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Harvard in News on 3/21/2025 媒体中的哈佛

Sending off Harvard Women Basketball to the Tourney! 送哈佛女子篮球队参加锦标赛!

Let’s go, Crimson!


"Does the winner truly deserve their success?" with Michael Sandel | PKU Global Fellowship On March 12, Professor Michael Sandel from Harvard University delivered the final lecture of his three-part series at Peking University, offering a provocative critique of Meritocracy. While often celebrated as a system of fairness and opportunity, Sandel argued that meritocracy can function as a form of tyranny, reinforcing inequality and fostering an illusion of deserved success. Challenging the audience's assumptions, he posed thought-provoking questions: Does the winner truly deserve their success? Should a world-famous pop star earn more than an inspiring high school teacher? These inquiries encouraged deep reflection on the moral and social implications of a system built on merit. Professor Bai Tongdong from Fudan University's School of Philosophy joined Sandel for a dynamic discussion, moderated by Associate Professor Chen Siyi from the PKU Department of Philosophy. Together, they explored the pressures of achievement in modern society from the perspective of ordinary individuals. “成功者是否真的值得拥有成功?”迈克尔·桑德尔 | 北大全球奖学金 3 月 12 日,哈佛大学教授迈克尔·桑德尔在北京大学发表了三场系列讲座的最后一场,对精英政治进行了尖锐的批判。虽然精英政治通常被誉为公平和机会的制度,但桑德尔认为,精英政治可以作为一种暴政,加剧不平等,助长成功应得的假象。 他挑战了观众的假设,提出了一些发人深省的问题:成功者是否真的值得拥有成功?一位世界闻名的流行歌星应该比一位鼓舞人心的高中老师赚得更多吗?这些探究鼓励人们深入思考基于功绩的制度的道德和社会影响。复旦大学哲学学院教授白同东与桑德尔进行了一场充满活力的讨论,由北大哲学系副教授陈思懿主持。他们一起从普通人的角度探讨了现代社会成就的压力。
The Science of Tradition: Nixtamalization and Cultural Heritage - Daniela Soto-Innes The Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS) and the Alícia Foundation developed the General Education science course, “Science and Cooking: From Haute Cuisine to the Science of Soft Matter,” which debuted in the fall of 2010. The course uses food and cooking to explore fundamental principles in applied physics and engineering. 传统的科学:玉米粉蒸制和文化遗产 - 丹妮拉·索托·因内斯 哈佛大学约翰·A·保尔森工程与应用科学学院 (SEAS) 和艾丽西亚基金会开发了通识教育科学课程“科学与烹饪:从高级烹饪到软物质科学”,该课程于 2010 年秋季首次推出。该课程使用食物和烹饪来探索应用物理和工程学的基本原理。
Harvard's Free Tuition for Some Families Are the sudden tuition changes at your college leaving you stumped? Tune into our most recent podcast episode for tips on how to get through these hurdles! 哈佛大学为部分家庭免学费 您所在大学的学费突然变动让您不知所措吗?收听我们最新的播客节目,了解如何克服这些障碍!
College Costs, Harvard’s Tuition Shift, and What Could Go Right? This week on College, Matt Carpenter and Peg Keough dive into major changes shaking up higher education, including Harvard’s latest tuition policy update and a proposed tax hike on university endowments. They also discuss the Department of Education layoffs, FAFSA glitches, and what these changes mean for families navigating the college affordability maze. Plus, they challenge the narrative around “no-loan” schools and share practical insights on how families can take control of their college planning process. Tune in for a candid, insightful discussion—and a dose of optimism about what could go right! 大学费用、哈佛学费调整以及可能出现哪些变化? 本周的大学节目中,Matt Carpenter 和 Peg Keough 深入探讨了撼动高等教育的重大变化,包括哈佛最新的学费政策更新和大学捐赠基金的拟议加税。他们还讨论了教育部裁员、FAFSA 故障以及这些变化对家庭在大学负担能力迷宫中摸索意味着什么。此外,他们还挑战了“无贷款”学校的说法,并分享了家庭如何控制大学规划过程的实用见解。请收听坦诚、富有洞察力的讨论——以及对可能出现哪些变化的乐观态度!
Harvard Art Museums: In Your Hands 哈佛艺术博物馆:尽在你手中



When creativity calls

The 2025 Harvard Staff Art Show spotlights the vibrant creative lives of University staff, featuring nearly 300 artists and their diverse talents. Now in its fifth year, the show includes eight standout profiles: Scott Murry blends digital illustration with personal storytelling; Eve Radovsky crafts hand-carved furniture rooted in historical design; Yuwei Li captures memories through animal drawings and 3D prints; Veronica Bagnole embroiders rich portraits that honor the past; Stanislav Karachev merges dance, poetry, and performance; John Buonomo captures the cosmos through advanced astrophotography; Toru Nakanishi scans and sculpts everyday objects into art; and Fionnuala Gerrity shapes ceramics inspired by local forest ecosystems. Together, their stories celebrate artistry flourishing beyond the workplace.


