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Celebrating Community and Vision: Volunteering at Capital Youth Outreach Club(CYOC)'s Barbecue Gathering

2024-05-17 06:03 阅读量:6k+

华人号: 华盛顿中文邮报

Celebrating Community and Vision: Volunteering at Capital Youth Outreach Club(CYOC)'s Barbecue Gathering

Ruichen Feng , May 14 , 2024

On a chilly morning at Black Hill Regional Park, my family and I arrived at the shelter amidst a bustling scene where several Chinese school associations and clubs, including the Capital Youth Outreach Club (CYOC), were hosting a barbecue event. The gathering brought together numerous Chinese individuals residing in the DMV area, providing a joyous occasion for reunion and celebration.As a CYOC member, I volunteered for this event, lending a hand around the shelters to assist in food preparation and barbecuing. Prior to the CYOC gathering, I had the opportunity to taste a delightful array of homemade chinese treats contributed by various families, from spring rolls to dumplings, alongside savory delights like kabobs and chicken wings.As I savored the flavors and engaged in conversations with other attendees, I appreciate the sense of community fostered by such events. It was heartwarming to witness families coming together, each contributing a piece of their culture through food and conversation.

After lunch, we made our way to Shelter A, anticipating the start of the CYOC presidential changing ceremony. The event began with speeches from CYOC's adult president and advisors, stalwart supporters of the club's development. Following them, our former president turned presidential advisor, George Xie, took the stage, highlighting CYOC's achievements during his tenure. He then introduced the new co-presidents, Jennifer and Joseph, whose speeches were captivating as they outlined their visions and objectives for the upcoming term.Listening to their impassioned words, I couldn't help but feel inspired. Their dedication to serving the community and driving positive change ignited a sense of purpose within me. It prompted reflection on my own role within the community and how I could contribute to its growth and prosperity. Subsequent to their addresses, introductions were made for the new board members, who presented ambitious initiatives including collaborative efforts with diverse organizations and local environmental stewardship projects aimed at beaches and forests. The gathering provided compelling insights into CYOC's forthcoming endeavors under the new leadership.As I absorbed the presentations and mingled with fellow attendees, a renewed sense of optimism for the future washed over me. I am confident that these community-driven initiatives will effectively bring about meaningful change.

Following the meeting, we savored a final sampling of the culinary offerings before departing. As we drove away, a sense of anticipation and excitement for CYOC's future initiatives filled me with optimism. I left Black Hill Regional Park with a deeper appreciation for the importance of community engagement and a renewed commitment to playing an active role in shaping the future of CYOC and our community as a whole.

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