Harvard in News on 3/14/2025 媒体中的哈佛 -1
Harvard in News, 新闻中的哈佛
Jeffrey Yang ’26 (center) laughs with his fellow Adams House residents.
7:30 am
7:30 am
7:30 am
From storming the dorms, to showing off house spirit, to welcoming new friends, there’s no better morning on campus than Housing Day!
From storming the dorms, to showing off house spirit, to welcoming new friends, there’s no better morning on campus than Housing Day!
Housing Day, when first-year students learn which of Harvard’s 12 Houses they will call home for the next three years ❤️
Music and great dancing in the am.
Music and great dancing in the am.
Music and great dancing in the am.
Music and great dancing in the am.
Music and great dancing in the am.
Every House is unique and a place for transformation.
Post dorm storm
Post dorm storm
Post dorm storm
Post dorm storm
Getting ready to welcome our first years.
Amazing spirit.
Amazing spirit.
Amazing spirit.
Amazing spirit.
Amazing spirit.
Amazing spirit.
Amazing spirit.
Joy and laughter in the Yard.
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