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Harvard News on 3/6/2025 媒体中的哈佛

Violinist Paloma So Harvard '28/NEC "29 has been recognized as one of Classic FM’s Rising Stars: 30 Incredible Musicians Under 30 to Watch in 2025. The young Hong Kong violin virtuoso is currently studying Economics and music at Harvard College. Now 19, she made her debut with the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra at the age of eight. At the age of 10, Paloma was the Second Prize winner at the International Wieniawski Competition for Young Violinists in 2015. The following year, she received Gold Prize at the 8th International Violin Competition in Novosibirsk, Russia, becoming the youngest participant in the competition’s history. She also won the ‘Nutcracker’ International Competition for Young Musicians in 2017. Since then Paloma has been invited to perform as soloist with globally renowned ensembles such as the London Philharmonic and Shanghai Symphony. 小提琴家 蘇千尋 Paloma So Harvard '28/NEC “29” 被 Classic FM 评为“明日之星:2025 年值得关注的 30 位 30 岁以下杰出音乐家”之一。 这位年轻的香港小提琴演奏家目前正在哈佛大学攻读经济学和音乐。现年 19 岁的她 8 岁时首次与香港管弦乐团合作演出。 千尋在 10 岁时获得 2015 年维尼亚夫斯基国际青少年小提琴比赛二等奖。次年,她在俄罗斯新西伯利亚举行的第八届国际小提琴比赛中获得金奖,成为该比赛历史上最年轻的参赛者。 她还在 2017 年赢得了“胡桃夹子”国际青年音乐家大赛冠军。从那时起,千尋就被邀请与伦敦爱乐乐团和上海交响乐团等全球知名乐团合作演出。 https://www.classicfm.com/discover-music/30-rising-stars-2025/
No. 6 Men’s Squash Prepares for CSA Team National Championships Harvard will honored its five-athlete Class of 2025 before its final regular season match against Drexel. Zach Baskir, Tate Harms, Neel Joshi, Conner Stoltz and Erik Wang helped the Crimson win national titles in 2022 and 2023, and an Ivy League crown in '23.' Jacob Lin is one of seven members of the Harvard lineup will hit the courts this weekend with playing experience at the Nationals. Jacob Lin captured the Molly North championship title after defeating Sharan Punjabi from Franklin and Marshall in sweeping fashion in the final round. 排名第六的男子壁球队为 CSA 全国锦标赛做准备 哈佛大学将在与德雷塞尔大学的最后一场常规赛之前表彰其 2025 届的五名运动员。Drexel. Zach Baskir, Tate Harms, Neel Joshi, Conner Stoltz and Erik Wang 帮助深红队赢得了 2022 年和 2023 年的全国冠军,并在 23 年赢得了常春藤联盟冠军。 Jacob Lin是哈佛队七名将在本周末上场的队员之一,他们有参加全国锦标赛的经验。 Jacob Lin在最后一轮以压倒性优势击败富兰克林和马歇尔大学的沙兰·旁遮普后,夺得了莫莉北冠军头衔。
Harvard Square is Berry Enthusiastic About New Açaí Bowl Shop SoBol, a new açaí bowl shop, opened in Harvard Square on Wednesday, replacing Tiger Sugar and joining a competitive local market. Franchise owner Meet Patel, inspired by SoBol’s flavors, left medical school to pursue this venture. The grand opening drew long lines with a $2 bowl promotion, attracting students and residents who praised its freshness and balanced sweetness. Patel emphasized SoBol’s in-house blending and lack of added sugar as key differences from competitors. Customers appreciated the shop’s friendly service, welcoming another healthy food option to the Square. - By Jaya N. Karamcheti and Kevin Zhong 哈佛广场对新开的巴西莓碗店充满热情 SoBol 是一家新开的巴西莓碗店,于周三在哈佛广场开业,取代了 Tiger Sugar,加入了竞争激烈的当地市场。特许经营商 Meet Patel 受到 SoBol 口味的启发,离开了医学院,开始从事这项事业。盛大的开业活动以 2 美元一碗的促销活动吸引了大批学生和居民,他们称赞其新鲜和均衡的甜味。Patel 强调 SoBol 的内部混合和不添加糖是与竞争对手的主要区别。顾客们对这家店友好的服务表示赞赏,欢迎广场又有另一种健康食品选择。——作者 Jaya N. Karamcheti 和 Kevin Zhong

Protect your time and energy—respectfully. Adapted from "How to Gracefully Decline a Networking Request," by Deborah Grayson Riegel and Loren Margolis.

