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【双语】外交部例行记者会 / MFA Regular Press Conference (2025年3月20日)

2025-03-21 10:42 阅读量:4.8万+


Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Mao Ning’s
Regular Press Conference on March 20, 2025


CCTV: It is reported that the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) has lowered its global growth forecast in its latest Interim Economic Outlook. It is believed that the trade barriers set by some countries will impact the global economic growth and lead to mounting inflation. What’s your comment?


Mao Ning: I noted the reports. Trade barriers including tariffs serve nobody’s interests and are not conducive to the prosperity and stability of world economy. Disagreements on trade and business should be resolved through dialogue and consultation, and the world economy should not pay the price. No matter how the external environment may evolve, China will adhere to opening up, and firmly support the principle of free trade and the multilateral trading system. China is committed to supporting the universally beneficial and inclusive economic globalization, and pursuing common development and win-win with all countries.


AFP: Canada today condemned China for executing Canadian citizens on drug-related charges. They said that those executions had taken place despite protests from the Canadian government. Can the Foreign Ministry provide any more details on these cases? And also, what is China’s response to Canada’s criticism on this?


Mao Ning: Combating drug-related crimes is the responsibility of all countries. China is a country that upholds the rule of law. The law treats everyone the same regardless of nationality. The Chinese judicial authorities handle those cases justly in strict accordance with the law. The lawful rights of the defendants and the consular rights of the Canadian side are fully protected as stipulated by the law. Canada should respect the spirit of the rule of law and stop interfering in China’s judiciary sovereignty.


China News Service: It was reported that Chairman of the U.S. House “Select Committee on the CCP” John Moolenaar sent letters to presidents of six U.S. universities on March 19, requesting information on details regarding the enrollment of Chinese national students to be submitted before April 1, claiming that China has embedded researchers in leading U.S. institutions, providing them direct exposure to sensitive technologies with dual-use military applications. If left unaddressed, this trend will continue to displace American talent, compromise research integrity, and fuel China’s technological ambitions at U.S. expense, he added. What is China’s comment?


Mao Ning: Chinese students account for about a quarter of international students in the U.S. Education cooperation not only expands student exchange and deepens mutual understanding between Chinese and Americans, but also contributes to America’s economic prosperity and scientific and technological progress. Both sides have benefited from such cooperation.


We urge the U.S. to stop brandishing national security as a false pretext and protect the legitimate and lawful rights and interests of Chinese students in the U.S. The U.S. should not take discriminatory and restrictive measures against Chinese students.


NHK: We’ve learned that Foreign Minister Wang Yi will arrive in Japan today for a series of talks with Japan. What’s China’s expectation?


Mao Ning: I shared with you the considerations for Foreign Minister Wang Yi’s trip to Japan for the 11th China-Japan-ROK Trilateral Foreign Ministers’ Meeting and the Sixth China-Japan High-Level Economic Dialogue the other day. For more details, we will release timely information. Please stay tuned.


Reuters: I just want to check if there’s more information since yesterday about the Thai delegation to Xinjiang and whether the Foreign Ministry has any more information about their itinerary and what they’ve been doing in Xinjiang. Does the Foreign Ministry have a response to how the Thai government said the delegation that is visiting Xinjiang right now, they will only meet five out of the 40 Uyghurs who recently returned to China from Thailand? If the Foreign Ministry has a reason for that?


Mao Ning: I’d refer you to competent authorities for anything specific.


Bloomberg: The Chinese Ambassador to Australia Xiao Qian recently gave some interviews to Australian media. And in those interviews, he said that recently an Australian military plane had intruded by 6.2 kilometers inside the territory that China claims around the Paracel Islands. Can you confirm that he was referring to the Australian military flight in the area on the 11th of February? Second, were China’s live drills in the Tasman Sea a reaction to this action by Australia?


Mao Ning: We’ve responded to the Australian military plane’s deliberate intrusion into China’s airspace over Xisha Qundao which undermines China’s national security.


The exercises conducted by the Chinese Navy fleet in relevant waters fully comply with international law and common practices.


Reuters: How many foreign company CEOs are attending the China Development Forum this weekend? Compared with last year, has there been any drop in the number of U.S. CEOs coming?


Mao Ning: I’d refer you to competent authorities for the specifics about the China Development Forum. Let me say that China always welcomes businesses from all countries to make investment and expand their operation in China and share in the dividends of China’s development.


The New York Times: Why has China chosen now as the timing for the execution of Canadian citizens?


Mao Ning: China is a country under the rule of law and handles relevant cases in strict accordance with the law.


The New York Times: Do you expect more executions of foreign nationals in China, or is there any shift in policy on the execution of foreign nationals in criminal cases?


Mao Ning: China is a country under the rule of law. We treat defendants of different nationalities as equals and handle cases justly in strict accordance with the law.

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