2024-11-27 11:34 阅读量:7k+
【华人头条美国青少年记者团 NC BLOOM—夏行健和Yuyang Luo (Cindy) 报道】
【特别感谢摄影师Zitong Ji (Jasmine)和Yinuo Zheng (Enock)】
11月23日(星期六),华人头条青少年记者团与 NC BLOOM 在 Governor Club 分享了对感恩的见解,交换了礼物,并一起品尝了美味的感恩节大餐。本次活动也邀请了前杜克招生官 Dr. Willie Dixon 分享升学经验并解答学生、家长们的问题。
上午11点,参与者们陆续到达了活动现场。NC BLOOM 主席 Siyu Liu (Lucy) 代表 NC BLOOM 做开场主旨演讲。Lucy 介绍了 NC BLOOM 青少年非盈利组织的宗旨,并解释了组织的名字:Build Leaders; Open Opportunities; Make Impact.
华人头条美国社&南北卡罗莱纳社社长、总编 Catherine 老师介绍,华人头条作为国际大媒体,在全世界80多个国家建立了150多个新闻资讯运营站点,其中美国有10个站点。
Dr. Dixon 是一位经验丰富的原杜克大学招生官,他分享了自己了解的顶尖大学录取标准: “每所大学的招生官每年会看到无数的优异GPA、标准化考试成绩、以及AP课数量,那么他们如何找出那些想要录取的学生呢?在杜克,我们录取的学生有一个共同点:他们总在忙碌...他们会充分阅读、写作,把所有精力投入在一个自己特别感兴趣的领域上。”
品尝完各位参与者制作的美食后,学生、家长们便积极地向华人头条的阿紫老师和 Catherine 老师请教采访写作技巧,专业的记者老师们也毫不保留地传授了她们的宝贵经验。
Dr. Dixon 也耐心地为每一位学生和家长解惑。从初中选校,到孩子对 STEM 学科不感兴趣怎么办,再到即将高中毕业的孩子如何申报最适合的大学、面试结果对大学录取有何影响、进入大学后如果发现当初选择的专业就业前景堪忧怎么办,等等,Dr. Dixon 从一个资深教育者的视角耐心而详细地回答了五花八门的问题。
【Report By Chinese Headlines & NC BLOOM Teen Reporter Yuyang Luo (Cindy)】
【Special thanks to photographers Zitong Ji (Jasmine) and Yinuo Zheng (Enock)】
On Saturday, November 23, NC BLOOM and Chinese Headlines members gathered at Governor Club to share their insights on gratitude, exchange gifts, and enjoy a delicious Thanksgiving feast. The event also invited Dr. Willie Dixon, a former Duke admissions officer, to share his advice and answer questions from students and parents about academics.
Participants arrived at the event site around 11 AM. NC BLOOM President Siyu Liu (Lucy) opened the event on behalf of the organization. Lucy introduced the purpose of NC BLOOM, a youth-led nonprofit organization, to the participants and explained the name of the organization: Build Leaders; Open Opportunities; Make impact.
Mrs. Catherine, president and editor-in-chief of Chinese Headlines in the United States and North and South Carolina stations, introduced that as a major international media, Chinese Headlines is spread across more than 70 countries in the world, with more than 40 stations, including 9 stations in the United States.
Then starting with instructor Mrs. Catherine, each participant introduced themselves and elaborated on the people or things they are most grateful for in their lives: The journalist instructors thanked the teenagers for their hard work. The teenagers thanked their parents and friends for their help and tolerance. The parents thanked the two organizations for the various opportunities they provided. This undoubtedly brought everyone closer together.
Ms. A Zi, a parent-child focus reporter for Chinese Headlines and a mentor for the Chinese Headlines US Youth Reporter Group, expressed her compliments to the youth volunteers and reporters, and her anticipation of more achievements by the teenagers in the future.