尊重保护你的时间和精力。改编自 Deborah Grayson Riegel 和 Loren Margolis 所著的《如何优雅地拒绝社交请求》。



How did the Mark I change the way we think about science? Incoming Assistant Professor Marc Aidinoff explains the history of the Mark I computer and how it changed the way that Harvard thinks about science. Mark I 如何改变了我们对科学的看法? 即将上任的助理教授 Marc Aidinoff 讲解了 Mark I 计算机的历史以及它如何改变了哈佛对科学的看法。
The Power of Peer Learning in Finance at Harvard Extension School 哈佛大学继续教育学院金融领域同伴学习的力量
High School Dropout Turned Harvard Professor Shares What’s Wrong with Education | The Way I Heard It Todd dropped out of high school with a 0.9 GPA and a pregnant girlfriend. No prospects, no road map, no plan. Wound up becoming a professor at Harvard. Quit, to establish populace.org, a think tank in Massachusetts designed to offer a variety of bottom-up solutions to all sorts of problems, while challenging a great many of the things a lot of otherwise intelligent people mistakenly believe. Fundamentally, Todd is all about helping the individual thrive in a world of cookie-cutter solutions. Todd has an incredible story, and several incredible books you should read with all due speed. One is called Dark Horse, another is called The End of Average. His most recent is called Collective Illusions, and it holds the solutions to a great many problems facing this country. It's also a lot of fun to read. Almost as much fun as the conversation you're about to watch. 高中辍学生变身哈佛教授,分享教育的弊端 | 我听到的 托德高中辍学,平均绩点只有 0.9,女朋友也怀孕了。没有前途,没有路线图,没有计划。最后成了哈佛的教授。辞职后,他创建了 populace.org,这是马萨诸塞州的一个智库,旨在为各种问题提供自下而上的解决方案,同时挑战许多原本聪明的人错误相信的很多事情。从根本上说,托德的宗旨是帮助个人在千篇一律的解决方案的世界中茁壮成长。 托德有一个令人难以置信的故事,还有几本你应该尽快阅读的令人难以置信的书。一本叫做《黑马》,另一本叫做《平凡的终结》。他最近的一本叫做《集体幻想》,它包含了这个国家面临的许多问题的解决方案。这本书读起来也很有趣。几乎和你即将观看的对话一样有趣。
Harvard Expert: What Researchers Say About Receptiveness Alison Wood Brooks is an Associate Professor at the Harvard Business School. She created and teaches a cutting-edge course to MBA students and executives. 哈佛专家:研究人员如何看待接受能力 艾莉森·伍德·布鲁克斯是哈佛商学院的副教授。她创建并教授一门面向 MBA 学生和高管的前沿课程。


Boston Mayor Michelle Wu ’07 Holds Her Ground in House Oversight Committee Questioning

By Megan L. Blonigen and Frances Y. Yong

Boston Mayor Michelle Wu defended her city's sanctuary policies during a congressional hearing, asserting that Boston remains the safest major city in the U.S. despite Republican criticism. Wu rejected accusations that sanctuary policies obstruct federal law enforcement, emphasizing that Boston police collaborate with federal agencies on criminal matters. She resisted demands for financial figures on emergency services for undocumented immigrants, instead highlighting the city’s strong fiscal management. Wu denounced Trump administration rhetoric on immigration, urging comprehensive federal reform and reaffirming Boston’s commitment to policies that foster public trust and safety.