2025年哈病理职工艺术展聚焦大学教职工充满活力的创意生活,汇聚近300名艺术家及创作才华。今年是第五届举办的展览,展览包括八个代表人物:斯科特·默里(斯科特) Murry)将数字插画与个人故事讲述了融洽;伊芙·拉多夫斯基(Eve)拉多夫斯基(Radovsky)制作植根于历史设计的手工雕刻家具;李雨薇(Yuwei)李)通过动物绘画和3D摄影捕捉;维妮卡·巴格诺尔(Veronica Bagnole)年轻了丰富的肖像画,以纪念过去;斯坦尼斯拉夫·卡拉切夫(Stanislav) Karachev)将舞蹈、诗歌和表演融暑;约翰·布奥诺莫(John Buonomo)通过先进的天文摄影技术捕捉宇宙;中西彻(Toru)中西)日常物品扫描并制成雕刻艺术品;菲奥努·阿拉·杰里蒂(Fionnuala)格瑞蒂)雕刻了当地森林生态系统信息的陶瓷。他们的故事共同颂扬了其他地方广泛发展的艺术作品。

Yuwei Li, a Neurotechnology Engineer at Harvard’s Center for Brain Science, finds joy and relaxation through drawing, especially of cute animals like her beloved pet budgie, Lou. Her featured artwork in the Harvard Staff Art Show is a heartfelt portrait of Lou, based on a candid cellphone photo capturing him mid-wink—a tribute to his memory and companionship. Beyond her art, Li designs and fabricates custom lab equipment for around 40 research labs. In her free time, she channels her creativity into building a life-size 3D-printed R2-D2, inspired by “Star Wars” fans she met at Comic Con. 哈佛大学脑科学中心的神经技术工程师 Yuwei Li 通过绘画找到了快乐和放松,尤其是画一些可爱的动物,比如她心爱的宠物鹦鹉 Lou。她在哈佛员工艺术展上展出的作品是一幅 Lou 的真挚肖像,这幅画是根据一张用手机偷拍的 Lou 眨眼的照片创作的——以此来纪念 Lou 和陪伴。除了艺术之外,Li 还为大约 40 个研究实验室设计和制造定制实验室设备。闲暇时,她将自己的创造力投入到制作真人大小的 3D 打印 R2-D2 上,灵感来自她在动漫展上遇到的“星球大战”粉丝。
Li solders a project for her work in the machine shop. 李在机械车间焊接一个项目。
Li is assembling her 3-D R2-D2 piece by piece. 李正在将她的 3-D R2-D2 一块一块地组装起来。


Increasing Access

In a recent essay, Harvard President Alan M. Garber emphasized the University’s renewed commitment to expanding educational access through enhanced financial aid and global learning initiatives. Beginning this fall, Harvard will cover full costs for undergraduates from families earning $100,000 or less, and waive tuition for those under $200,000. Garber also highlighted efforts to extend Harvard’s reach beyond campus via the nonprofit Axim Collaborative, which partners with community colleges and educational innovators to support underserved learners. As Harvard approaches its 400th anniversary, Garber affirmed the University's mission to break down barriers and broaden educational opportunity worldwide.


在最近的一篇文章中,哈佛大学校长艾伦·M·加伯强调了哈佛大学通过加强财政援助和全球学习计划扩大教育机会的新承诺。从今年秋天开始,哈佛大学将家庭收入10万美元或以下的本科生支付全部,并为家庭收入低于20万美元的学生学费。伯伯加伯还强调了哈佛大学通过新生Axim援助影响力拓展海外校园的努力,该组织与社区学院和教育创新者合作,为研究生学习者提供支持。 400周年校庆之际,加伯公立化了哈佛大学的使命,即打破封闭,扩大全球教育机会。

President Alan M. Garber on enhancing financial aid and extending education beyond Harvard’s campus 艾伦·M·加伯校长谈加强财政援助和将教育扩展到哈佛校园之外


Harvard Faces Calls To Disband PSC for Violating New Antisemitism Policies

More than 200 Harvard affiliates and alumni have signed an open letter urging the University to permanently disband the Harvard Undergraduate Palestine Solidarity Committee (PSC), citing alleged violations of Harvard’s newly adopted antisemitism policies. The letter accuses the PSC and guest speaker Mohammed El-Kurd of promoting antisemitic rhetoric, including comparisons of Zionism to Nazism, which critics say breach the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance’s definition of antisemitism. The PSC defended its actions as legitimate pro-Palestinian advocacy and part of broader resistance against censorship and government pressure on campus activism. Harvard has not officially responded to the calls.



