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2024-08-17 06:11 阅读量:5k+


原创  林智华 (加拿大)  智华英语


号外!喜讯:国际英语教育中国大会 TCA官网突发通知要求发言者提交PPT及视频供大会评审![截图见文末]。Yeah!请反对学术批评者看看,关心祖国外语教育事业的网友们阅读转发带来的变化。有没有用,看疗效!

注意到,王欣院长将在7月25-28珠海召开的TCA以Feature Speaker作专题发言。笔者相信,经过两个月语病纠错、正音连读、节奏韵律等演讲训练,年轻好学的王欣院长将以令人刮目相看的表现为上外刷亮珠海!



【文秋芳讲述转文字1】(Now,) First of all, I would like to share with you a story of①[>from] my personal experience. [And,] once, I invited a professor from Sweden to work with me on the[>a] res - join the research project for two weeksHe stays③[>stayed] at a hotel which is③[>was] not far away from our universityIt's[>It] just needs⑤[>needed] a starting fare ⑥by taxi[>for a taxi]At⑦[>On] the first two days, I sent⑧[>saw/took] him back to the hotel. 

开火!① a story from one's personal experience源自某人亲身经历的故事。一次性动词join不搭配表示持续一段时间的短语,改为...on a research project for two weeks。改stays为stayed,改is为was。指距离的It's后跟时间和交通方式,距离=时间x速度,如句1:It's 5 minutes walk/drive. 某事要花...钱Sth costs (sb.) $¥...说如句2:It only costs the base fare for a taxi. (过去式cost)打车的起步价用the定指。介词短语by taxi是人采用的交通方式(by means of taking/hiring a taxi逻辑主语是人)。宜改为句3:It's just a base fare/a starting fare.或表达为乘坐一趟车,句4:The taxi ride only cost /needed /required a base fee/starting fare. (这趟打的只要花个基本费。)如一定要用by taxi那么前面就得有逻辑主语是人的行为动词,句5:The distance only needed the base fare when travelling by taxi. 或如句6:If you go by taxi, you'll need to pay ¥5.5 more than the ¥2 bus fare. 介词on表示在某一天/某些天。on the first day, on the second day, 合并后on the first and second days,再浓缩成On the first two days(头两天里的每一天),如句7:The Chinese avoid washing their clothes on the first two days of the Spring Festival.但如强调这是一段时间,则改用介词说成in /within /during /over /across /throughout the first two days,甚至说成for the first two days(持续了两天),但都没用At的。“头两天派他/押送他/打发他回宾馆”?然后派他上谁家去?用错sent了!send back退还/送回 句8:If you’re not completely satisfied with the goods/your item, send them/it back for a full refund. (如果您对货品不完全满意, 请将其退回好让我们负责给您全额退款。) 句9:China's relay satellite, Queqiao, receives images and data from the lander and the rover on the moon's far side and sends them back to Earth. 中国鹊桥中继卫星接收来自月球背面着陆器和月球车 的图像和数据,并发送回地球。send sb. back: to force sb. to return somewhere迫使某人回到某处(押送/遣送)。句10:I wasn't satisfied with his first draft, so I sent him back to rewrite it. 我不满意他的初稿,叫他回去重写。句11:She's sending her son back to boarding school next year. 她决定下学年得送儿子回去寄宿。 从语境看, 头两天应是文秋芳亲自把瑞典教授送回酒店的。那,用哪个词?用take:带着某人(并一直陪同)到某处。你肯定会唱Country Roads Take Me Home.乡村道一路带我回家!那你就会造句11:I will take you home.(我会送你到家),还有句12:I took him back to the hotel啦!如您觉得take sb back to a place不够温暖,那用小学英语单词see呀!您目送过亲友(see sb. off)吗、送过亲友上出租车see sb. into the taxi吗、[一路看着(持续性的动词)]送过朋友回家(see sb home)吗?例13:I will see you home(我会送你到家). 例14:How do we send a foreign expert back to the hotel? We call(/find him)(/stop) a taxi, see him (get) into the car(/sedan), sit down and fasten his seat belt, tell the taxi driver the destination, prepay the fare, wave our hand, and watch him leave. Simple as that. (如何把外国专家打发回酒店?拦下一辆出租车,看着他钻进车里坐好并系好安全带,跟的哥交代一下目的地,付了车费,挥挥手,目送他离开。完事。see someone back (to sth)(陪着)送某人回到家see sb home,把某人一路送回到酒店see sb. back to the hotel,例15:Don't worry, I'llsee the kids back safely after the movie. 但这瑞典教授不让女主角see(陪送)他回去,他要单飞,想搞啥飞机?