波士顿 Michelle Wu (2007届) 在省监督委员会质询中坚持自己的立场

作者:  Megan L. Blonigen 和 Frances Y. Yong


Boston mayor Michelle Wu ’07 takes questions from reporters on Wednesday after testifying before the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform. 波士顿市长 Michelle Wu (07) 于星期三在众议院监督和政府改革委员会作证后回答了记者的提问。


A Harvard Startup on Shark Tank - How a Business School graduate uses AI to preserve family history

Charlie Greene, M.B.A. ’21, is bringing his startup Remento to Shark Tank on March 7, pitching a tech-driven way to preserve family histories through AI-assisted storytelling. Inspired by personal loss, Greene founded Remento to help families capture memories through recorded reflections that are transcribed into books, complete with QR codes to preserve voices. The startup, launched in 2021 with funding from Upfront Ventures, modernizes oral traditions, ensuring family legacies remain accessible. For Greene, Remento is less about AI and more about strengthening connections across generations.


2021年MBA查理·格林(Charlie Greene)将于3月7日带着他的胡萝卜公司Remento参加Shark Tank,推广一种通过人工智能辅助讲故事来保存家族历史的技术驱动方式。受个人损失的启发,格林创立了Remento,帮助家庭通过记录来捕捉记忆​​​​​​​,这些思维思维被成书,并与二维码保持声音。这家葫芦公司于2021年成立,由前期风险投资公司提供资金,旨在使婚姻现代化,确保家族遗产仍然可以传承。对于格林来说,雷门托这里说的是关于人工智能,不如说是关于加强跨代联系。

Greene pitches Remento to the sharks on Season 16, Episode 14 of Shark Tank, airing March 7, 2025 | photo credit abc's "Shark Tank" 格林在《创智赢家》第 16 季第 14 集(2025 年 3 月 7 日播出)中向鲨鱼们推销雷门托 | 照片来源:ABC 的《创智赢家》


After a Long Winter, Students Eagerly Await Spring

After a long and frigid winter, Harvard students eagerly anticipate the arrival of spring. With Boston seeing over 22 inches of snow this season—twice as much as last year—many students, especially those from warmer climates, found the transition jarring. While some enjoy the cold, others have struggled with wind, illness, and the temptation to stay indoors. Amateur meteorologist Tyler J.H. Ory ’26 predicts winter’s end is near, despite Groundhog Day’s forecast. As temperatures rise, students look forward to outdoor activities, blooming flowers, and a much-needed change in scenery. “I feel like spring is the perfect mix just because, it's slightly sunny outside, you're starting to see the flowers grow back," Jonathan Huang ’26 said. “It’s really pretty.”


经过深夜寒冷的冬季,哈佛学生热切期待春天的到来。波士顿本季降雪量超过22英寸,是去年的两倍,许多学生,尤其是来自温暖气候的学生,都觉得这种变化并不快。虽然有些人喜欢寒冷,但其他人却在与风、疾病和呆在室内的诱惑斗争中余气象学家泰勒·JH·奥里(26届)预测冬季即将结束,天气预报显示有土拔鼠日。同时期着着高度的上升,学生们着眼于户外活动、鲜花盛开和急需的风景变化。“我觉得春天是完美的组合,因为北方明媚的阳光,你开始看到花儿重新生长,” Jonathan Huang(26届)说道。“真的很漂亮。”


Just ‘Another Academic’: Seniors Greet Commencement Speaker Pick with Lukewarm Reactions

By Hiral M. Chavre and Darcy G Lin

Harvard seniors reacted with lukewarm enthusiasm to the selection of Stanford professor and author Abraham Verghese as the 2025 Commencement speaker, acknowledging his achievements but hoping for someone with more mainstream recognition. Some students criticized the choice as a connection to Harvard President Alan Garber’s former Stanford colleague, while others appreciated Verghese’s contributions to medicine and literature. Many expressed a preference for a non-academic figure, recalling past speakers like Tom Hanks. Despite mixed reactions, some students expect a more high-profile speaker for Class Day’s lighter celebrations.


作者:  Hiral M. Chavre 和 Darcy G Lin



It’s Academic (and Other Harvard Concerns) - The Faculty of Arts and Sciences focuses on class attendance, grades—and wider worries about “uncomfortable” threats to academia.