Students wave Palestinian flags at a spring 2024 protest outside Massachusetts Hall, organized by the Harvard Undergraduate Palestine Solidarity Committee, against the indefinite postponement of a student-wide divestment referendum at the Science Center Plaza. The PSC is facing a renewed wave of calls for its dissolution. 2024 年春季,哈佛大学本科生巴勒斯坦团结委员会在马萨诸塞大厅外组织了一场抗议活动,学生们挥舞着巴勒斯坦国旗,抗议无限期推迟在科学中心广场举行的全校撤资公投。巴勒斯坦团结委员会正面临新一轮要求解散的呼声。


Nvidia to open Quantum Computing Lab in Boston in collaboration with Harvard and MIT

Nvidia has announced plans to open a quantum computing research lab in Boston in collaboration with Harvard and MIT, signaling its deepening investment in the emerging field. Revealed during Nvidia's annual developer conference, the initiative aims to accelerate the development of quantum algorithms, hardware, and hybrid quantum-classical computing applications. CEO Jensen Huang acknowledged the unexpectedly rapid pace of quantum advancements, revising earlier predictions of a longer timeline. The lab reflects Nvidia’s ambition to lead in quantum innovation, with potential applications across industries like AI, pharmaceuticals, and cryptography.


Nvidia 宣布计划与哈佛大学和麻省理工学院合作,在波士顿建立一个量子计算研究实验室,这表明该公司正在加大对这一新兴领域的投资。该计划在 Nvidia 的年度开发者大会上公布,旨在加速量子算法、硬件和混合量子经典计算应用的开发。

The planned research lab signifies Nvidia’s growing interest in quantum computing, an area where the company sees potential for dramatic advancements in computational power. 计划中的研究实验室标志着 Nvidia 对量子计算的兴趣日益浓厚,该公司认为该领域具有显著提高计算能力的潜力。


How AI is transforming medicine

Harvard Medical School experts highlight how artificial intelligence, particularly large language models like GPT-4, is poised to transform healthcare by enhancing diagnosis, streamlining administrative tasks, and improving patient care. Tools like OpenEvidence now allow doctors to access evidence-based information instantly, supporting more informed decisions during patient visits. While AI promises increased efficiency and reduced errors, concerns persist about data bias, hallucinations, and uneven access. Experts emphasize that AI must complement—not replace—human clinicians and stress the need for safeguards, inclusive datasets, and agile education to ensure its responsible, effective integration into medical practice and research.



Artificial intelligence is up to the challenge of reducing human suffering, experts say. 专家称,人工智能能够应对减少人类痛苦的挑战


What happens to your data if 23andMe collapses?

A recent article highlights growing concerns about consumer privacy amid the uncertain future of 23andMe, a once-popular genetic testing company now exploring bankruptcy or sale. Harvard Law professor I. Glenn Cohen warns that the genetic data of 14 million users could be transferred or sold to third parties, raising serious privacy and ethical issues. Current U.S. health privacy laws, such as HIPAA, don’t cover direct-to-consumer companies like 23andMe, leaving customers with limited protection. Cohen calls for stronger federal regulations to safeguard genetic data, especially in cases of bankruptcy, and urges consumers to be cautious when sharing personal information.


最近的一篇文章强调,在23andMe前景不明朗的情况下,消费者对隐私的担忧欲望增加。23andMe是一家曾经很受欢迎的基因检测公司,目前正在破产或出售。哈佛法学教授I. Glenn Cohen警告称,1400万用户的基因数据可能会被或转移给第三方,从而引发严重的隐私和道德问题。加密的美国健康隐私法(如HIPAA)并不因此而害怕23andMe直接面向消费者的公司,对客户的保护有限。科恩呼吁联邦法规以保护基因数据,特别是在破产的情况下,并敦促消费者在加强分享个人信息时要严格等。

Health law policy expert says biotech firm’s uncertain future shows need for protections of personal, genetic info 卫生法政策专家表示,生物科技公司的不确定未来表明需要保护个人和基因信息




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