2024-02-20 08:41 阅读量:3.3万+
华人号:华人头条-卡罗莱纳【华人头条南北卡讯】应北卡华人商业协会 (NCCBA),华人头条美国社邀请,坎贝尔大学(Cambell University)校长约翰·罗伯逊(Dr.John Roberson)博士等将于本周五率高规格代表团,与华人社区交流“在美中文化之间搭建桥梁”。
日期:2024 年 2 月 23 日(星期五)
时间:美国东部时间 11:30am-1:30pm
地点:5440 Wade Park Blvd. #220 Raleigh,NC 27607
费用:会员免费;非会员:10 美元(10 美元用于“非会员付费门票”和带饮料的午餐)。
注册:在线注册。点击“添加到购物车”按钮,通过活动页面上的购物车订购“会员专用门票”或“非会员付费门票 10 美元”即可获得门票。
活动网站链接: https://www.nc-cba.org/event/
Executive Vice President 副校长
(John Roberson)于 2016 年 2 月 1 日开始担任校长。此前他曾担任坎贝尔大学成人和在线教育部门的院长。在这个职位上,他重视非传统的学生教育方式,扩大了学位课程组合,以满足不断增长的非传统学生群体的需求;他还推出了大学的虚拟校园——坎贝尔大学在线,于 2014 年 1 月开学,招收了 24 名学生。两年内,它的招生人数增加到近 350 名学生。
罗伯逊是坎贝尔大学的 1980 年校友,1983 年毕业于东南浸信会神学院。1997年,他在北卡罗来纳州立大学获得高等教育管理教育博士学位。
从 1989 年到 1996 年,他担任坎贝尔大学负责校友关系的校长助理;从 1997 年到 2005 年,他一度离开坎贝尔大学担任北卡罗莱纳州浸信会的执行官。2005 年,他回到坎贝尔大学,担任营销与规划副校长。2008 年,他被任命为招生管理和营销副校长,三年后被任命为招生管理副校长。2013 年,他成为成人与在线教育学院院长。
他的妻子温迪(Wendy)是坎贝尔大学 1984 年的毕业生,现在是一名退休教师。他们的女儿 Sarah 继承了家族传统,于2017年毕业于坎贝尔大学并获得工商管理学士学位,主修工商管理和医疗保健管理。罗伯逊博士和夫人是 Buies Creek 纪念浸信会的成员。
Borree P. Kwok
行政与学术成就副教务长 学术事务兼教务长
郭女士负责监督多个学术支持单位,包括学术成就、全球参与、机构审查委员会办公室、赞助研究和项目以及威金斯图书馆。自 1993 年以来,郭女士一直以各种身份为坎贝尔大学服务,包括图书馆服务总监和机构研究总监,并于 2011 年被任命为图书馆馆长。2016年,郭女士被任命为行政助理教务副校长,并于2021年出任副教务长。
Jenna Carpenter博士
Jenna P. Carpenter 博士是坎贝尔大学工程学院的创始院长兼教授。她还是美国工程教育协会(ASEE)的前任主席、美国数学协会的新任主席、以及 WEPAN(工程女性主动网络)的前任主席。在加入坎贝尔大学之前,Jenna P. Carpenter 博士曾担任路易斯安那理工大学工程与科学学院本科生研究副院长、科学与工程女性办公室主任以及韦恩和胡安妮塔·斯宾克斯捐赠教授,在那里她任教了 26 年。Carpenter 博士是创新 STEM 教育以及 STEM 中的多样性、公平性和包容性问题的国家专家,尤其是那些影响女性在 STEM 领域取得成功的问题。她是 2023 年 ABET Claire Felbinger 多元化和包容性奖的获得者;2023 年 ASEE 名人堂入选者;2022 年 NAE Bernard M. Gordon 工程和工程技术教育创新奖的共同获得者(以表彰她作为 Grand Challenges Scholars Program 的联合创始人的角色);2019年ASEE Sharon Keillor工程教育女性奖获得者;2018年WEPAN创始人奖获得者;以及ASEE的研究员。Carpenter 博士在路易斯安那州立大学获得数学博士学位和硕士学位,并获得了路易斯安那州立大学校友联合会奖学金,并在路易斯安那理工大学获得数学学士学位。
Kevin O'Mara博士
Kevin O'Mara 博士担任坎贝尔大学商学院院长。O'Mara 博士在北卡罗来纳州立大学获得技术管理博士学位,在休斯顿大学获得会计专业的 MBA 学位,在德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校获得工程和商业学士学位。他在北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校完成了战略管理方面的额外研究生工作。他还是注册管理会计师(CMA)。
