2025-03-11 17:23 阅读量:4.4万+
华人号:Chinese NewsThe Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of Unesco recently announced that Xiamen is now a member of the International Coastal City platform. The service is tied to the U.N.'s 10-year campaign to promote ocean science in the support of sustainable development. The program runs through 2023 and is known as the Ocean Decade.
It is one of several ocean initiatives launched by the United Nations in recent years with the objective of delivering scientific solutions to enhance global ocean governance.
In recent years, Xiamen has pushed for the construction of a national marine economy development demonstration zone. Local officials stated that the city will host the annual Xiamen International Ocean Week and reinforce maritime exchanges and cooperation with countries and regions along the Maritime Silk Road. It will also build multi-level partnerships that support the advancement of Xiamen’s marine industry.
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