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2024-09-17 09:20 阅读量:6k+



A group of people sitting at a table

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活动现场星光熠熠,中华人民共和国驻洛杉矶总领事馆领侨处主任王琦领事、路君燮领事、刘舒羽领事和万知其领事特地出席,为亚利桑那州华侨华人带来了来自祖国的问候与支持。此外,多位本地政要和长期支持社区发展的特殊嘉宾也亲临现场,包括亚利桑那州参议员John Kavanagh,亚利桑那州众议员Jennifer Pawlik,Gilbert市市长Brigette Peterson,Fountain Hills市副市长Brenda J. Kalivianankis,Mesa市市长John Giles和Chandler市市长Kevin Hartke等。他们的到来进一步彰显了亚利桑那州华人社区与当地政府之间的紧密合作与支持。此外,Chandler市的多位市议员如Mark Stewart、Matt Orlando等也到场祝贺。

亚利桑那州参议员John Kavanagh 上台致辞

亚利桑那州华人华侨联合总会(华总)主席、美国福建海外联谊会会长、国庆筹委会总召集人杨文田先生 上台致辞


A person standing at a podium with a microphone

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亚利桑那州华人华侨联合总会会长吴宁先生在致辞中对到场的嘉宾表示感谢,并指出,亚利桑那州作为美国华人重要的聚居地,侨胞们始终心系祖国,积极推动中美两国的交流与合作。华总监事长王盛君先生也在现场宣读了来自中国各界的贺信,进一步彰显了此次活动的广泛影响力。 亚利桑那州州立大学中国学生学者联谊会主席沈椒晏、亚利桑那大学中国学生学者联谊会主席王腾分别在典礼上致辞,表达了青年一代对中美文化交流的美好愿景与期望。


A person in a garment on a stage

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A group of girls dancing on a stage

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A group of women singing on a stage

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A group of people holding wine glasses

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A group of people holding wine glasses

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A group of people at a table

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A group of people sitting at tables in a room

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A group of people posing for a photo

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A group of people posing for a photo

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A group of people posing for a photo

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A group of people posing for a photo

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A group of people posing for a photo

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A group of people posing for a photo

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A group of people standing in a room with flags

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A group of people on a stage

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主持Yuan Jing,Katherine,An Ran,Brenden

Two women standing on a stage

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A person in a suit and tie talking to a group of women

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A person standing at a podium

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A person standing at a podium with microphones and flags

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A person standing at a podium with a microphone

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A person holding a glass of wine at a podium

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Chandler市市长Kevin Hartke

A person speaking into a microphone

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Mesa市市长John Giles

A person standing at a podium

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亚利桑那州众议员Jennifer Pawlik

A person standing at a podium with a flag and a flag

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Gilbert市市长Brigette Peterson

A person speaking at a podium with flags and flags

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亚利桑那州参议员John Kavanagh

A person standing at a podium with flags and a flag behind him

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Chandler市议员Matt Orlando

A person standing at a podium with a microphone and a flag

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亚利桑那州城市外交大使、华总高级顾问司徒以敬 Sam Szeto (Dragon Sam)

A person speaking into a microphone at a podium

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A group of women singing in red dresses

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A group of people singing on a stage

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凤凰城耆英会合唱 {祝福祖国} {我的中国心} 

Two women in pink outfits dancing on a stage

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A group of women dancing on a stage

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Two women dancing on a stage

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亚利桑那青苹果艺术学院 双人舞:上元铃鼓 

A child in a garment on a stage

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A group of children in clothing on a stage

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A child dancing on a stage

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A child in a dress on a stage

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A child wearing sunglasses and a plastic jacket on a stage

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A group of children in clothing on a red carpet

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亚利桑那青苹果艺术学院 儿童走秀:未来 

A group of people on a stage

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A person singing into a microphone

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ASU中国学生会 女生二重唱:飞鸟和鱼

A group of women performing on a stage

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A group of women dancing on a red carpet

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A group of people on a stage

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凤凰城耆英会 舞蹈:好运连连 

A group of people holding wine glasses

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A group of people holding wine glasses

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A group of people holding wine glasses

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A group of people having a conversation

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A group of people at a dinner table

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A group of people at a dinner table

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A group of people at a restaurant

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A group of people at a party

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A group of people at a party

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A group of people at a table

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A group of people at a dinner table

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A group of people posing for a photo

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A group of people at a restaurant

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A group of people drinking at a table

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A person in a garment on a stage

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陈志钢,亚利桑那川渝同乡会 川剧绝活:变脸 

A group of girls dancing on a stage

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亚利桑那青苹果艺术学校 舞蹈:苗家小妹 

Two men in red uniforms on a stage

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A group of people on a stage

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亚利桑那世界武术学院 武术:太极扇 

A group of girls dancing on a stage

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A group of girls dancing on a stage

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小蜻蜓艺术学院 舞蹈:云宫迅音 

A person in a red dress on a stage

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A person singing into a microphone

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A group of people posing for a photo

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A group of people sitting at a table with food

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A group of people sitting at a table

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A group of people standing together

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A group of people posing for a photo

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A group of people sitting at tables in a room

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A group of people in a restaurant

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A group of people sitting at tables in a room

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