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Harvard in News on 3/22/2025 媒体中的哈佛Harvard in News on 3/22/2025 媒体中的哈佛

Lawson, Chen Earn Silver Medal Honors at NCAA Fencing Championships first-year Andrew Chen secured second in the men's foil bracket in his NCAA Fencing Championships debut. From his first bout to his last, Chen dominated the competition in men's foil at the NCAA Fencing Championships. With a 19-4 record and a +37 indicator, Chen entered the semifinals as the No. 1 seed. The semifinal saw Chen dismantle Princeton's Brandon Lee, 15-9, setting up a meeting with Notre Dame's Chase Emmer in the national championship round. The final was tightly contested, as Chen fell just short against Emmer, finishing in second place. A native of Lexington, Kentucky, Chen earns All-America First Team honors. First-Year Nicholas Zhang, another Crimson making their NCAA Fencing Championships debut, also shined in State College. A member of Canada's 2024 Paris Olympics roster, Zhang garnered All-America Second Team honors after finishing in eighth place with a 12-10 record and +13 indicator. Lawson, Chen在 NCAA 击剑锦标赛上获得银牌 一年级的 Andrew Chen 在他的 NCAA 击剑锦标赛首秀中获得男子花剑第二名。从第一场比赛到最后一场比赛,陈军在 NCAA 击剑锦标赛的男子花剑比赛中一直占据主导地位。凭借 19-4 的战绩和 +37 的指标,陈军以 1 号种子身份进入半决赛。半决赛中,陈军以 15-9 击败了普林斯顿的 Brandon Lee,并与圣母大学的 Chase Emmer 在全国冠军赛中相遇。决赛竞争非常激烈,陈军不敌 Emmer,获得第二名。陈军来自肯塔基州的列克星敦,他获得了全美第一阵容的荣誉。 另一位首次参加 NCAA 击剑锦标赛的深红队一年级球员 Nicholas Zhang 也在州学院队大放异彩。张晓玲是加拿大 2024 年巴黎奥运会名单上的一员,她以 12-10 的战绩和 +13 的指标获得第八名,荣获全美第二队的荣誉。
Women’s Basketball Opens its NCAA Tournament Run Versus Michigan State on Saturday in Raleigh, North Carolina. The game is scheduled to begin at 4:30 p.m. 女子篮球队将于周六在北卡罗来纳州罗利市与密歇根州立大学队展开 NCAA 锦标赛。 比赛定于下午 4:30 开始
Medical Students Mark Residency Placements at Match Day 2025 Soon-to-be doctors thrilled to learn where they will begin clinical training Harvard Medical School celebrated **Match Day 2025** as 164 graduating students learned where they will begin their clinical training. Emotions ran high as students opened envelopes revealing their residency placements, joined by family, faculty, and friends. **Internal medicine** was the most popular specialty, followed by anesthesia, orthopedic surgery, and psychiatry. Nearly half matched at HMS-affiliated hospitals. Students will train across 77 national programs in both clinical and nonclinical fields. Match Day is a nationwide tradition, facilitated by the **National Resident Matching Program**, ensuring a fair and organized placement process for medical graduates. 医学院学生在 2025 年 Match Day 标记住院医师实习安排 准医生们很高兴得知他们将在哪里开始临床培训 哈佛医学院庆祝了 **2025 年 Match Day**,164 名毕业生得知他们将在哪里开始临床培训。当学生们在家人、教职员工和朋友的陪伴下打开信封,发现他们的住院医师实习安排时,大家都情绪高涨。 **内科**是最受欢迎的专业,其次是麻醉科、骨科和精神病学。近一半的匹配对象是在 HMS 附属医院。学生将在 77 个国家/地区的临床和非临床领域接受培训。Match Day 是一项全国性传统,由**全国住院医师匹配计划**推动,确保医学毕业生的实习过程公平、有序。
Happy Match Day!
Happy Match Day! Today graduating medical school students learned where they will do their residencies. Congratulations, everyone! 🎉 Match Day快乐!今天医学院毕业生知道了他们将在哪里进行住院实习。祝贺大家!🎉