【文秋芳讲述转文字2】On the third day, he thought⑨[>decided] he could managed to go back by himself with a cart[>card] on which⑫ there's[>there was>] a⑬[>the] hotel⑭[>hotel's] name in Chinese.

thought(想/认为),要说付诸行动得改,如decided to go。manage to do sth是克服重重困难最终做成了某事。打个的回酒店,又不是开办山河大学有何难(河南)的?删manage to。card错读成cart。用错句式!改there's为there was只是时态正确,句式There be(在...有...)用于引出新信息或描述场景,如句16:In the village, there's a girl named Xiao Fang; she's pretty and kind, with big, beautiful eyes and long, thick braids.(村里有位姑娘叫小芳,) 句17:There are a bunch of lousy English professors at that university.(在那所大学有一堆菜英文教授。) 但在描述已知人/物时,直接陈述其位置或状态, 如句18:Those lousy English professors are at that university. a hotel?咋又冒出另一家酒店?the hotel。>the hotel's name...>酒店本名须依法以官方语言中文注册(外资的辅以英文)>说成hotel's Chinese name(强调语言对比时才说in Chinese)。改对说法后的with a card that had the hotel's Chinese name在内容上也是属于过细信息。其实,只要说成with a (bilingual) business card from the hotel就足够了!

【修改】句集19:First of all, I would like to share [a story (with you) from] my personal experience. Once, I invited a professor from Sweden to work with me on a research project for two weeks. He stayed at a hotel (that was)/, not far from our university. It only cost the base fare for a taxi. /The taxi ride only cost/needed/required a base fee/starting fare. On the first two days, I took/saw him back to the hotel. On the third day, he decided to go back by himself with a bilingual business card from the hotel (/with a card that had the hotel's Chinese name).

【文秋芳讲述转文字3】(多次看稿说的):And other⑮ with surprise⑯, ⑰[+as] you can see ⑱[+in] the picture. [And] ⑲several taxi drivers refuset[-t>refused] to take him.  

又乱用other了!(cf北外英文教授满屏语病) in/with suprise修饰谁?Another surprising thing...吧?加[+as] you can see吧?加[+in] the picture么?到场的都不是盲人,说you can see the picture有啥意义?得说图里才有意义!好几位(至少三个)的士司机!refused[-zd]被错读成[-st]。个个都不要赚钱养家全都拒载了?【PPT演说常用句式】The ...problem as you can see in the picture is that...【试改】Another surprising thing, as you can see in the picture, is that several taxi drivers refused to take him. 直接说As you can see in the picture, several taxi drivers refused to take him. 还是不行,图里才一台车!

【文秋芳讲述转文字4】Finally⑳, one㉑ student㉒ ㉕helped him to get on㉓[>into] the㉔[>a] taxi. 

