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Harvard in News on 3/18/2025 媒体中的哈佛

Our ✋ for the DBU Patriot Invitational! 爱国者邀请赛
Day 1 of the DBU Patriot Invitational starts today! 爱国者邀请赛第一天
The cornea is the clear, outermost layer of the eye. Its outer border, the limbus, contains a large volume of healthy stem cells called limbal epithelial cells, which maintain the eye’s smooth surface. People who suffer a cornea injury, such as a chemical burn, infection, or other trauma, often experience persistent pain and visual difficulties. These injuries can also deplete the limbal epithelial cells, which can never regenerate. Without limbal stem cells, the surface of the eye can’t heal, and the permanently damaged surface can’t undergo a corneal transplant, the current standard of care for vision rehabilitation. Now, a stem cell treatment for blinding cornea injuries — called cultivated autologous limbal epithelial cell (CALEC) transplantation — is showing promise for 14 patients at Massachusetts Eye and Ear. After nearly two decades of work, Ula Jurkunas, associate director of the Cornea Service and HMS professor of ophthalmology, and Reza Dana, HMS professor of ophthalmology and director of the Cornea Service at Mass Eye and Ear, managed to consistently manufacture CALEC grafts that met stringent quality criteria needed for human transplantation. It consists of removing stem cells from an injured patient’s healthy eye with a biopsy, expanding them into a cellular tissue graft in a novel manufacturing process that takes two to three weeks, and then surgically transplanting the graft into the patient’s damaged eye. The procedure remains experimental and is not currently offered at any U.S. hospital. The trial is the first human study of a stem cell therapy to be funded by the National Eye Institute, a part of the National Institutes of Health, and was the first stem cell therapy in the eye in the U.S. 角膜是眼睛最外层的透明层。其外缘,即角膜缘,含有大量健康的干细胞,称为角膜缘上皮细胞,这些细胞维持着眼睛​​光滑的表面。 遭受化学烧伤、感染或其他创伤等角膜损伤的人经常会感到持续的疼痛和视力困难。这些损伤还会耗尽角膜缘上皮细胞,而这些细胞永远无法再生。如果没有角膜缘干细胞,眼睛表面就无法愈合,永久受损的表面也无法进行角膜移植,这是目前视力康复的标准治疗方法。 现在,一种用于治疗致盲角膜损伤的干细胞疗法——培养自体角膜缘上皮细胞 (CALEC) 移植——正在马萨诸塞州眼耳科医院为 14 名患者带来希望。 经过近二十年的努力,角膜服务副主任兼哈佛医学院眼科学教授 Ula Jurkunas 和哈佛医学院眼科学教授兼马萨诸塞州眼耳医院角膜服务主任 Reza Dana 成功制造出符合人体移植严格质量标准的 CALEC 移植物。 该方法包括通过活检从受伤患者健康的眼睛中取出干细胞,通过一种需要两到三周的新型制造工艺将其扩增为细胞组织移植物,然后通过手术将移植物移植到患者受损的眼睛中。 该程序仍处于实验阶段,目前美国任何一家医院都未提供该程序。 该试验是美国国立卫生研究院下属的国家眼科研究所资助的首个干细胞疗法人体研究,也是美国首个眼部干细胞疗法