Harvard Professor Yaron Singer on AI Vulnerabilities How safe is generative AI today? Yaron Singer, former Gordon McKay Professor of Computer Science and Applied Mathematics at Harvard University and currently Vice President of AI and Security at Cisco, has spent the past six years developing guardrails to protect AI systems at scale. In 2019, he co-founded Robust Intelligence with Kojin Oshiba ‘18. The startup, acquired by Cisco in August 2024, evaluates commercial AI models at scale, looking for vulnerabilities and providing protection against abuse or privacy breaches. Since the launch of ChatGPT, companies have begun integrating these AI capabilities into their products and applications using LLM application programming interfaces (APIs). These interfaces allow developers to connect AI capabilities to their software by sending inputs and receiving outputs from pre-trained models. But when hidden vulnerabilities in models exist, such integrations can cause security issues. “We’re seeing a lot of companies who are facing this dilemma now,” Singer says. “On the one hand, they’re saying, ‘Well, we have a lot of data here. That can give us a business advantage. We can then customize our AI models according to the data to benefit our customers.’ Right. But when vulnerabilities exist and there’s potential for privacy concerns and data leakage, that becomes a huge problem.” 哈佛大学教授 Yaron Singer 谈 AI 漏洞 如今的生成式 AI 有多安全? Yaron Singer 曾任哈佛大学计算机科学与应用数学 Gordon McKay 教授,现任思科 AI 和安全副总裁,过去六年一直致力于开发保护 AI 系统的护栏。 2019 年,他与 Kojin Oshiba (2018 届) 共同创立了 Robust Intelligence。这家初创公司于 2024 年 8 月被思科收购,致力于大规模评估商业 AI 模型,寻找漏洞并提供针对滥用或隐私泄露的保护。自 ChatGPT 推出以来 ,各公司已开始使用 LLM 应用程序编程接口 (API) 将这些 AI 功能集成到他们的产品和应用程序中。这些接口允许开发人员通过发送输入和接收预先训练的模型的输出,将 AI 功能连接到他们的软件。但是,当模型中存在隐藏的漏洞时,这种集成可能会导致安全问题。 “我们看到很多公司现在都面临着这种困境,”辛格说。 “一方面,他们会说,‘好吧,我们这里有很多数据。这可以给我们带来商业优势。然后我们可以根据这些数据定制我们的人工智能模型,让我们的客户受益。’没错。但是当存在漏洞并且存在隐私问题和数据泄露的可能性时,这就会成为一个巨大的问题。”
“You can't pick out parts of the web” | Sarah Fortune on importance of federal funding for science “你无法挑出网络的某些部分” | 莎拉·福琼谈联邦资助科学的重要性
HPAIR Harvard Conference Bunker Hill Media was contracted by the Harvard Project for Asian and International Relations to produce a video recapping their Harvard Conference in February 2025. This was a great day on campus at America's oldest university! PAIR 哈佛会议 Bunker Hill Media 与哈佛亚洲与国际关系项目签约,制作了一段视频,回顾他们 2025 年 2 月的哈佛会议。这是美国最古老大学校园里美好的一天!



2025 Entrepreneurship Summit Presented by the Harvard Undergraduate Venture Capital Group

The Harvard Undergraduate Venture Capital Group will host its third annual Entrepreneurship Summit on Saturday, March 29, 2025, at The Ritz-Carlton in Boston, featuring over 60 speakers and 12 panels covering topics from AI and biotech to venture law and private equity. As the nation’s largest undergraduate entrepreneurship and VC conference, the event will include keynotes from leaders like Steve Kaufer (TripAdvisor), Dr. Joel Myers (Accuweather), Rob Hale (Granite Telecommunications), and Ed Baker (Whoop). Sponsored by top firms, the summit promises a full day of learning, networking, and innovation.


哈佛本科生风险投资集团将于2025年3月29日星期六波士顿丽思卡尔顿酒店举办第三届年度创业峰会,届时将有60多位演讲和12个小组讨论,涵盖从人工智能和生物技术到风险投资法和私募股权等主题。Hale(Granite Te communications)Ed Baker(Whoop)等领导人的主题演讲。峰会由全球顶级公司赞助,承诺将进行学习、交流和创新。



Maybe a teacher. Or maybe an education policy reformer.

Harvard College junior Andrew Zonneveld, a first-generation college student from a military family in North Carolina, is using his fully funded education to pursue his passion for public service and education reform. Studying government with a secondary in education studies, Zonneveld dreams of becoming a public school teacher before potentially shaping national education policy. Financial aid has enabled him to focus on his studies, travel internationally for Model Congress, and intern in Berlin, all while remaining debt-free. His journey reflects his deep commitment to equity, opportunity, and making a lasting difference in education.



Andrew Zonneveld, who grew up on a military base in North Carolina, is studying government and education. 安德鲁·佐内维尔德 (Andrew Zonneveld) 在北卡罗来纳州的一个军事基地长大,正在学习政府和教育专业。
Andrew’s Harvard Story: How Financial Aid Made College Possible Andrew from Jacksonville, NC, shares how Harvard’s financial aid program made attending the university possible. He reflects on his journey to Harvard, the impact of financial support, and how it has shaped his college experience. 安德鲁的哈佛故事:经济资助如何让他上大学成为可能 来自北卡罗来纳州杰克逊维尔的安德鲁分享了哈佛的经济资助计划如何让他上大学成为可能。他回顾了自己进入哈佛的历程、经济资助的影响以及它如何影响了他的大学经历。


Her parents came from India. She wants to help other newcomers.

