成语 talk show
Video Summary: My advice to a young artist, whether they are a dancer or an actual musician, is: be authentic. In a world full of distractions, where there are so many things you can see online and around you that you want to copy, you may think doing so will make you famous.
You won’t be famous by doing that, because you’ll just become someone else. So my advice is: find your own voice, find your own soul, speak through that, and be brave and courageous. Stay true to who you are and be consistent in the way you are being yourself.
Be yourself. And I promise you, if you want to succeed, it’s a journey of being slow in order to get there fast.
Farooq Chaudhry, a prominent dance producer, has significantly influenced British contemporary dance over the past 30 years.In 2000, he co-founded the Akram Khan Company
. In 2021, he directed his first productions,Nine Songs(2022) and Ten Thousand Tons of Moonlight (2024). Chaudhry expanded his work internationally,collaborated with organizations like the English National Ballet and choreographer Yang Liping. He also contributed as an educator and was awarded an Officer of the Order of the British Empire (OBE) in 2019 for his services to dance.
法鲁克·乔杜里是一位知名舞蹈艺术家,在过去30年里对英国现代舞产生了重大影响。他于2000年创立了阿库·汗姆舞团,并于2021年执导了他的首批作品《九歌》(2022年)和《万吨月光》(2024年)。乔杜里的影响力更扩展至国际舞台。他曾与英国国家芭蕾舞团(English National Ballet)及编舞家杨丽萍等机构和艺术家合作。他还积极投身教育事业,培养下一代。并于2019年因其对舞蹈事业的贡献被授予大英帝国官佐勋章(OBE)。
Yuying Zhao,
The head anchor of Hainan TV, majored in broadcast hosting. Her sweet voice is like a wind chime, spreading moving idioms into people's ears and hearts.
Shooting a Willow Leaf
欢迎收听微电台,成语talk show栏目,我是宇瑛。今天我给大家讲的成语故事是:百步穿杨
Hello everyone, this is WE Radio, the idioms talk show. I am Farooq Chaudhry. The name of the story I will tell you today is: Shooting a Willow Leaf.
There must be hundreds of ways to evaluate a sharp-shooter. But for the Chinese, the sole qualification for an expert marksman is Bai BuChuan Yang or “to pierce a willow leaf with an arrow from the distance of 100 paces.”
The expression is derived from a story about a legendary archer named Yang Youji.
Yang lived in the State of Chu during the Spring and Autumn Period (770-476 BC). He started to practice martial arts and archery when he was just a child. As he grew older, Yang became a top fighter in his home district.
One day, Yang watched a group of young archers compete near his home. First, they shot a target erected beneath a willow tree at a distance of about 50 paces. Most seemed to do quite well, so it was difficult to judge who was the best archer. Yang then suggested someone paint a willow leaf red and then the competitors shoot at the leaf from the distance of 100 paces. One by one, the archers tried and failed to hit the red willow leaf which was constantly quivering in the gentle breeze. “Let me have a try,” Yang finally said. Taking the bow, he held his breath and concentrated on the crimson willow leaf. When he slowly released his grip, the arrow flew through the air with a powerful whoosh and pierced a hole in the painted leaf. Loud applause burst from the onlookers. However, one of the young archers dared Yang toshoot down more willow leaves to prove he was really a sharp shooter. Yang agreed. He collected 100 arrows and then shot them one after another. All the people present were awed to see that out of the 100 shots, Yang had 100 bull’s eyes.
Since then, this idiom has become a widely quoted expression to describe an expert marksman regardless of whether he uses an arrow, a stone, a knife, a gun or a rocket.
Chief Editor, Xuanzhu Guo
English Broadcast: Farooq Chaudhry
ChineseBroadcast:Yuying Zhao
Consultant: Andrew Wiggins Xiaoyu Shi Dream Feather