And that was Mr. Asian Sensation 2025! Congratulations to all of our Mr. Asian Sensation contestants for an amazing evening filled with talent, laughter, and community: Ian Kim (2028) Kevin Yang (2028) Kevin Liu (2027) Seiji Aoki (2028) Eddie Lou (2028) Amav Khambete (2027) Ethan Nguyen (2028) A special congratulations to Keagan Yap (2025) for winning the 2025 Mr. Asian Sensation Title! Showcasing his talent and charm, he won the audience's hearts and will be donating to APIA Votes in support of their hotline assisting non-English speakers with the voting process. Thank you to everyone that came as we donated over $650 to this cause! 这就是 2025 年亚洲先生!祝贺我们所有亚洲先生参赛者,他们度过了一个充满才华、欢笑和社区的美妙夜晚: 特别祝贺 Keagan Yap (2025) 赢得 2025 年亚洲先生称号!他展示了自己的才华和魅力,赢得了观众的心,并将向 APIA Votes 捐款,支持他们的热线,帮助非英语人士进行投票。感谢所有人,我们为此捐赠了 650 多美元!
Do you get nervous and ramble during interviews? Or worry about what details to include and what to leave out when explaining your experience? Developing your understanding of the STAR—or Situation, Task, Action, Result—interview method can be the deciding factor between landing an offer or continuing your job search. 面试时,您是否会感到紧张,语无伦次?或者担心在解释您的经历时要包含哪些细节,哪些要省略? 加深对 STAR(即情况、任务、行动、结果)面试方法的理解可能是您获得录用或继续求职的决定性因素。
When people around the world are asked to reflect on both inspiring leaders and infuriating leaders, they point to three factors that distinguish the former from the latter. Inspiring leaders are visionary: They see the big picture and offer an optimistic, meaningful view of the future. Inspiring leaders are exemplars of desired behavior: They are calm and courageous protectors, authentically passionate, and extremely competent but also humble. Finally, inspiring leaders are great mentors: They empower, encourage, and are empathetic toward others, but they also challenge people to be the best version of themselves. Each of us can develop the capacity to be inspiring in all three dimensions of leadership. 当世界各地的人们被要求反思鼓舞人心的领导者和令人恼火的领导者时,他们指出了前者与后者的三个区别因素。 鼓舞人心的领导者有远见:他们看清大局,对未来抱有乐观、有意义的看法。 鼓舞人心的领导者是理想行为的典范:他们是冷静而勇敢的保护者,充满热情,非常有能力,但也很谦虚。 最后,鼓舞人心的领导者是伟大的导师:他们授权、鼓励和同情他人,但他们也挑战人们成为最好的自己。 我们每个人都可以培养在领导力的所有三个维度上鼓舞人心的能力。
Good morning from Widener Library 📚 哈佛住宿日 VLOG 🎉
What is the Online Student Community like at Harvard Extension School? 哈佛扩展学院的在线学生社区是什么样的?
Warren Buffett on Failure & Success – The Harvard Rejection That Changed Everything! Warren Buffett shares a personal story about being rejected from Harvard Business School and how it turned out to be the best thing that ever happened to him. Buffett explains how failures, setbacks, and disappointments are an essential part of success and why learning from mistakes is more valuable than avoiding them. Buffett discusses how missing out on Harvard led him to Columbia University, where he met Ben Graham, the legendary investor who shaped his career. He also reflects on why failures often lead to better opportunities and how his rejection helped him meet his future wife and build a billion-dollar empire. 沃伦·巴菲特谈失败与成功——哈佛拒绝改变了一切! 沃伦·巴菲特分享了自己被哈佛商学院拒绝的个人故事,以及这如何成为他一生中遇到的最好的事情。巴菲特解释了失败、挫折和失望如何成为成功的重要组成部分,以及为什么从错误中吸取教训比避免错误更有价值。 巴菲特讨论了他如何因为错过哈佛而进入哥伦比亚大学,在那里他遇到了塑造了他职业生涯的传奇投资者本·格雷厄姆。他还反思了为什么失败往往会带来更好的机会,以及他的拒绝如何帮助他结识了未来的妻子并建立了一个价值数十亿美元的帝国。
Harvard vs. Stanford: Which University is More Diverse? 哈佛大学 vs. 斯坦福大学:哪所大学更加多元化?
Harvard Medical School experts emphasize the importance of at least 20 minutes of daily walking to help maintain balance and prevent serious health problems as people age. They highlight that in one’s 50s and 60s, muscle loss, slower reflexes, and worsening eyesight can reduce stability, increasing the risk of falls and fractures. Walking is a safe and accessible way to strengthen muscles, improve coordination, and support overall health. Experts recommend gradually increasing walking time and seeking medical advice if mobility issues arise.
A Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health study highlights key lifestyle habits for longevity and better health, emphasizing a healthy diet, regular exercise, and social connections. Led by Dr. Frank B. Hu, the research recommends consuming fresh, minimally processed foods like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and healthy fats while avoiding ultra-processed and fried foods. Social connections, such as eating with family and friends, also contribute to well-being. Additionally, chili peppers may support longevity due to their anti-inflammatory and cardiovascular benefits when consumed in moderation.
哈佛大学陈曾熙公共卫生学院的一项研究强调习惯长寿和健康的关键生活,强调健康饮食、定期锻炼和社交。该研究由Frank B. Hu 博士领导,建议食用新鲜、加工最低限度的食物,如水果、蔬菜、全谷物和健康脂肪,同时避免过度加工和油炸食品。社交联系,例如与家人和朋友一起吃饭,也有助于健康。此外,勤吃辣椒可能有助于长寿,它们具有抗炎和心血管的好处。
Harvard research identifies key lifestyle habits, including a healthy diet and social connections, that contribute to longevity and overall well-being 哈佛大学的研究发现了有助于长寿和整体健康的关键生活习惯,包括健康饮食和社交关系
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