At a March 4 meeting, Harvard’s Faculty of Arts and Sciences (FAS) discussed academic policies and mounting external pressures on the university. Faculty approved measures to reinforce class attendance, student engagement, and grading rigor, including eliminating the pass/fail option for General Education and Quantitative Reasoning with Data courses for future students. Beyond academics, administrators warned of financial uncertainties due to potential federal funding cuts, new restrictions on diversity initiatives, and political scrutiny. As peer institutions implement cost-saving measures, Harvard faces growing fiscal and leadership challenges, raising concerns about its long-term financial and institutional stability.




Harvard Poised To Eliminate Option To Take Gen Ed, QRD Courses Pass-Fail

By William C. Mao and Veronica H. Paulus

Harvard's Faculty of Arts and Sciences expressed strong support for eliminating the pass-fail option for General Education (Gen Ed) and Quantitative Reasoning with Data (QRD) courses, with a final vote pending. The proposed change, affecting the Class of 2029 onward, aims to enhance the academic rigor and perceived value of these courses. Supporters argue it will restore Gen Ed’s importance, while critics, like Math professor Noam Elkies, see it as unrealistic. The move aligns with broader efforts to refocus students on academics amid concerns over prioritization of extracurriculars.

哈佛大学准备取消 Gen Ed、QRD 课程的及格/不及格选项

作者:  William C. Mao  、  Veronica H. Paulus

哈佛大学文理学院强烈支持取消通识教育(Gen Ed)和数据推理(QRD)课程的及格/不及格选项,最终投票结果尚未公布。国防改革将影响2029届及以后的学生,旨在提高这些课程的学术严谨性和认知价值。支持者认为这将恢复通识教育的重要性,而数学教授诺姆Elkies等批评者则这是不切实际的。人们对课外活动优先考虑的担忧中,认为与更广泛的努力保持一致,旨在让学生重新关注学术。


Rep. Nancy Mace Mocks Harvard Students. And She Can’t Wait To Talk With Them.

Rep. Nancy Mace (R-S.C.) continues to criticize Harvard ahead of her scheduled talk at the Institute of Politics, accusing the university of failing to address antisemitism and harboring pro-Hamas groups. On social media, she mocked students while asserting her intent for a “civilized debate.” Mace, known for her media-savvy and right-wing stances, backed Trump’s immigration policies, opposed transgender inclusion, and supported defunding DEI initiatives. Some Harvard students plan to boycott her event, while others caution against protests. Despite her confrontational rhetoric, Mace claims to welcome tough questions and open discussion.




‘Alter Ego’ Album Review: Introducing the World to a New Woman

By Audrey Zhang

Lisa’s debut solo album Alter Ego is a bold declaration of artistic independence, showcasing her versatility through a mix of high-energy anthems, introspective moments, and genre experimentation. With five distinct alter egos, she explores themes of reinvention, dominance, and self-expression, though at times the album leans too heavily on repetitive flexes. Standout tracks like New Woman and Moonlit Floor (Kiss Me) reveal deeper layers beyond the bravado, while songs like Rockstar and Elastigirl highlight her confidence. Though Alter Ego sometimes prioritizes attitude over substance, it firmly establishes Lisa as a dynamic solo artist ready for more.

《Alter Ego》专辑评论:向世界介绍一位新女性

作者:  Audrey Zhang

Lisa的首张个人专辑《Alter Ego》是她艺术独立的创作宣言,通过高能量的歌曲、内省的时刻和流派实验的展示了她的多多才艺。凭借五个不同的分身,她探索了意识、支配和自我表达的主题,尽管有时这张专辑继承了重复的夸张。《新女人》《月光地板(Kiss)》 Me)》等杰出曲目揭示了虚张声势之外的内心层次,而《Rockstar》《Elastigirl》等歌曲则凸显了她的自信。虽然《Alter Ego》有时优先考虑态度而非真实,但坚定了Lisa是一位充满活力的独立歌手,随时准备迎接更多挑战。


Op Eds: Harvard Must Take a Stand for Democracy

By Ryan D. Enos and Steven Levitsky. Ryan D. Enos is a professor of Government. Steven Levitsky is the David Rockefeller Professor of Latin American Studies and a professor of Government.

