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Harvard in News on 3/2/2025 媒体中的哈佛

Let’s have some fun tonight! 今晚我们玩得开心点吧!

We’ll be well-represented in the A-final tonight after some solid prelim performances earlier today. One last push, Crim! ✊👏


Harvard Stuns Yale, Ending Its Undefeated Ivy League Streak The Harvard men’s basketball team (11-15, 6-7 Ivy) handed an undefeated Yale (19-7, 12-1 Ivy) its first loss on Saturday in a 74-69 win at Lavietes, in an upset that leaves the Crimson in contention for postseason play in Ivy Madness 哈佛大学击败耶鲁大学,终结常春藤联盟不败纪录 哈佛大学男子篮球队(11-15,6-7 常春藤联盟)周六在拉维特斯以 74-69 击败不败的耶鲁大学(19-7,12-1 常春藤联盟),这是他们首次输球,这也让哈佛大学深红队在常春藤联盟疯狂赛中保留了季后赛资格
Women’s Tennis Breezes Past Stony Brook, 7-0 Rachel Arbitman and Angel You continue to provide a dominant presence in the doubles lineup for the Crimson. The captains collected their third straight 6-0 win while playing at the No. 3 doubles spot to open action this afternoon. 女子网球以 7-0 轻松击败 Stony Brook Rachel Arbitman 和 Angel You 继续在 Crimson 的双打阵容中占据主导地位。今天下午,队长们在 3 号双打位置上以 6-0 连续第三次获胜。
Why Gregory Sabin Is Passionate About Teaching at Harvard Extension School For Gregory Sabin, Harvard Extension School is a place where people rewrite their stories and seize new opportunities. Time and again, he witnesses how the school's mission—providing an accessible yet rigorous Harvard education—transforms lives. Like many other instructors at HES, Gregory chooses to teach here because he believes in that mission. With an extensive background in the finance industry, he values the opportunity to bring real-world insights into the virtual classroom, ensuring his students gain practical knowledge they can apply immediately. 格雷戈里·萨宾为何热衷于在哈佛继续教育学院任教 对于格雷戈里·萨宾来说,哈佛继续教育学院是人们重写故事和抓住新机遇的地方。他一次又一次见证了学校的使命——提供易于理解但又严谨的哈佛教育——如何改变生活。与哈佛继续教育学院的许多其他教师一样,格雷戈里选择在这里任教是因为他相信这一使命。凭借在金融行业的丰富背景,他重视将现实世界的见解带入虚拟课堂的机会,确保他的学生获得可以立即应用的实用知识。
Harvard Business Teacher talks about Artificial Intelligence | Kimberly Samboy 哈佛商学院老师讲述人工智能 | Kimberly Samboy
Harvard Law School Grad on Strategies to Motivate People to Learn Andrew Brodsky is an award-winning professor at The University of Texas. He is an expert in workplace technology, communication and productivity and serves as the CEO of Ping Group. Andrew earned a PhD in organizational behavior from Harvard Business School and BS from The Wharton School. He currently lives with his wife and two rescue dogs in Austin. 哈佛法学院毕业生谈激励人们学习的策略 Andrew Brodsky 是德克萨斯大学的获奖教授。他是职场技术、沟通和生产力方面的专家,并担任 Ping Group 的首席执行官。Andrew 拥有哈佛商学院组织行为学博士学位和沃顿商学院理学学士学位。他目前与妻子和两只救援犬住在奥斯汀。
College Mental Health Crisis: First Signs of Hope? | Harvard Psychiatrist Reveals New Data In this latest episode, we examine today's college mental health crisis with Harvard psychiatrist Dr. Doris Iarovici. Drawing on over two decades of clinical experience, Dr. Iarovici identifies the first small signs of leveling off in student mental health statistics after years of steady decline, while exploring the complex factors behind this generation's challenges – from delayed adulthood milestones to social media's neurological impact and the evolution of parenting approaches. Beyond the alarming statistics, our conversation uncovers surprising variations in mental health across different university settings and offers genuine reasons for optimism. Dr. Iarovici shares valuable insights about effective treatments, the natural improvements that come with age, and the crucial role of community in supporting student wellbeing. Whether you're a parent, educator, or student, this balanced, evidence-based discussion provides clarity on one of today's most pressing issues without oversimplification or despair. 大学生心理健康危机:希望的曙光?| 哈佛精神病学家揭示新数据 在最新一集中,我们与哈佛精神病学家 Doris Iarovici 博士一起探讨了当今的大学生心理健康危机。凭借 20 多年的临床经验,Iarovici 博士发现,在经过多年的持续下降之后,学生心理健康统计数据首次出现趋于平稳的迹象,同时探索了这一代人面临挑战背后的复杂因素——从成年里程碑的延迟到社交媒体对神经系统的影响以及育儿方式的演变。 除了令人震惊的统计数据之外,我们的对话还揭示了不同大学环境中心理健康状况的惊人差异,并提供了真正的乐观理由。Iarovici 博士分享了有关有效治疗、随着年龄增长而自然改善以及社区在支持学生福祉方面的关键作用的宝贵见解。无论您是家长、教育工作者还是学生,这场平衡、基于证据的讨论都清楚地阐明了当今最紧迫的问题之一,而不会过于简单化或令人绝望。
From a Harvard dropout to one of the richest men on Earth! Before Bill Gates became the billionaire co-founder of Microsoft, he was just a young man passionate about computers. Despite dropping out of Harvard, he built a tech empire that changed the world and made personal computers accessible to everyone. Today, he is also one of the biggest philanthropists on the planet, donating billions to fight global challenges. 从哈佛辍学生到世界上最富有的人之一! 在成为微软亿万富翁联合创始人之前,比尔盖茨只是一个对电脑充满热情的年轻人。尽管从哈佛辍学,但他建立了一个改变世界的科技帝国,让每个人都能拥有个人电脑。如今,他也是世界上最大的慈善家之一,捐赠了数十亿美元来应对全球挑战。
哈佛教授: 爱情与婚姻水火不容?|论莎士比亚
刘晓庆哈佛讲演 2016 完整版
哈佛醫師研發的亮白牙膏開團中!牙齒要亮白真的要好好慎選牙膏,而且不好的牙膏我不會推薦給大家的!連結在我的IG @perrygreeeen 自界連結裡!


