Even"incitement"to commit violence or other hateful acts is not required.
9. The Court defined "harmful"as causing deep emotional or psychological pain, or seriously impairing dignity, and to ncite harm"as to incite discrimination hostility or violence. the Court then defined hatred as detestation and vilification"or regarding a group as to be despised, scorned, denied respect and made subject to treatment. Elsewhere, the Court found that speech will constitute hate speech if it"undermines the target group's dignity, social standing and assurance against exclusion, hostility discrimination and violence.
10. Accordingly, the constitutional Courts judgment favours TCA's case, and has finally allowed the case to proceed to finality.
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