2024-11-27 23:42 阅读量:1.1万+
(a) 是否会采取额外措施鼓励餐饮场所在菜单旁边显示卡路里和营养信息?
(b) 卫生部是否正在考虑制定新的法规,要求餐饮连锁店提供此类信息,以便消费者在选择更健康的食物时做出更明智的决定?
王乙康(卫生部长)先生:我们并没有要求餐饮场所必须显示卡路里信息。根据我们人口疾病谱,卫生部 (MOH) 认为,提供有关糖、钠和饱和脂肪等过量摄入会造成危害的营养素信息更为重要。
因此,我们制定了多项举措来实现这一目标。例如,较大型的餐饮场所必须在菜单上标明糖和饱和脂肪含量较高的 C 级或 D 级饮料的营养等级标签。
根据保健促进局(HPB)的自愿“较健康餐饮计划”,参与该计划的餐饮机构可在店面和菜单板上展示标识,告知消费者有哪些更健康的选择,包括低糖或低热量的食物。截至2024年3月,全岛已有3100 多家餐饮企业(超过9000 多家分店)加入了 “较健康餐饮计划”。
Mr Ong Hua Hanasked the Minister for Health (a) whether additional steps will be taken to encourage food and beverage (F&B) establishments to display calorie and nutrition information alongside their menus; and (b) whether the Ministry is considering new regulations for F&B chains to provide such information to enable consumers to make more informed decisions in choosing healthier food.
Mr Ong Ye Kung:We have not made it a requirement for food and beverage (F&B)establishments to display calorie information.Based on our population disease profile, the Ministry of Health (MOH) assessed it is more important to provide information on nutrients that will be harmful if over-consumed, namely, sugar, sodium and saturated fat.
We, therefore, have several initiatives in place to achieve this.For example, larger F&B establishments are required to display Nutri-Grade labels on their menus for Grade C or D beverages that are higher in sugar and saturated fat.
Under the Health Promotion Board (HPB) voluntary Healthier Dining Programme, participating F&B establishments may display identifiers on their store fronts and menu boards to inform consumers of the availability of healthier options, including those that are lower in sugar or calories.As of March 2024, more than 3,100F&B establishments, withover 9,000 outlets island-wide, have joined the Healthier Dining Programme.
We are also planning to introduce mandatory labelling of prepackaged products, for example, sauces and seasonings, for sodium and saturated fat content, and will continue to encourage F&B establishments to choose healthier ingredients.
MOH and HPB will continue monitoring the impact of existing measures. We remain open to considering further measures, voluntary or mandatory, that are practicable and implementable in our local context, to support Singaporeans in adopting healthier diets.
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