2025-01-28 22:25 阅读量:1.5万+
我们评估认为,现有的处罚已足够。根据案件的具体情况,诈骗者和钱骡(Money mule),包括那些冒充政府官员的诈骗案件中的人员,可能会面临最高10年的监禁。
此外,我们还与跨机构判刑咨询团(Sentencing Advisory Panel)合作,于去年发布了关于某些与诈骗相关罪行的量刑指导方针。指导方针建议,对与诈骗相关的罪行应以严厉的监禁刑罚为常态。例如,建议起始刑期为:因疏忽而将自己的银行账户交由他人控制的,判处六个月监禁;而明知或有理由相信将账户交由他人控制会帮助对方保留犯罪收益的,判处18个月监禁。
Ms Joan Pereiraaskedthe Minister for Home Affairs whether the Government will consider more severe penalties and longer jail sentences for criminals involved in scams using the impersonation of Ministries and Government agencies including those who allow the use of their bank accounts.
The Minister of State for Home Affairs (Ms Sun Xueling) (for the Minister for Home Affairs):Our assessment is that the existing penalties are currently adequate. Depending on the facts of the case, scammers and money mules, including those involved in scams that impersonate government officials may face charges which carry imprisonment terms of up to 10 years.
However, many scammers are based overseas, making it difficult to identify and prosecute them. We have hence focused on punishing and deterring those in Singapore who facilitate scams. For example, in 2023, we amended theCorruption, Drug Trafficking and other Serious Crimes (Confiscation of Benefits) Actto allow the Police to take firmer enforcement action against money mules, whose bank accounts are used to perpetrate scams and other crimes.
We have also worked with the Inter-agency Sentencing Advisory Panel to publish sentencing guidelines for certain scams related offences last year. The guidelines recommend that significant imprisonment terms should be the norm for scam related offences. For example, the recommended starting sentence is six months' imprisonment for negligently handing over control of one's bank account to another person; and 18 months' imprisonment for handing over control of his bank account to another person, knowing or having reason to believe that this would assist the person in retaining criminal proceeds.
The Ministry of Home Affairs regularly reviews the adequacy of our criminal penalties and will likewise do so for scams-related offences.
Mr Speaker: Ms Pereira.
Ms Joan Pereira (Tanjong Pagar):Thank you, Speaker. I have one supplementary question. In view of the recent reports of scam victims themselves who become involved in carrying out the scams, what would be the sentencing considerations, and if it can be made clear that such victims would not face any leniency under the law?
Ms Sun Xueling:I thank the Member for her question. In line with established case law, the fact that an offender has committed an offence, whether it is out of financial need or in the hope of recouping his losses due to being a scam victim, in and of itself does not have any mitigating value, save in the most exceptional or extreme circumstances.
But I would say that there might be other cases which may contain mitigating factors. For example, if it is a government official impersonation scam victim, and he went and he did money mule-related work, thinking that he was truly authorised by a government official, and he was deceived as to the nature of the money mule work that he was doing, then this would be taken into consideration by the courts.
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