2024-09-16 19:56 阅读量:3k+
华人号:ASP国际诗苑由義大利形象與詩歌文化藝術運動和義大利都靈市政府共同主辦的「2024年度圭多•戈扎諾國際詩歌獎」(PREMIO IL MELETO DI GUIDO GOZZANO 2024),歷時半年,經過評委數輪票決,已於9月14日在都靈揭曉,同時在都靈阿列莊園(Il Meleto–Agliè)舉辦了頒獎晚會,其間,朗誦了部分獲獎詩人的作品。
義大利「2024年奎多•戈扎諾國際詩歌獎」最佳外國作家獎得主,分別來自中國、克羅地亞、印度、毛里求斯、黑山、新西蘭、北馬其頓、阿曼、波蘭、塞爾維亞、美國、越南等國家,由ASP 國際詩苑推送的几位華語詩人在競賽中勝出,其中值得一提的是中國著名詩人周占林、詩人及翻譯家徐建綱分別憑各自英文詩作“Falling in love with Kunlun Mountains and clouds ”,“The Fate of A Dandelion ”贏得大陪審團獎。
奎多•戈札諾國際詩獎该奖项诞生于 2011 年,由Lilita Conrieri 和 Gilda Conrieri姐妹发起,多年来已成为最受期待和令人垂涎的国家和国际奖项之一,以義大利十九世紀重要詩人GUIDO GOZZANO之名命名,已成功舉辦十四屆。
Amita Sanghavy , Dana Neri ,Xanthi Hondrou-Hill , Lilita Conrieri. 大赛评委会主席: Lidia Chiarelli (意大利,協調員).
吉多·古斯塔沃·戈扎諾(Guido Gustavo Gozzano,1883年12月19日-1916年8月9日)是一位義大利詩人和作家。出生於都靈,在都靈和阿列(卡納韋塞地區) 度過了一生,他的家族在那裡擁有幾棟建築和一處大型莊園:Villa Il Meleto。
由於健康狀況不佳,他以平庸的成績完成了小學學業,並就讀於Liceo classico Cavour;1903年,中學畢業後,他在都靈大學學習法律,但從未畢業,而是更喜歡參深受年輕文人喜愛的詩人阿圖羅‧格拉夫的文學課。
1907 年5 月,由於嚴重的胸膜炎,戈扎諾的健康狀況突然惡化,這迫使詩人在義大利裡維埃拉(主要是聖朱利亞諾達爾巴羅)和山區城鎮(塞雷索萊雷亞萊、龍科、貝爾泰塞諾、費裡)度過了餘生。最後安葬在阿列。他是個無神論者。著有詩裡富《吉奧大道(1907)》《我的談話(1911)》等多部。
https://amicidiguidogozzano.jimdofree.com/foreign-authors-selected-poems-2024/?fbclid=IwY2xjawFMJvtleHRuA2FlbQIxMQABHQEamAF2K70rV3uZXTYQ_ZKgGFeUpBM jXgUE4N4RWHhHg
Falling in love with Kunlun Mountains and clouds
The Kunlun mountains are in the arms of clouds
The clouds are in my arms
I brush away three thousand troubles
Watching the sunshine dancing
The altitude of five thousand meters
Not higher than my longing thoughts
I gaze at the distance
Falling in love with Kunlun mountains and clouds
Hoh Xil is my pasture for aye
I fly my dream, fly everything
My neighbors are yaks and Tibetan antelopes
The Kunlun Mountain, my place of pilgrimage
Take off the haloxylon-like kindness and bitterness
From now on, I'll run to the distance with my dste-red horse
Translated by John Zhao.
Bio: Zhou Zhanlin, is a member of the Chinese Writers Association, Editor-in-Chief of Chinese-poetry.com, Deputy Secretary General of the Organizing Committee of Ten-thousand-mile Chinese Poetry Travel, Vice President of Chinese Modern Poetry Research Institute.
The Fate of A Dandelion
By Xu Jiangang
From birth
you are destined to
express your meaningless life with wandering
the wandering direction
is always at the mercy of the wind
With love on the left
direction on the right
every forced flight
is a lacerating agony
However hard you try to land on the earth
you are compelled to wander to a foreign land
time and time again
Sometimes you want to be a magpie
Sometimes you want to emulate a nightingales
in that
in tangled clouds
you abandon yourself into a misty landscape
subverting philosophy
playing with history
and ending up without a trace in midair
Bio: Xu Jiangang, pen name, Old Captain, Professor of English and American Literature at the School of English Language and Culture, Xiamen University Tan Kah Kee College; he has had 4 books of poem collections published in bilingual languages.
本期编辑、制作: 文玉清
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