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Zhengzhou speeds up again 郑太高铁试运行,中欧班列通新站,郑州又提速了

2020-12-01 06:33 阅读量:5.1万+


"With roads in place, people and goods can flow."With the intensified construction of the asterisk-shaped high-speed rail network, the number of stations of China Railway Express keeps increasing. Beyond time and space, Zhengzhou keeps speeding up to expand its transportcapacity, showing "Zhengzhou speed".


Zhengzhou-Taiyuan High-speed Railway put into trial operation according to the train operation plan


Photo: Zhang Qian, SongXuan

At 6:55 on November20th, the D55562 high-speed train departed from Zhengzhou Railway Station to Taiyuan South Station, marking the official start of the trial operation of the Zhengzhou-Taiyuan High-speed Railway according to the train operation plan.


ConnectingHenan Province and Shanxi Province, the Zhengzhou-Taiyuan High-speed Railway includes the existing Zhengzhou-Jiaozuo Intercity Railway and the newly built Jiaozuo-Taiyuan high-speed railway. It is an important part of the "eight vertical and eight horizontal" high-speed railway network planned by the state, and is also a vitalartery in the northwestof the asterisk-shaped high-speed rail network planned by Henan Province.


The Zhengzhou-Taiyuan high-speed railway line is 428.9 kilometers long, with a designed speed of 250 kilometers per hour, passing through Jiaozuo, Changzhi, Jinzhong, Taiyuan and other cities. The running time of high-speed trains between Zhengzhou and Taiyuan will be shortenedto less thanthreehours, saving at least nine hours compared with regular trains.


High-speed trains have crisscrossed the country in recent years, giving people more options for travel. Sound urban services are designed to ensure a happy life for all.


Photo: Ma Jian

After the completion of the asterisk-shaped high-speed rail network with Zhengzhou as the center, it will form a three-hour economic circle covering over 30 cities such as Beijing, Xi'an and Wuhan as well as an eight-hour economic circle covering major large and medium-sized cities in China. By then, Zhengzhou and even Henan will be more easily accessible. Zhengzhouwill vigorously promote the "Belt and Road" Initiative so as to becomean important node city on the Eurasian corridor.


China Railway Express keeps upgraded


Photo: Wang Xiuqing

On November18th, the X8020 "China-Euro Express Train for Cross-border E-commerce", carrying goods from 11 China Railway Express nodesincluding Yiwu, Chongqing, Zhengzhou, and Xi'an, set off. Loaded with 100 standard containers,the train left China via Alashankou Port in Xinjiang. It is expected to arrive at Liege, Belgium in 16 days. This is the first China Railway Express train based oninter-regional cooperation, providing safe, reliable, convenient, fast and diversified cross-border trade services for export-oriented enterprises.


On November20th, the first China Railway Express train (Zhengzhou, China-Helsinki, Finland) departed from the Zhengzhou Railway Container Central Station and embarked onitsjourney to Helsinki, Finland in Northern Europe. The train was loaded with 43 sets of containers,mainly consisting of disposable medical masks, anti-epidemic medical equipment, isolation clothes, and lamps, with a total weight of 461 tons and a total value of US $3.001 million.


Over the past seven years, the China Railway Express has been upgraded from a single railway station to a state-level model multimodal transport project, and the exit port has expanded from the only Alashankou port to the current "eight stations and six ports". A "channel + hub + port" opening-uppatternanda multi-hub and multi-point collection and distribution network involving many countries have taken shape. The China Reilway Express operation is changing from "point-to-point" to "hub-to-hub", and an efficient hub-based collection and distributionsystem that combines trunk-lineand branch-lineservices is speeding up.


Railways bind the industrial chain of the economy together, and enable coordinated development between cities and smoothflowof people and efficient logistics serviceacross regions. Convenient transportation facilitates the development of characteristic industries in Zhengzhou and brings new driving forces to the urban economy.


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