Dr. Dixon, as an experienced admissions officer, shared the admissions criteria of top universities: "Every year, admissions officers at every university see countless excellent GPAs, standardized test scores, and number of AP courses. So how do they know which students they want to admit? At Duke, the students we have admitted have one thing in common: they are always busy...they will take time to read, write, and devote all their energy to an area of particular interest to them."
After sharing, everyone gathered together to exchange gifts. Through these thoughtful gifts, they shared the joy of gratitude. Together, the participants tasted the amazing dishes brought to the event. Afterwards, the students and parents actively asked journalist instructors Ms. A Zi and Ms. Catherine from Chinese Headlines for their advice on interviewing and writing. The professional journalists shared their valuable expertise.
Dr. Dixon also began to patiently answer questions from every student and parent –– from choosing a middle school, to what to do if the student is not interested in STEM subjects, how to choose the best university for students who are about to graduate from high school, the impact of interview results on university admission, how to solve the lack of employment near college graduation, etc. Dr. Dixon answered the participants' various questions enthusiastically and detailedly from the perspective of a skillful educator.
3PM was the scheduled end time of the event, but the participants were still not satisfied. They exchanged contact information with each other and continued to discuss. This event ended successfully. Everyone said that they had gained a lot of perspectives and look forward to attending more similar exchange activities in the future.
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参与NC Bloom青少年公益团体与华人头条青少年记者团团建会有感
11月23日,华人头条青少年记者团和 NC Bloom 青少年公益团体在 NC Bloom 创始成员之一 Lucy 家欢聚一堂,开展感恩节团建活动,也是致力于为更多华人青少年提供参与公益服务的平台、培养领袖、发挥影响力的 NC Bloom 青少年公益团体成立自己的小记者团的第一步。
听着与会人员的自我介绍,我的感受是,所有的人都是那么精神饱满、热情洋溢,都表现出对积极参与公益服务的意识,都认识到服务社区、发挥华人影响力的重要性。就说我们 NC Bloom 的成员们吧,自创立后能在短短八个月里完成为云南省玉龙县纳西族的贫困孩子们筹款、为非洲贫困儿童提供学习用品等工作,这个效率堪称“北卡华人青少年速度“啦!这一路上要感谢《华人头条》美国社&南北卡罗莱纳社社长 Catherine 老师,以及《华人头条》亲子教育类记者兼《华人头条》青少年记者团导师阿紫老师的帮助与支持。
杜克大学前招生官 Dr Willie Dixon 的分享掀起了这次团建会的高潮。名校招生实战经验丰富的 Dr Willie Dixon 侃侃而谈,热忱地与我们交流了大学选拔人才的几个关键点,比如:大学偏爱有领导力的青年才俊。那什么是领导力呢?领导力不是一个头衔,而是去做、去参与,去服务自己的社区,把思考运用到自己参与的任何服务中,让身边的人因为你而生活得更好,让你的社区因为你的参与而成为一个更好的地方。当你全心全意地做事或参与其中时,你不需要到处去宣扬,人们自然会看到、知道。
这次参与团建的除了 NC Bloom 主创老队员、华人头条青少年记者团、几位重要嘉宾之外,还有就是 NC Bloom 创始团队的家长后援团核心人物之一濛濛阿姨(Lucy妈妈),一些新近加入到 NC Bloom 青少年公益团体的、来北卡不久的访问学者的孩子和部分家长。大家的心意都出奇地一致,想要尽可能在参与公益服务中融入社区,了解社会、做出自己的贡献。
爱因斯坦曾说过:一个人的价值,体现在能够帮助到多少人。(only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile. )联合国秘书长Antonio Guterres在国际青年节上也说过: 人类有赖于世界各地青年无穷的能量、思想和贡献。今天和每一天,让我们支持并与年轻人站在一起,为人类和地球塑造一个公正和可持续的世界)(Humanity depends on the boundless energy, ideas and contributions of youth everywhere. Today and every day, let's support and stand with young people in shaping a just and sustainable world, for people and planet.)他们的话,让我们深受启发、深受鼓舞!
NC Bloom 致力于为青少年打造公益服务平台,欢迎你也来加入我们吧!
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