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2023-02-13 06:34 阅读量:1.8万+




2023.2.8  7:00Pm



Hon. Minister Megan Woods,

Hon. Members of Parliaments,

Mayors and deputies mayors,

City councilors,

President Mr. Steven Wong,

My fellow Chinese and kiwi friends,

Distinguished guests,

Ladies and gentlemen,

Good evening!



今晚我非常荣幸和各位一起庆祝中国兔年的联欢。首先我想借此机会对发起组织这次活动的新西兰华人社团联合会主席Mr. Steven Wong黄玮璋先生表示感谢,并祝联欢会圆满成功!我仅代表基督城中国总领事馆向所有出席今天联欢会的朋友祝贺兔年快乐,祝大家吉祥如意!



2022年也有不少重大事件纪念日。中国和新西兰双方一起为中新缔结双边外交五十周年举办了一系列庆祝活动; 组织了路易.艾黎125周年诞辰纪念。艾黎是新西兰的伟大儿子,是中国人民真挚的朋友,今晚在座的朋友有不少都以这种那种方式参加了活动。我们都以这些历史事件的亲身参与者和见证者的身份感到高兴。








(翟兴付美食轩 2023.2.8  7:00)




Hon. Minister Megan Woods,

Hon. Members of Parliaments, 

Mayors and deputies mayors,

City councilors,

President Mr. Steven Wong,

My fellow Chinese and kiwi friends,

Distinguished guests,

Ladies and gentlemen,

Good evening!


It’s my pleasure to join all of you in celebrating the Chinese Lunar New Year, the Year of the Rabbit. First of all, I’d like to take this opportunity to thank Mr. Steven Wong, president of the Federation of the NZ Chinese Association, to host such an event to celebrate the Chinese New Year, and wish the event a full success. On behalf of the Consulate General in Christchurch, I also like to extend my best wishes to all friends present for a happy, lucky and prosperous Chinese Year of the Rabbit.


It is always the right time to look back and look forward at the beginning of the year for new sthrength, new energy, new hopes and new achievements.


Looking back, the year 2022 remained a year of pandemic. We all still suffered from Covid19, our life and work were seriously affected, it was not convenient to do anything, especially for public gathering and international travel.


2022 was also an anniversary year for big events. Both China and New Zealand held a series of activities to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the establishment of the bilateral diplomatic ties between China and New Zealand, and to commemorate the 125th anniversary of Rewi Alley’s birth. Alley was a great son of New Zealand and a great friend of the Chinese. Friends here tonight most prpbably had ttaken part in the activities this way or that. We were happy to have been participants and witnesses of those historical events.


Looking ahead, the year 2023 is a year of hope. It is the first year for us to embark on the next 50-year journey of China-NZ cordial relationship. We should carry on the spirit of Rewi Alley and do whatever we can to embrace hope, and to create a better future for our two countries and two peoples.


2023 is also a year of recovery and prosperity. The pandemic is not as horroble and fatal to people’s life as it were in the past. Things are getting to normality. It is the strong desire and needs of people all over the world to focus on economic recovery, business prosperity after three years of pandemic. China and New Zealand are complementary in multiple sectors, especially in economic and trade. We have every reason to work harder to deepen our mutually beneficial cooperation.


Now there are two pieces of good news from the Chinese side that I’d like to mention, the first one is: Since January 8, nucleic acid test and centralized quarantine upon arrival in China have been canceled, which made it easier for people going to China. The second is: From February 6, China reopened group tour of Chinese people to 20 countries including New Zealand. I am fully convinced more and more Chinese tourists, businessmen and students will return to New Zealand in the coming months. The Chinese Consulate General is willing to work together with various sectors in the South Island to get everything necessary ready for that. I wish to see more good news coming from both sides.


To conclude, I’d like to once again wish all friends and your families a lucky and prosperous Chinese Year of the Rabbit.兔年快乐,万事如意!


Thank you.





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