听到Finally,大家会以为故事讲完了呢!困难event解决了,用Eventually说。 谁知拒载只是前戏!先说一堆的哥拒载,现说总算有one student相助,如此对比是要揶揄的士师傅们吗?说a student为好。演员表太长了!这次主题不是学雷锋。团队里的副导演们,这里放个群演one student是要打伏笔讲类似马云在西湖边主动求偶遇Molly先生的桥段吗?没有,那你还给个完整句子特写镜头啊?老老实实顺着同一条逻辑线继续讲男主角![请参阅拙作《全网语灾范曾结婚启事变声明》]常用说法:上小汽车/出租车等小型车get into a/the car/taxi/sedan/van,上火车/公交车/旅行大巴等大型车get on a/the train/bus/tour bus/coach。多辆拒载里的那一辆the taxi?另一辆,初次登场,说a taxi。helped him to get into a taxi洋教授腿脚不灵要学生抬他上车还是有大堆行李?太胖挤不进车得像日本地铁从外死命往里塞?帮老外上车还搭进去个学生再自费返回吗?热情过头了吧?【注意】在help sb (to) do sth句式,不定式的动作执行者可能是受助者,也可能是帮助者,甚至有可能包含了两者!洋教授原话咋说的,导致英语语言学教授文秋芳如此转述?用文氏产出法来说“那男医生帮20位妇女都怀上双胞胎。”就是句20:That male doctor helped 20 women to get pregnant with twins. 那二十位丈夫听到这话,是要预约亲子鉴定呢,还是要你给个说法?赶紧把to去掉避嫌也还不够因为容易听岔,得改说如句21:Those 20 women became pregnant with twins under the care of that male doctor.【常识】最常用的打车叫车说法,中英文完全一样,谁都看一遍就记住了:helped him to find/call a taxi/cab帮教授找到/拦下/叫到一辆(愿意载他的)出租车!说了一辈子中文、学了快一辈子英语的北外英文教授却不会?各罚抄十遍!句22:Eventually, the professor from Sweden found a taxi with the help of a student.(配角着墨不宜过浓,宜以小见大。)

【文秋芳讲述转文字5】The next morning, when he met me, he ㉖complain‿a lot㉗ about the taxi drivers. ㉘This is a conversation between him and me[>us].

he complain初级错误,改为complained。拒载就一件事,何来的complained a lot?的哥师傅们长得不帅呢,还是嫌弃身上没喷咖喱香水?哦,巴黎香水!改说如句23:When he met me the next morning, the professor complained about the taxi drivers. 上句说he met me,这句还说him and me?这么车轮打滑对听众太折磨!用复数代词转说us或说成our conversation不会?改说如句24:(What follows) Below was/is our conversation:


F: Why did the driver refuse to take me? It seems㉚[>has seemed to me] that he was not nice㉛[>accommodating] to the㉜ foreigners.
W: I guess it is (most) probably㉝ because he ㉞is not able to communicate with you in English.

F ... I don't understand why he cannot[>couldn't] communicate with me in simple English if he has graduated from junior high.

前诉多位司机拒载⑲,现为何只说单数?前言不搭后语。句式It seems that(似乎):如指过去发生的事造成的感觉,要么用一般过去时It seemed that...当时觉得似乎...(现在可能没那感觉了),要么用现在完成时It has seemed to me that...现在还觉得...。瑞典的英文教授不讲究时态?not nice(没教养)指控不轻啊,瑞典的英语教授不知常用词accommodating(与人方便的)?定指那些外国人,不包括瑞典教授?删the。guess猜测/推测/<口>认为。most语气重了,删。英文就时论事,改is为was。再把was not able to改为couldn't。改cannot为couldn't。这if的位置,高中生会用since(既然/因为)等,或改用介词短语despite finishing middle school(尽管读过初中)[但despite名词怨恨][同根动词despise鄙视/蔑视/瞧不起]。有共情能力的人,会用considering that(考虑到)[considering还可作介词副词]。原文这if用得恰似猫穿过绑住的袋子(The cat's out of the bag.)穿帮了!graduate from完成阶段学业具有进入职场或下一阶段学业的资质,也用于幼儿园毕业等,侧重描述结束态,此处应强调历时过程宜用has finished或has completed。这瑞典英语教授的英语不行啊!如何准确英译中国的中学初中高中?请垂阅拙作中国教育,不容矮化!专家一错影响几亿人!。junior high初中的简称用于high school指完中时的初高中区分。

【文秋芳讲述转文字7】He asked me,"Why did the driver refuse to take me?  I, It seems㉚ [>has seemed] to me they are㊵[>were] not nice㉛[>accommodating]to the㉜ foreigners. (And) I answered, "I guess most probably and the driver was not good at English, so they are㊶[>were] afrait[>afraid] if>[when] you speak English, they are[>were] not able to communicate with you."  