Harvard senior Merlin D’souza, a first-generation college student from Casa Grande, Arizona, is pursuing a concentration in human developmental and regenerative biology with hopes of becoming a physician. Inspired by her parents’ sacrifices as Indian immigrants and supported by full financial aid, D’souza has embraced opportunities from conducting mental health research to teaching in India. Financial assistance has eased the burden on her family and enabled her to prepare for medical school without debt. Deeply committed to service, she mentors peers and volunteers locally, hoping to give back to underserved communities like those she came from.



Merlin D’souza from Casa Grande, Arizona, studies human developmental and regenerative biology and hopes to go into medicine. 来自亚利桑那州卡萨格兰德的梅林·德索萨 (Merlin D'souza) 研究人类发育和再生生物学,希望从事医学工作。
Merlin’s Harvard Story: How Financial Aid Made College Possible Merlin from Casa Grande, AZ, shares how Harvard’s financial aid program made attending the university possible. She talks about the financial challenges of higher education and how Harvard’s support has allowed her to pursue her goals. 梅林的哈佛故事:助学金如何让她上大学 来自亚利桑那州卡萨格兰德的梅林分享了哈佛的助学金计划如何让她上大学。她谈到了高等教育的财务挑战以及哈佛的支持如何让她能够实现自己的目标。


Maryam Guerrab, a child of Algerian immigrants, seeks to combine important lessons from classroom with powerful ones from life

Maryam Guerrab, a Harvard senior concentrating in government, draws inspiration from her upbringing as one of five children in a blue-collar Algerian immigrant family. Motivated by a deep commitment to public service, she has pursued both academic and community service opportunities, including work with refugee organizations and leadership at the Y2Y Network for unhoused youth. Full financial aid at Harvard enabled her to thrive without financial burden, opening doors for summer stipends, international service, and MCAT preparation. Whether mentoring peers or climbing mountains with the Mountaineering Club, Guerrab embraces every challenge with resilience and purpose.

阿尔及利亚移民的孩子Maryam Guerrab尝试将课堂上的重要课程与生活中的强大知识结合起来

玛丽亚姆·格拉布(Maryam Guerrab)是哈佛大学政府专业大四学生,她是阿尔及利亚蓝领移民家庭的五个孩子之一,就受到了成长经历的启发。对公共服务的深切承诺着眼于她的学术和社区服务机会,包括与难民组织的合作及无家可归青年Y2Y网络担任领导。哈佛的全部经济资助使她能够减轻经济负担,获得暑期拨款、国际服务和MCAT无论是指导同学还是与登山队一起登山,格拉布都以坚韧的韧性和坚定的态度迎接每一个挑战。

Maryam Guerrab, who is from North Carolina, is studying government on the political economy track. 来自北卡罗来纳州的 Maryam Guerrab 正在攻读政治经济学方向的政府学专业。
Maryam’s Harvard Story: How Financial Aid Made College Possible Maryam from Raleigh, NC, shares how Harvard’s financial aid program made attending the university possible. She discusses how this support has shaped her education and what it has meant for her experience at Harvard. 玛丽亚姆的哈佛故事:助学金如何让她上大学 来自北卡罗来纳州罗利市的玛丽亚姆分享了哈佛助学金计划如何让她上大学。她讨论了这种支持如何影响了她的教育以及这对她在哈佛的经历意味着什么。


Coalition for a Diverse Harvard Endorses 5 Candidates in 2025 Board of Overseers Race

The Coalition for a Diverse Harvard has endorsed five candidates for the 2025 Board of Overseers election, aiming to ensure diversity, equity, and inclusion remain central in Harvard’s governance amid mounting political pressure. The candidates include leaders in public health, media, climate policy, and the arts. The endorsement comes ahead of the April 1 start of voting to fill six vacancies on the 30-member board. This year’s election reflects heightened stakes, as the Trump administration intensifies efforts against DEI programs, prompting the Coalition to prioritize candidates aligned with inclusive values and ethnic studies advocacy.





Claudine Gay Is Still Rooting for Harvard

More than a year after stepping down as Harvard’s president amid controversy, Claudine Gay remains a devoted courtside supporter of the Harvard women’s basketball team, attending nearly every home game and forming close bonds with players and coaches. Her presence has become a symbol of resilience and mutual admiration, with Head Coach Carrie Moore calling her “this team’s president.” Gay’s continued support, from postgame hugs to travel for tournament games, reflects her enduring connection to the team and her passion for the Harvard community — a place where she still feels at home.



More than a year after her ouster from the Harvard presidency, Claudine Gay is still the women’s basketball team’s number one fan. 克劳丁·盖伊(Claudine Gay)卸任哈佛大学校长职务一年多后,她仍然是哈佛女子篮球队的头号粉丝。



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