此前,O'Mara 博士从伊隆大学的玛莎和斯宾塞洛夫商学院,担任多尔蒂创业领导力中心的执行董事和管理学教授。在进入学术界之前,O'Mara 博士曾在德克萨斯州休斯顿的一家大型石油勘探公司工作,担任战略规划分析师、运营分析师和工程经济分析师。
Donna Waldron博士
Donna Waldron 博士是全球参与系主任和英语系主任。自 2005 年以来,她一直领导坎贝尔所有学院的跨文化交流和国际教育,从大学合作和交流到短期留学项目。
Charles A. Carter 博士
Charles A. Carter 博士在学术界和制药行业都建立了自己的地位。他目前从2022年起担任坎贝尔大学药学与健康科学学院制药与临床科学系的教授和系主任,负责监督药物科学和临床研究本科生和研究生的教育计划。此外,该系在药学博士(PharmD)学生的基础教育中发挥着举足轻重的作用。在专业上,Carter 博士为每个项目的学生和毕业生提供教学、指导和咨询活动,并与一个强大的的团队一起工作。
卡特博士有许多学术成就。他于 1983 年在田纳西大学健康科学中心药学院获得药学博士学位,并于1981年在纽约州立大学布法罗分校获得药学学士学位。Carter 博士在田纳西大学完成了研究设计和方法学的训练,以及生物信息学和药物信息学的住院医师培训。出于对创业精神、持续学习和创新的热情,他于 1994 年在基督教兄弟大学获得工商管理硕士学位 (MBA) 并继续深造。
在 2015 年加入坎贝尔大学之前,Carter 博士在制药行业担任过有影响力的职务,特别是在医疗事务、监管事务、战略咨询和临床研究方面。他曾担任 Salix Pharmaceuticals, Inc. 的医学事务执行董事,在那里他领导了旨在推进医学教育、科学传播以及发现和开发新医药产品的研究工作的举措。
Carter 博士于 1994 年根据其 MBA 培训计划期间制定的商业计划创立了 Pharmaceutical Strategic Initiatives, LLC (PSI)。在将近 20 年的时间里,在出售公司之前,他将精力集中在公司的愿景和服务上。PSI是全球制药和生物制药行业战略咨询、临床研究设计和战略、监管准备、医学和科学内容创作、健康结果研究、关键意见领袖和宣传开发的提供商。
Carter博士的专业成就体现在他的研究贡献和国际合作上。作为研究者,他在众多 3 期和 4 期临床试验以及卫生经济学和结果研究中发挥了关键作用。Carter 博士发表了 50 多篇以他的名字命名的出版物,并在国内和国际会议上发表演讲,他通过专业知识、领导力和奉献精神在一个非常动态和复杂的世界中塑造了药物开发的格局。
Guy Armstrong 先生
1997年,Guy 先生带领一个来自美国的大学生团队到中国进行暑期交流。此后,他对中国、中国文化和人民的热爱与日俱增。2000-2001年,他与妻子和四个孩子住在上海,在同济大学学习普通话,并共同主持了“电影中的英语教学”,这是一个基于互联网的英语教学项目。2001年,他回到美国,开始促进美国与许多不同国家之间的跨文化领导力发展项目,始终特别关注中国。他于 2012 年创立了 Ascend International (AI)。人工智能催生了许多项目:STEAM:培养儿童和青少年的STEM科目和未来所需的技能;PASSAGES:一项领导力发展计划,将中国大学生或早期职业专业人士带到美国进行实习和培训。此外还有 l2L 项目,将美国专业人士带到中国进行“志愿旅游”体验,并在大学举办研讨会,帮助中国培养下一代行业领袖。
2023 年,Guy 接受了坎贝尔大学全球参与系的职位。他的任务是扩大坎贝尔的全球足迹。鉴于他的经验,他将大部分时间都花在了中国。
Guy 制定了一些计划,在领导力发展计划中与非营利性和营利性公司建立联系。数以百计的美国人和中国人通过他开发或帮助指导的项目跨越了文化鸿沟。他感到高兴的是,文化交流催生了终身的友谊和更深层次的相互理解,并涌现了能够更好地为人们服务的新一代青年领袖。
[English Version]
Dr. John Roberson
Executive Vice President & Chief Operating Officer
Office of the President
University Leadership
John Roberson began his duties as Executive Vice President on Feb. 1, 2016. Previously, he was dean of Campbell’s Adult & Online Education division.