Federal Judge Theodore Chuang, a Harvard Overseer, Questions Trump’s DOGE at Hearing

Federal Judge Theodore D. Chuang  ’91, a Harvard Overseer, questioned the legitimacy of the Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) in a lawsuit challenging its constitutionality. The case, involving Elon Musk’s alleged role in DOGE’s mass layoffs and the shutdown of USAID, raises concerns over Musk’s authority without Senate confirmation. Chuang criticized the Justice Department’s lack of clarity on DOGE’s leadership, expressing suspicion of Musk’s involvement. This case adds to rising tensions between Harvard and the Trump administration amid ongoing federal investigations into the university.


哈佛大学监察员、联邦法官西奥多·D·庄(Theodore D. Chuang,  1991年)在一次质疑政府效率部(DOGE)合宪性诉讼中质疑性。该案涉及埃隆·马斯克涉嫌在DOGE大规模重启和美国国际开发署批准关闭中扮演的角色,引发了人们对司法公正部权力的怀疑。严厉批评部门对DOGE领导层有明确的说明,并表示怀疑涉及其中。在联邦合法调查的背景下,此案引发了哈佛大学与特朗普政府之间的紧张。


Justice Department Task Force Will Visit Harvard To Investigate Antisemitism Allegations

The U.S. Department of Justice’s task force on antisemitism will visit Harvard and nine other universities to investigate allegations that these institutions failed to protect Jewish students and faculty from discrimination. The visits, part of the Trump administration’s crackdown on antisemitism, will include meetings with university officials, law enforcement, and affected community members to assess potential remedial actions. Task force member Leo J. Terrell warned that noncompliant schools could face lawsuits or funding cuts. Harvard has previously faced lawsuits and federal probes over similar allegations.




A heart disease trigger that lurks inside bone marrow

Researchers have identified clonal hematopoiesis of indeterminate potential (CHIP) as a potential risk factor for heart disease. CHIP occurs when genetic mutations in bone marrow cells lead to cloned blood cells, a process that becomes more common with age. While some mutations are linked to leukemia, others increase inflammation, contributing to cardiovascular disease. Scientists, including Dr. Peter Libby, are studying how CHIP influences heart health, but due to its complexity and variability, developing targeted treatments remains challenging.


研究人员已将难以辨认的克隆性造血(CHIP)确定为心脏病的潜在风险因素。当骨髓细胞中的基因突变导致克隆血细胞时,发生CHIP,这一过程随着年龄的增长而变得越来越普遍。虽然有些与白血病有关,但另一些治疗会增加,导致心血管疾病。包括Peter Libby博士认为科学家正在研究CHIP如何影响心脏健康,但由于其复杂性和多变性,开发出多种方法。

Researchers are unraveling the mysteries of this recently recognized risk factor, which goes by the acronym CHIP. 研究人员正在揭开这个最近被发现的风险因素(缩写为 CHIP)的神秘面纱。



Practical pointers for pickleballers

Pickleball is a great cardiovascular workout, but injuries—especially among those over 50—are rising. Common injuries include strains, sprains, joint pain, and fractures, often caused by quick movements and sudden stops. However, research highlights its heart benefits, including lower blood pressure, increased step counts, and improved cholesterol. To prevent injuries, experts recommend taking lessons, wearing supportive shoes, warming up before playing, and strengthening lower-body muscles. While pickleball offers significant health benefits, players should take precautions to avoid injuries and enhance longevity in the sport.



This popular sport can be a great way to keep your heart healthy. But take steps to avoid pickleball-related injuries, which are more common in people over 50.















哈佛研究:恒温器设置这温度 有利预防失智




哈佛医学院遗传学教授Dr. David Sinclair指出,指甲的生长速度可以反映生物学年龄,随着年龄增长,指甲生长速度会变慢,颜色和质地也会发生变化,这些变化可能暗示潜在的健康问题,如贫血、肝病、真菌感染等;同时,指甲的健康也受到多种因素影响,如营养、环境和护理方式,因此,保持健康的饮食和良好的生活习惯,以及正确的指甲护理,对维持指甲健康至关重要,如发现指甲异常应及时咨询医生。


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