In an op-ed, Harvard professors Ryan D. Enos and Steven Levitsky urge the university to take a firm stand in defending democracy, arguing that former President Trump’s actions mirror those of authoritarian leaders. They call on Harvard to resist silence and fear of government retaliation by publicly condemning attacks on democracy, leading a coalition of universities, and using its influence to support democratic principles. Citing historical precedents, they warn that neutrality is not an option and stress that universities thrive in free societies but suffer under autocracies.


作者:  Ryan D. Enos 和 Steven Levitsky。Ryan D. Enos 是政府学教授。Steven Levitsky 是大卫·洛克菲勒拉丁美洲研究教授和政府学教授。

在一篇专栏文章中,哈佛大学教授瑞安·埃诺斯(Ryan D. Enos)和史蒂芬·列维茨基(Steven)列维茨基)敦促哈佛大学坚定捍卫民主,他们认为前总统特朗普的行为反映了独裁领导人的恐惧。他们呼吁哈佛大学捍卫民主,并采取行动复仇的恐惧,公开谴责民主的攻击,领导大学联盟,并利用影响力支持民主原则。他们引用历史先例,警告称中立不是一种选择,并强调大学在自由社会中的宽容发展,但在独裁统治下却会避免争议。


Columns: Should Harvard Admit More Rich Kids? Actually, No

Katie H. Martin ’28 critiques Harvard’s preferential admissions for the children of donors, legacies, and faculty, arguing it undermines meritocracy and perpetuates privilege. She highlights how the Dean’s Interest List benefits around 10% of each admitted class, giving these applicants significantly higher acceptance rates than the general pool. While some justify these policies as financially necessary, Martin counters that Harvard’s large endowment and budget surpluses show it can sustain itself without catering to wealthy donors. She calls for a fairer admissions process, emphasizing that privilege should not dictate access to elite education.


凯蒂·H·马丁(Katie H.马丁)(28岁)尊重哈佛大学优先继承者、校友校友和教职继承人的做法,认为这种行为破坏了精英管理制度,并有助于长了特权。她强调,撤销利益名单使每届学生中约10%尽管有人认为这些政策是出于经济需要,但马丁反驳说,哈佛大学庞大的转让基金和预算盈余表态,即使不接受富裕的捐赠者,也能坚持下去。她呼吁更公平的继承项目,强调继承决定不可能获得精英教育。

By Grace V. Lang



Columns: Harvard Alumni, It’s Time To Let Go.

In a critique of Harvard alumni culture, Henry F. Haidar ’28 argues that many former students, particularly vocal donors and alumni involved in student organizations, struggle to let go of their college years. He attributes this "Harvarditis" to an inflated sense of self-worth tied to attending the university, leading some alumni to cling to Harvard as the pinnacle of their achievements. While acknowledging pride in one's alma mater, Haidar urges alumni to move on, let current students shape Harvard’s future, and see their time at the university as just one chapter in a larger life story.


在对哈佛校友文化的批评中,28届毕业生亨利·F·海达尔(Henry) F.海达尔认为,许多校友,尤其是那些积极贡献和参与学生组织的校友,都难以忘怀大学时光。他将这种“哈佛倾向”推向于与就读哈佛大学有关的自我价值感膨胀,导致一些校友坚持认为哈佛成就是他们的顶峰。海达尔承认人们为母校感到自豪,但他敦促校友们继续前进,让学生们铭记哈佛的未来,把他们在哈佛的时光视为更精彩的人生故事中的一章。


Flyby Tries: Taking the New SAT

In a humorous reflection, Harvard student Anwen Cao recounts her experience taking the new digital SAT for fun, only to realize that two years of college had dulled her once-sharp standardized test skills—particularly in math. She notes major changes, like shorter reading passages and revamped writing questions, catering to modern attention spans. While her literacy skills held up, she was humbled by her struggle with parabolas, once mastered in middle school. Ultimately, she sees the experience as a reminder that past academic anxieties fade, just as current college stresses will one day feel just as irrelevant.



By Anwen Cao



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Harvard in News on 3/8/2025 媒体中的哈佛

Harvard in News, 新闻中的哈佛1小时前



Harvard in News on 3/9/2025 媒体中的哈佛

Harvard in News, 新闻中的哈佛2小时前



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