2025-02-19 10:03 阅读量:4k+
华人号:北卡蒲公英NCBloom【NcBloom 小记者Lucy Liu,Andrew XU报道,以诺、Enock zheng 摄像、摄影】2月16日星期日,NC Bloom与华人头条美国南北卡站联合举办了一场热闹的元宵节庆祝活动。除了NC Bloom的志愿者和小记者们,华人头条美国南北卡站部份记者编辑老师们也在现场,共同庆祝双方过去几个月的紧密合作。华人头条一直致力于培训青少年记者团,为学生们提供实践机会,帮助他们培养社会责任感及在真实环境中的沟通能力。
活动的最后,家长们拿起麦克风,欢快地进行了一场卡拉OK表演,演唱了多首经典中文和粤语歌曲。伴随着歌声与笑声,这场元宵聚会不仅拉近了彼此的距离,也让NC Bloom不再只是一个公益组织,而是逐渐成为一个由学生、家长与社区共同组成的温暖大家庭。大家怀揣着共同的使命,相互支持,一同前行。
[English Version]
Sunday February 16, NC Bloom and Chinese Headlines held a joint celebration of the Chinese Lantern Festival. In addition to our volunteers, some of the staff at Chinese Headlines were also here to commemorate our collaboration for the past several months. The news site has been helping to train our Young Journalists Group and providing practical opportunities in journalism, cultivating students’ societal awareness and real-world communication abilities.
The celebration featured fruits, [some sort of cake? Insert food item here because i dont remember], and two large bowls of tangyuan—a traditional dessert for this occasion: small rice flour balls, some with a red bean paste filling. Our students spent parts of the afternoon hand-making these rice balls with guidance from parents, and although the results were imperfect, the students were able to enjoy the products of their own hand cooked into delicious soups.
Later, the parents of our students even began a spontaneous karaoke session with traditional Chinese and Cantonese music—showing how NC Bloom is becoming not just an initiative, but also a close-knit family of students and broader community members with a shared mission.
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