2025-01-13 14:52 阅读量:11.8万+
成语talk show
Zong Xiaochen :" Hello everyone! I'm Zong Xiaochen, a Chinese darts player. Here, I'd like to share some thoughts with the young generation. Young people are always the most promising group in sports, the ones that bring desperately needed fresh blood and new energy. I sincerely hope more young people will take notice of and fall in love with the sport of darts. In your spare time, why not give darts a try, enjoy the fun of it, and even attempt to participate in competitions to challenge yourselves. Of course, while pursuing your darts skills, please also make sure to balance it with your studies, achieving progress in both areas. Lastly, I once again urge everyone to pay more attention to darts. Thank you for your support!"
Man-LokLeung, Chinese darts player from Hong Kong, made his debut in the 2023/24 Darts World Championship and progressed to the second round.
Practice Makes Perfect
欢迎收听微电台成语talk show栏目,我是中国飞镖选手梁文洛。今天我给大家讲个成语故事:熟能生巧。
卖油翁对陈尧咨说道:“这只是熟能生巧罢了,没有什么高明的。” 陈尧咨见状大笑,然后把老翁送走了。
Hello everyone, this is We Radio, idiom talk show. I am Jason Ferguson.
The name of the story I will tell you today is: pracitice makes perfect.
Although Chen Yaozi was a civil official in Song Dynasty, he loved archery very much, and was pretty good at it.
One day he was practicing in his own field, and eight or nine times out of ten he hit the target. He became quite complacent.
Looking around, he found an old man who sells oil standing nearby. And the old man only nodded slightly towards his skills, not amazed. Angered by this, he called the old man to come over and asked him, “Do you also know archery? Aren’t my skills brilliant?”
The old man took out a gourd from the wicker-basket and placed it on the ground. He covered the opening of the gourd with a copper coin. And then he scooped a spoon of oil and began to pour the oil into the gourd through the hole in the coin drop by drop without wetting the coin. The old man said to Chen Yaozi, “This is only practice makes perfect, nothing so brilliant.” Chen Yaozi laughed and sent him away.
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