In that position, he brought a new emphasis to nontraditional student education, expanded the portfolio of degree programs to meet demands from the growing population of nontraditional students, and launched the university’s virtual campus – Campbell University Online. Campbell University Online opened its “doors” in January 2014 with an enrollment of 24 students. In two years its enrollment grew to nearly 350 students.
Roberson is a 1980 alumnus of Campbell and a 1983 graduate from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. In 1997, he earned his Doctor of Education in Higher Education Administration from North Carolina State University.
From 1989 to 1996 he served Campbell as assistant vice president for alumni relations and assistant to the president, but stepped away from 1997 to 2005 to serve as an executive with the Baptist State Convention of North Carolina. He returned to Campbell in 2005 as the vice president for marketing and planning. In 2008 he was named vice president for enrollment management and marketing and three years later was tapped to be vice president for enrollment management and assistant to the president. In 2013, he became the dean of Adult & Online Education.
His wife, Wendy, is a 1984 graduate of Campbell and is now a retired teacher. Following the family legacy, their daughter, Sarah, graduated in 2017 with a Bachelor of Business Administration majoring in both Business Administration and Healthcare Management. Dr. and Mrs. Roberson are members of the Memorial Baptist Church in Buies Creek.
Borree P. Kwok
Associate Provost for Administration & Academic Success
Academic Affairs & Provost
As associate provost, Ms. Kwok oversees a number of academic support units including Academic Success, Global Engagement, Institutional Review Board Office, Sponsored Research and Programs, and Wiggins Library. Kwok has served Campbell University in a variety of capacities since 1993, including serving as director of library services and director of institutional research, and was named Dean of the Library in 2011. In 2016, Kwok was named Assistant Provost for Administration and became Associate Provost in 2021.
A native of Hong Kong, Kwok received a Bachelor of Arts degree in English from Whitworth College, a Post-Graduate Certificate in Education from the University of Hong Kong, and a Master of Science in Library Science from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
Dr. Jenna Carpenter
Dr. Jenna P. Carpenter is Founding Dean and Professor of the School of Engineering at Campbell University. She is also Immediate Past President of the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE), incoming President-Elect of the Mathematical Association of America, and a past president of WEPAN (Women in Engineering ProActive Network). Prior to Campbell, Dr. Carpenter was Associate Dean for Undergraduate Studies, Director of the Office for Women in Science and Engineering, and Wayne and Juanita Spinks Endowed Professor in the College of Engineering and Science at Louisiana Tech University, where she served on the faculty for 26 years. Dr. Carpenter is a national expert in innovative STEM education, as well as issues of diversity, equity, and inclusion in STEM, particularly those impacting the success of women in STEM. She is recipient of the 2023 ABET Claire Felbinger Award for Diversity and Inclusion; a 2023 ASEE Hall of Fame Inductee; co-recipient of the 2022 NAE Bernard M. Gordon Prize for Innovation in Engineering and Engineering Technology Education (for her role as a co-founder of the Grand Challenges Scholars Program); recipient of the 2019 ASEE Sharon Keillor Award for Women in Engineering Education; recipient of the 2018 WEPAN Founder’s Award; and a Fellow of ASEE. Dr. Carpenter received her PhD and her MS, both in mathematics, at Louisiana State University where she held an LSU Alumni Federation Fellowship, and her BS in Mathematics from Louisiana Tech University.
Dr. Kevin O’Mara
Lundy-Fetterman School of Business
Dr. Kevin O’Mara serves as the Dean of the School of Business at Campbell University. Dean O’Mara earned a Ph.D. in Technology Management from North Carolina State University, an MBA with a concentration in accounting from the University of Houston, and bachelor degrees in Engineering and Business from the University of Texas at Austin. He completed additional graduate work in strategic management from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He is also a Certified Management Accountant (CMA).
O’Mara comes to the Business School from Elon University’s Martha and Spencer Love School of Business, where he served as Executive Director of the Doherty Center for Entrepreneurial Leadership and as a Professor of Management. Before entering academia, O’Mara worked for a major petroleum explorer in Houston, Texas, as a strategic planning analyst, operations analyst and engineering economic analyst.
