Special visa for foreign business people to Xiamen
Notice on Special Visa Facilitation for Foreign Business Visitors to Xiamen
To streamline travel for foreign visitors coming to Xiamen for business purpose, the following special visa facilitation program is introduced for eligible applicants:
Foreign nationals who need to frequently travel to Xiamen for business activities and have made a positive contribution to Xiamen's international economic cooperation, as well as their spouses and children (collectively "foreign business visitors"). Invitations can be issued by various market entities including State-owned, private, and foreign-invested enterprises.
II. What is the Program About
Eligible foreign business visitors may apply to the Chinese embassy or a consulate in their location for a five-year multiple-entry M visa or an equivalent category visa that allows a 180-day stay per visit, upon receiving a Special Visa Invitation Letter issued by Fujian Provincial Foreign Affairs Office.
III. How to Make Application
1. Enterprises extending invitations shall identify the needs of eligible foreign business visitors for the program and submit applications to Xiamen Municipal Foreign Affairs Office. It is noteworthy that enterprises registered with Fujian Provincial Administration for Market Regulation shall submit applications to Fujian Provincial Department of Commerce, while centrally-administered and provincially-owned enterprises based in Xiamen shall submit applications to Fujian Provincial Foreign Affairs Office.
2. Xiamen Municipal Foreign Affairs Office shall review the qualifications of inviting organizations before submitting the applications to Fujian Provincial Foreign Affairs Office, which will subsequently issue Special Visa Invitation Letters.
3. Foreign business visitors may apply for a visa at the Chinese embassy or a consulate in their location with the Special Visa Invitation Letter within three months.
IV. Things to Note
1. An inviting organization or enterprise shall only file visa application for the foreign business visitors it invites, and shall not arbitrarily expand the scope or apply for those coming to China for non-business purposes.
2. If a foreign business visitor benefiting from this program engages in activities violating laws and regulations after arrival in China, Xiamen Municipal Foreign Affairs Office shall revoke the application qualifications of relevant inviting enterprises.
V. Contact Information
Tel.: 0592-2856145, 0592-2856001
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