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Harvard in News on 3/3/2025 媒体中的哈佛

Harvard Men’s Swimming Places Second in Ivy League Championships The freestyle team of sophomore Sonny Wang, freshman Marre Gattnar, junior David Greeley, and senior Aayush Deshpande qualified for the NCAA A cut with a time of 1:15:53, coming in under a tenth of a second slower than Yale and breaking an Ivy Meet record. In the 100-yard freestyle final, Crimson swimmers Greeley, Gattnar, and Wang took fifth through seventh place. Freshman Joshua Chen scored 20 more important points for Harvard in the 200-yard breaststroke, finishing first in the B-final and ninth overall. 哈佛男子游泳队在常春藤联盟锦标赛中获得第二名 由大二学生 Sonny Wang、大一学生 Marre Gattnar、大三学生 David Greeley 和大四学生 Aayush Deshpande 组成的自由泳队以 1:15:53 的成绩获得了 NCAA A 组资格,比耶鲁慢了不到十分之一秒,打破了常春藤联盟纪录。 在 100 码自由泳决赛中,深红队游泳选手 Greeley、Gattnar 和 Wang 分别获得第五至第七名。大一学生 Joshua Chen 在 200 码蛙泳比赛中为哈佛队拿下了 20 分,在 B 组决赛中获得第一名,总排名第九。
Gaura Vani | Bhakti Yoga Conference at Harvard Divinity School 哈佛神学院巴克提瑜伽会议
From Harvard Lampoon to Late Night: My Comedy Dream 从《哈佛讽刺》到《深夜秀》:我的喜剧梦
Master the 4 Harvard Negotiation Principles for Effective Conflict Resolution 掌握哈佛谈判的四项原则,有效解决冲突
This Harvard Experiment Will Shock You! 哈佛的这个实验绝对会让你震惊!
Inside a Harvard Architects DREAM Modern Home Design! 哈佛建筑师梦想的现代家居设计!
Harvard Liver Specialist: 8 Warning Signs of Fatty Liver You Do Not Want to Miss 哈佛肝病专家:您不容错过的 8 个脂肪肝警告信号


HUA Officers Lobby Administrators for Changes to Leave of Absence Policy

The Harvard Undergraduate Association (HUA) discussed improving leave of absence policies and reinstating last semester’s Uber voucher program during their Sunday meeting. Officers advocated for changes, including allowing students to unsubscribe from leave-related email lists and retaining access to Harvard email and websites while on leave. They also proposed streamlining the reentry process. The HUA approved $1,000 for Uber vouchers to support late-night safety and medical appointments, along with funding for an ice skating outing and a game night aimed at fostering student unity and well-being.

HUA 官员游说管理人员改变休假政策



New Ed Department Guidance Against Race-Conscious Policies Could Impact Scholarships, Ceremonies at Harvard

The Department of Education issued new guidance reinforcing its stance against race-conscious programs in universities, putting Harvard’s affinity celebrations and minority scholarships at risk. The guidance asserts that race-based policies, including scholarships, graduation ceremonies, and housing, violate the Supreme Court’s 2023 affirmative action ruling. Harvard may face federal funding revocation if found non-compliant. Additionally, universities cannot advertise third-party scholarships for minority students or use essay prompts designed to indirectly consider race in admissions. Harvard is reviewing the guidelines while affirming its commitment to diversity within legal boundaries.




At HBS Shabbat Dinner, Patriots Owner Robert Kraft Says He Trusts Garber To Fight Antisemitism

At a Harvard Business School Shabbat Dinner, Patriots owner Robert Kraft praised Harvard President Alan Garber’s commitment to fighting antisemitism and lauded HBS Dean Srikant Datar’s strong response to Hamas’ Oct. 7, 2023, attack on Israel. Kraft, a major Harvard donor, emphasized the importance of leaders taking a stand against hate and shared his personal efforts to combat antisemitism, including founding the Foundation to Combat Antisemitism. He also recounted bringing rapper Meek Mill to Auschwitz to witness Holocaust atrocities firsthand.




Canadian Prime Minister Candidate Mark Carney To Resign from Harvard Board of Overseers on Election Day

Mark Carney, the frontrunner to become Canada’s next prime minister, will resign from Harvard’s Board of Overseers on March 9, the day the Liberal Party elects its new leader. Carney, who previously served as Canada’s and England’s central bank governor, has faced criticism for retaining several board positions despite his political bid. His resignation will create an additional vacancy in Harvard’s upcoming overseers election. Though the Liberal Party trails the Conservatives, polls suggest Carney’s leadership could make the race highly competitive.




Draper Labs Sets Sights on a Far-Side Moon Landing Next Year

Draper Labs, based in Cambridge near MIT, is set to launch its NASA-funded CP-12 mission in 2026, competing with Firefly Aerospace to achieve the first U.S. landing on the moon’s far side. Funded by a $73 million award from NASA’s Commercial Lunar Payload Services (CLPS) program, Draper’s mission will deploy scientific instruments to study lunar structure and tectonic activity. While future U.S. lunar priorities may shift under the Trump administration, Draper remains committed to NASA collaborations, emphasizing lunar missions as stepping stones for Mars exploration and global space competition.



Draper Labs, based in Cambridge near MIT, recived $73 million from NASA's Commercial Lunar Payload Services program. The company will launch a CP-12 mission in 2026. 于麻省理工学院附近的剑桥的 Draper Labs 从 NASA 的商业月球有效载荷服务计划中获得了 7300 万美元的资金。该公司将于 2026 年启动 CP-12 任务。


Editorials: The Ad Board Needs a New Addition

Harvard's Administrative Board (Ad Board) currently lacks student representation, a gap the Harvard Undergraduate Association seeks to address. Unlike Harvard, most peer institutions—including other Ivy League schools, MIT, and Stanford—incorporate students in disciplinary decisions. Even Harvard’s Honor Council, which handles academic dishonesty, is 50% undergraduate. Adding students to the Ad Board would enhance decision-making with firsthand student insights, bolster legitimacy, and improve trust between students and administrators. As Harvard reviews its disciplinary process, the Editorial Board argues it’s time for the Ad Board to include student voices.






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