In addition, to his duties as Dean, O’Mara is past president of the Academy of Business Education and currently serves on its Board of Directors. He also serves on the N.C. Small Business & Technology Development Center’s statewide Board of Advisors and is chair of the SBTDC Central Carolina Regional Board. He currently serves on the Alamance County Chamber of Commerce Economic Development Committee and served on the Board of Directors for two charter schools.
Dr. Donna Waldron/ Dean of Global Engagement
Dr. Donna Waldron is the Dean of Global Engagement and the Chair of the Department of English. Since 2005 she has been leading intercultural exchange and international education for all colleges at Campbell from university partnerships and exchanges to short-term study abroad programs.
Charles A. Carter, PharmD, MBA, BS
Professor and Chair, Department of Pharmaceutical & Clinical Sciences
College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences
Campbell University
Charles A. Carter has established himself in both in academia and the pharmaceutical industry. He is currently serving as Professor and Chair of the Department of Pharmaceutical & Clinical Sciences in the College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences at Campbell University from 2022. Within this role, Dr. Carter oversees the educational programs for both undergraduate and graduate students in Pharmaceutical Sciences and Clinical Research. Moreover, the Department plays a pivotal role in the foundational education of Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD) students. Professionally, Dr. Carter provides teaching, mentorship, and advisory activities for students and graduates in each of these programs and works alongside an incredible team of individuals.
Dr. Carter’s academic journey is marked by several achievements. He earned his PharmD degree from the College of Pharmacy at the University of Tennessee Center for Health Sciences in 1983, following his Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy from the State University of New York at Buffalo in 1981. Dr. Carter’s completed his fellowship training in Research Design and Methodology, as well as a residency in Bioinformatics and Drug Information, both at the University of Tennessee. Driven by his passion for entrepreneurialism, continuous learning, and innovation, he furthered his education with a Master in Business Administration (MBA) from Christian Brothers University in 1994.
Prior to his arrival at Campbell University in 2015, Dr. Carter held influential roles in the pharmaceutical industry, particularly in medical affairs, regulatory affairs, strategic consulting, and clinical research. He served as the Executive Director of Medical Affairs at Salix Pharmaceuticals, Inc., where he led initiatives aimed at advancing medical education, scientific communications, and research endeavors in the discovery and development of new pharmaceutical products.
Dr. Carter founded Pharmaceutical Strategic Initiatives, LLC (PSI) in 1994 based on a business plan established during his MBA training program. For nearly 20 years, he focused his energies on the company’s vision and services prior to selling the organization. PSI was a provider of strategic consulting, clinical research design and strategy, regulatory preparation, medical and scientific content creation, health outcomes research, key opinion leader and advocacy development for the pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical industries at a global level.
Dr. Carter’s professional accomplishments are underscored by his research contributions and international collaborations. He has played a pivotal role as an investigator in numerous Phase 3 and Phase 4 clinical trials, as well as health economics and outcomes research studies. With over fifty publications to his name and a track record of presenting at national and international conferences, Dr. Carter has shaped the landscape of pharmaceutical development through expertise, leadership, and dedication in a very dynamic and complex world.
In 1997, Guy led a team of collegians from the USA to China for a summer exchange. Since that time his love for China, its culture and people, has grown. In 2000-2001, he and his wife and four children lived in Shanghai where he studied Mandarin at Tongji University and co-anchored, “Teaching English from the Movies,” an internet based, English teaching program. In 2001, he returned to the USA and began to facilitate cross cultural leadership development programs between the USA and many different countries, always giving special focus to China. He founded Ascend International (AI) in 2012. AI spawned a number of programs: STEAM: developing children and teens in STEM subjects and skills necessary for their future; PASSAGES: a leadership development initiative that brings Chinese collegians or early career professionals to the U.S for internships and training. Finally, l2L is a program that brings American professionals to China on “voluntourism” experiences. Professionals conduct seminars at universities and help mentor China’s next generation of leaders.
In 2023, Guy accepted a position in Campbell University’s Global Engagement Department. He is tasked with increasing Campbell’s global footprint. Given his experience, he has devoted most of that time to China.
Guy has developed programs to connect the east and the west in leadership development programs with both non-profit and for-profit companies. Hundreds of Americans and Chinese have crossed cultures through programs he has developed or helped to direct. He is most pleased that lifelong friendships and deeper understanding between cultures have been forged as well as emerging leaders equipped to better serve mankind.
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