寓言 talk show
James Vaughan:
Hello! When you’re starting out in this creative business, whether it’s acting, writing, producing or whatever. I think the main underlying thing is always speak from your own voice, your own experience. Don’t imitate anybody else or imagine what story it is they want to hear, tell your own story.
Don’t try and tailor it to anybody else. It’s your imagination, your heart and your voice. Go with that!
James Vaughan:Trained at the Drama Centre London, James Vaughan has been an actor for over thirty years, performing extensively in film, theatre, television, and radio.
Theatre includes: Around the World (Mint Theatre, New York); Great Expectations (Vaudeville Theatre): Buddy (Victoria Palace): The Resistible Rise of Arturo Ui (Liverpool Everyman); Romeo and Juliet (UK & European Tour);
Hamlet (Herodes Atticus Theatre, Athens); The Idiot (Contact Theatre). Film includes: Wilde, Mrs Brown, The Commissioner, The Affair of the Necklace. Television includes: The Crown, Coronation Street, Poirot, Casualty, Wycliffe, The Grimleys, Spooks, Silent Witness, Wall of Silence, Eleventh Hour, Whistleblowers.
詹姆斯·沃恩(James Vaughan):曾在伦敦戏剧中心接受培训,詹姆斯·沃恩作为演员已有三十多年的经验,广泛涉足电影、剧院、电视和广播领域。
剧院作品包括:《环游世界》(纽约Mint剧院);《远大前程》(Vaudeville剧院);《巴迪》(Victoria Palace剧院);《阿图罗·乌伊的不可抗拒崛起》(利物浦Everyman剧院);《罗密欧与朱丽叶》(英国及欧洲巡演);《哈姆雷特》(雅典Herodes Atticus剧院);《白痴》(Contact剧院)。
,前北京体育大学武术体操系讲师,武术太极8段,健身气功7段,曾出演体育电影“现代角斗士”主角,曾任国家队教练、欧中文体友协会长、法国武术协会武术太极气功专家, 国际健身气功联合会专业委员会副主任等职……
Yang Liqin
, former lecturer of the Department of Wushu Gymnastics of Beijing Sport University, Wushu Taiji 8 dan, Helth qigong 7 dan, acted in the sports movie "Modern Gladiators", served as the national team coach, President of the European-Chinese Cultural and Sports Friendship Association, qigong expert to the French Wushu Association of Wushu Taiji, Deputy director of the Professional committee of the International Helth Qigong Federation, and also holds other positions.
The Lion, the Bear, & the Fox
欢迎收听微电台,伊索寓言talk show节目,我是杨立勤。今天我给大家讲的寓言故事是:狮子、熊和狐狸。
Hello everyone, this is we radio, the fables talk show. I am James vaughan. The name of the story I will tell you today is: The Lion, the Bear, & the Fox.
Just as a great Bear rushed to seize a lamb, a Lion leaped from another direction upon the same prey. The two fought furiously for the prize until they had received so many wounds that both sank down unable to continue the battle.
Just then a Fox dashed up, and seizing the lamb made off with it as fast as he could go, while the Lion and the Bear looked on in helpless rage.
"How much better it would have been," they said, "to have shared in a friendly spirit."
Those who have all the toil do not always get the profit.
Just as the idiom says: "When the snipe and mussel fight, the fisherman gains."
Chief Editor, Xuanzhu Guo
English Broadcast: James Vaughan
ChineseBroadcast:Liqin Yang
Consultant: Andrew Wiggins Xiaoyu Shi Dream Feather