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【双语听读】Yellow River Carp from Zhengzhou 万亩鱼塘,鱼米之乡

2020-07-30 01:15 阅读量:5.6万+


【双语听读】Yellow River Carp from Zhengzhou 万亩鱼塘,鱼米之乡


【双语听读】Yellow River Carp from Zhengzhou 万亩鱼塘,鱼米之乡

【双语听读】Yellow River Carp from Zhengzhou 万亩鱼塘,鱼米之乡

NB:This may not be a word-for-word transcript.

"Land of fish and rice" is naturally associated with the lower reaches of the Yangtze. There are many lakes and connecting waterways in this low-lying region, which is one of China's most fertile and most affluent zones.


However, the "land of fish and rice" we are going to refer to here is Wangcun Town in northern Xingyang, Zhengzhou, rich in the famous Yellow River carp.


Living in harmony with nature


Located in central Henan Province, Xingyang, Zhengzhou lies at the confluence of the Yellow River Basin and the Huai River Basin, and at the boundary of the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River. It is one of the main birthplaces of China's early agricultural civilization. The Yellow River runs along the northwest Xingyang, with a riverfront of 45 kilometers. Abundant water resources and fertile soil here provide good conditions for the development of agriculture.


【双语听读】Yellow River Carp from Zhengzhou 万亩鱼塘,鱼米之乡

In harmony with the natural conditions of the Yellow River wetland, Wangcun Town has in recent years preserved water quality and set up fish nests, creating a good environment for the natural reproduction of wild fish in the Yellow River. According to the biological characteristics of fish, a stock breeding system, disease prevention and control system, and quality safety system have been built to provide a good hatchery for Yellow River carp to lay eggs, so as to enrich the fish resources in the Yellow River, maintain the aquatic biodiversity and promote the virtuous cycle of the aquatic ecosystem in the reserve.


Listed as a national modern fishery demonstration area被列为国家现代渔业示范区

In 2007, the Yellow River Carp National Aquatic Genetic Resources Reserve in Zhengzhou section of the Yellow River became one of the first 40 national aquatic genetic resources reserves.


【双语听读】Yellow River Carp from Zhengzhou 万亩鱼塘,鱼米之乡

Xingyang Yellow River Fish Farm, known as ten thousand-mu fish pond, is located in the Yellow River beach area of Wangcun Town. In response to the healthy, pollution-free and ecological breeding, ecological breeding areas (70%) and ecological wetlands (30%) have been built in the reserve, mainly involving the breeding of pollution-free aquatic products, artificial wetland landscape, simulated protection of wildlife environment, planting and processing of aquatic vegetables and wetland tourism.


【双语听读】Yellow River Carp from Zhengzhou 万亩鱼塘,鱼米之乡

In recent years, Wangcun Town has adhered to agricultural supply-side structural reform and accelerated restructuring of agricultural production, thus promoting the large-scale, standardized and intensive development of traditional agriculture. The town's figs, grapes, selenium-rich pears, peaches, etc. are well known. Yellow River carp and newly developed river crab are household names. Special aquatic products such as rice and lotus root, as well as loach, lobster and Duckbill fish have gradually made Wangcun Town a "land of fish and rice". The illimitable fish pond is not only the largest pollution-free freshwater fish breeding base in Henan Province, but also the largest continuous Yellow River carp breeding base in China, which has been listed as a national modern fishery demonstration area.


One of China's "top four fish"


Yellow River carp is one of China's "top four fish" and is well known at home and abroad with a long history. There was a saying that "Luoshui Carp and Yishui gurnard are delicious and more precious than beef and mutton". Yellow River carp has always been the food of choice. It is recorded in an ancient Chinese medical book that "Luoshui Carp is the best carp, followed by Jianghan Carp and Haohui Carp". It was said that if any of the carp could leap over this "Dragon Gate", it would then turn into a powerful dragon. Yellow River Carp once served as a tribute to the imperial court in history. It is more clearly described in an ancient compilation of anecdotes and stories from the Qing Dynasty that "Yellow River carp is delicious and tender, and can be called a treasure".


Yellow River carp is brightly colored, with gold scales and a red tail. Its anal fin, caudal peduncle and inferior lobe of tail fin are orange. It has a long body, flat sides and round abdomen. A slowly rising arc is formed between the head and back, with a slight hump on the back, a small head, and a U-shaped mouth. It is commonly known as "copper head, iron tail and tofu waist". Yellow River carp is famous for its tender meat, rich nutrition and delicious taste. It contains a variety of essential amino acids and trace elements.


Zhengzhou Yellow River carp was registered as a national agricultural product with geographical indications in 2012 and was included in the Chinese Agricultural Brand Catalogue in 2019.


【双语听读】Yellow River Carp from Zhengzhou 万亩鱼塘,鱼米之乡


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