前说多位the drivers复数,现在变单数,下一句又说they,哪个才算数?用be (not) good at English(是否擅长说英语)框架去套出租车司机,委实欠妥。北京的哥赵建国10门外语闪亮1990亚运到奥运、广西阳朔月亮山徐秀珍飚英语等11门外语。为了养家糊口,的哥只要能明白外宾要去哪儿都断无拒载的道理。南京的哥就不要养家?为了生活,人们四处奔波!1993年中国人一点俄语不会都要勇闯俄罗斯!如今,中国人遍布全世界!所以,即使改对了语法,类似这种说法句25:The driver was not good at English, so he was afraid he would not be able to communicate with you if/when you spoke English.也不适合出现在教材/教师培训等场合,因其暗示不善长英语就没有跟外国人沟通的交流能力,而这显然会误人子弟!教材委员会外语学科专家委员会主任竟然不懂教育心理学,整出个如此糟糕的“实例”。

【给中小学英语教材编者】教材放入be good at时,断不可出现类似上面的句子,而应编入鼓励性的话语!抛砖引玉,笔者写几句仅供参考:

句26:Remember, you don't need to be good at English to communicate. The more you practice, the better you'll become.
句27:You don't have to be good at English to start speaking it — everyone begins somewhere!
句28:Don't worry if you need to improve your English. The more you use it, the better you'll get.

(And) then he asked me a question. "Do you think he has finished [+his] second ‘ray❶[>secondary] education?" Then, I said[>answered], "I'm not sure whether they❸[>he] had finished junior[>senior] high, but definitely he must have finished senior [>junior口误] I'm not sure did[>if] he have finished senior high, but I definitely[>I'm sure] he has finished junior high because in our country the nine years [+of] education is compulsory. Then he said[>asked again], "When did he learn? When do Chinese learners (+start/begin) learning English? I said, "Most of the students mightstart from Primary 5. For him,❾ I guess, definitely he[>he definitely] has learned[>learned] English in junior middle[>high] school. Then, he look⓬[>lookedpuzzlet[<puzzled]. He said, "If he had learned the⓮ English for three years, why he couldn't[>couldn't he] communicate with me in simple English? Because, for such kind of travelling⓰[>simple interactions]won't talk to him with[>in] very sophisticated English." Now, at this⓲[>Right at that] moment, I became speechless. Now that's true. If a person who㊾ has learned English for three years, he must[>should] be able to talk to other people for simple communicative[>communication] needs. Right? So this made me think deeply.

前面的问答都不算?饭白吃了!secondary(第二阶段的)竟然被拆成second ray(第二道光)[说明其基本拼写至今不过关]!I definitely he... 误把definitely当动词用。because宜改没那么直接的as或since。九年教育nine years of education,九年义务教育是强制性的nine-year compulsory education is mandatory. in English>in plain English>in sophisticated English;用with的如with easy/sophisticated English words。“在他读初中时”是过去时间,前面不能用现在完成时。For him, I guess he definitely learned English in junior middle school. won't时态错了!此处用否定前移won't talk to him易让人误解为不想跟他说话。改说如句29:For such simple interactions, I wasn't using sophisticated English. whoIf a person>If someone,改如句30:It's true — if someone has learned English for three years, they should be able to manage basic communication. 这下就要用they了!既然那么喜欢manage,那也让它上。真那么喜欢用一个人糊,句31:A person who has learned English for three years should be able to communicate with others in a simple way.


【传闻证言】文秋芳声称分享其亲身经历故事,但故事核心多位的士司机拒载瑞典教授事件发生时她并不在现场,也未接到外专从现场打大哥大移动电话给她请她当翻译。亦即,文秋芳所言只是hearsay testimony(传闻证言)。

【源头可疑】正与南京大学合作《语言与认知》课题研究的瑞典教授声称遭多位司机拒载,后又只说一位司机拒载(文氏转述更是单复数多次纠缠不清),前言不搭后语。该外专本应记下车牌让南大代为投诉,并建议出租车公司增加简单的英文培训(举手之劳给南大甚至老东家南师大拉点英语培训生意)以提高服务水平,但是他没有,而她也没建议把课题的研究对象扩大到出租车司机,更不用说这两语言学教授用词太幼稚园般的粗糙(或是转述者使用拙劣的英语替换下所有的sophisticated英语?),哪有丝毫瑞典哥德堡大学英语语言学家的影子?可见,瑞典教授的直接证言(direct testimony)也是极为可疑。









Easy Come, Never Go!™易记看,耐味够!™

【转载】请注转自林智华 智华英语。违究!




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