Harvard students share how financial aid made their education possible Meet Merlin (Casa Grande, AZ), Morgan (Commerce, GA), Andrew (Jacksonville, NC), Raymond (Pittsburgh, PA), and Maryam (Raleigh, NC) as they share their experiences as Harvard College students and how much the university’s robust financial aid program has helped. 哈佛学生分享如何通过经济援助完成他们的学业。 与 Merlin(亚利桑那州卡萨格兰德)、Morgan(佐治亚州科默斯)、Andrew(北卡罗来纳州杰克逊维尔)、Raymond(宾夕法尼亚州匹兹堡)和 Maryam(北卡罗来纳州罗利)一起分享他们作为哈佛大学学生的经历,以及该校强大的经济援助计划如何为他们提供帮助。
Harvard will offer free tuition to more middle-class families 哈佛将为更多中产家庭提供免费学费
Harvard offers free tuition to qualifying students Harvard estimates that 86% of all U.S. families will qualify for the new financial aid program. 哈佛大学为符合条件的学生提供免费学费 哈佛大学估计,86% 的美国家庭将有资格享受新的经济援助计划。
Harvard offers free tuition to students whose family qualify 哈佛大学为符合家庭条件的学生提供免费学费
👉 HARVARD NEGOTIATORS reveal how to GET WHAT YOU WANT every time - MASTER the Art of Negotiation 👉 哈佛谈判者揭示如何每次都得到你想要的东西 - 掌握谈判的艺术
Was Harvard Law Worth It? 哈佛法学院值得吗?
Harvard vs. Stanford: Where Can You Feel Included Economically? 哈佛与斯坦福:你在经济上能感受到哪里的包容?



Harvard CAMLab项目|《建筑之躯:应县木塔》沉浸式数字剧场


《建筑之躯:应县木塔》沉浸式数字剧场持续于哈佛大学CAMLab Cave展出。如需了解具体开放时间及预约参观,请查阅:https://camlab.fas.harvard.edu/camlab-cave/


Harvard expands financial aid

Harvard announced a major financial aid expansion starting in the 2025-26 academic year, making attendance free for students from families earning $100,000 or less and tuition-free for those earning up to $200,000. This initiative, aimed at broadening access for middle-income families, covers tuition, housing, meals, and additional grants for lower-income students. The move builds on two decades of financial aid growth, eliminating loans and expanding grants. Harvard leaders emphasized that ensuring socioeconomic diversity enhances the student experience and strengthens the university’s academic community.

哈佛扩大财政援助- 新举措确保更多本科生,特别是来自中等收入家庭的本科生获得支持


New effort ensures that more undergraduates, especially from middle-income families, will receive support


Despite Funding Fears, Harvard To Expand Financial Aid Program

Harvard College announced a major financial aid expansion, making attendance free for students from families earning $100,000 or less and tuition-free for those earning up to $200,000 starting in Fall 2025. The move comes despite Harvard’s financial challenges, including a hiring freeze and declining donor contributions. The initiative, which extends benefits like travel cost coverage and start-up grants, aims to increase accessibility while Harvard navigates federal funding cuts and economic pressures. The announcement follows similar financial aid expansions at MIT and Penn, signaling a broader trend among elite universities.



The recent increase in Harvard’s financial aid offerings in the years 哈佛大学近年来提供的助学金有所增加
The cost of attending Harvard has increased in tandem. In 2004, Harvard’s sticker price was just less than $40,000. Since then, the amount has nearly doubled. 哈佛的学费也随之上涨。2004 年,哈佛的学费标价略低于 4 万美元。自那以后,学费几乎翻了一番。


New York Times: Harvard Will Make Tuition Free for More Students

Harvard announced free tuition for students from families earning up to $200,000 starting in fall 2025, significantly expanding financial aid amid rising political scrutiny and funding threats. The move follows similar actions by MIT, UPenn, and other elite schools, aiming to boost diversity after the Supreme Court’s affirmative action ban. Families earning under $100,000 will also have housing, meals, travel, and other expenses covered. This expansion comes as Harvard faces budget freezes and potential federal funding cuts, while Republican lawmakers push for higher taxes on university endowments.





Harvard makes tuition free for families earning under $200K: Do Indian families qualify?

Harvard announced tuition-free education for families earning up to $200,000, starting in fall 2025, but only for U.S. citizens. Families earning under $100,000 will also receive full coverage for housing, food, and fees. This historic financial aid expansion aims to remove economic barriers for talented students and follows similar moves by Princeton and Stanford. While this reduces student debt and promotes greater socioeconomic diversity, Harvard’s highly competitive admissions process remains unchanged, with an acceptance rate below 4%.




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