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庆乙巳新春,建和谐家园 —加拿大高校文学社2025庆新春活动成功举办

2025-03-11 11:51 阅读量:4k+




此次活动得到了York Region政府的York Region Community Violence Prevention Fund的大力支持,活动现场,宾朋满座,蓬荜生辉,温馨的茶点飘香醉人。


As March ushers in the return of spring and the revival of all things, the gentle spring breeze brings with it a special occasion. On the afternoon of March 8, 2025, the Canadian Literary Association of Higher Education(CLAHE) annual Spring Festival celebration was held as scheduled in Richmond Hill, York Region. Nearly a hundred participants, including literary friends, performers, guests, and leaders of fellow community organizations, gathered to celebrate this vibrant event.

The theme of this year's celebration was "Welcoming the Year of the Snake and Building a Harmonious Home." Following last year's successful "Three-Group" New Year celebration, this event once again fostered community integration and cultural exchange, highlighting the unique charm of literature and the arts.

The event received strong support from the York Region Community Violence Prevention Fund. The venue was filled with guests, creating a lively and warm atmosphere. The delightful aroma of tea and refreshments added to the welcoming ambiance.

The celebration began on a joyful note with an opening speech and guest introductions by two literary society hosts, Wang, Xiaoyan and Liu, Junmin, setting the tone for a heartwarming and harmonious gathering.

主持人:王小燕 刘俊民

首先加拿大文学社社长原野致词,他深情感谢和欢迎各位来宾及文友的光临,感谢大家过去一年对加拿大高校文学社的鼎力支持。他说:2024年是加拿大高校文学社长足发展的一年,周主题创作达五十一期,文坛系列讲座十八期,征文活动三次,分别是第七届、第八届高校联合春晚征文,以及和加中经贸文化交流协会联合主办的第二届加拿大“高校杯”《新家园 新人生》的全球征文,引起了各界人士的普遍关注,好评如潮。他代表社团感谢无私奉献的周刊主持人,感谢前来文学社讲坛传授知识的主讲嘉宾,感谢一丝不苟的征文编委们,感谢孜孜不倦辛勤笔耕的文友们,感谢默默无闻的后勤人员。他指出:本次迎新活动把“反暴力”活动融入其中,为主题”共建和谐家园”赋予了实实在在的含义。

First, the President of the Canadian Literary Association of Higher Education(CLAHE), Yuanye, delivered a heartfelt speech. He warmly welcomed and sincerely thanked all the guests and literary friends for attending the event and expressed his gratitude for their strong support over the past year.

He remarked that 2024 was a year of remarkable growth for the CLAHE. The association successfully completed held, and organized:

  • 51 weekly themed creative writing issues
  • 18 literary lecture series
  • The 7th and 8th University Joint Spring Festival Writing Contests and The 2nd Canadian "University Cup" Global Writing Contest on the theme "New Home, New Life", co-hosted with the Canada-China Economic and Cultural Exchange Association

These initiatives garnered widespread attention and received high praise from all sectors of society.

On behalf of the society, Yuanye expressed gratitude to:

  • The dedicated weekly issue hosts
  • The guest speakers who shared their knowledge at the society’s literary forums
  • The meticulous editors of the writing contests
  • The tireless literary friends who continuously contributed their creative works
  • The behind-the-scenes staff who worked diligently and without recognition

He highlighted that this year's Spring Festival celebration incorporated the theme of "anti-violence" into the event, giving tangible meaning to the theme "Building a Harmonious Home Together."



York Region Councillor Alan Ho and Richmond Hill Councillor Simon Cui attended the event in person, extending their sincere congratulations and delivering enthusiastic speeches. They highly praised the Literary Society for its longstanding contributions to community cultural development and its support for the government's anti-violence initiatives.

Jill Javelosa, Community Development Program Specialist of York Region’s anti-violence program, also expressed strong approval of the anti-violence stage play performed during the event. She commended the play for providing profound social insight and helping to promote harmony within the community.



出席本次活动的嘉宾还有:加中经贸文化交流协会执行会长曾诚,北美华人健康协会会长王培忠,中国高校校友联合会(CCAA)理事长贾正杰,CCAA会长赵长春,CCAA秘书长吕彤,高校现任会长群群主柳元宗,高校校友艺术团团长李建国, 加拿大朗诵艺术团团长、CCABA副执行长王先明,加拿大中文作家协会会长燕飞,加拿大专业妇女协会会长梁梅英, 陕西同乡会会长周志军,西安交通大学校友会会长王军,山西财经大学加拿大校友会会长耿洪志,北京理工大学多伦多校友会创会会长孙权。无法前来出席活动的CPAC曹颖会长和高校鼓乐团陈云章团长预祝活动圆满成功。

The following distinguished guests also attended the event:

  • Zeng Cheng, Executive President of the Canada- China Economic Trade & Culture Exchange Promotion Alliance(CCEA)
  • Wang Peizhong, President of The Centre for New Immigrant Well-Being (CNIW )
  • Jia Zhengjie, Chairman of Confederation of Chinese Alumni Association (CCAA)
  • Zhao Changchun, President of CCAA
  • Lü Tong, Secretary-General of CCAA
  • Liu Yuanzong, Head of Incumber President Group of Chinese University Almni Association(Canada)
  • Li Jianguo, Head of the University Alumni Performing Arts Troupe
  • Wang Xianming, Head of the Canadian Recitation Art Troupe and Deputy Executive Director of CCABA
  • Yan Fei, President of the Chinese Writers Society of Canadian
  • Liang Meiying, President of the Chinese Professional Women of Canada.
  • Zhou Zhijun, President of the Shaanxi Association of Canada
  • Wang Jun, President of the Xi'an Jiaotong University Alumni Association
  • Geng Hongzhi, President of the Canada Alumni Association of Shanxi University of Finance and Economics
  • Sun Quan, Founding President of the BIT Toronto Alumni Association

Although they were unable to attend in person, Cao Ying, President of CPAC, and Chen Yunzhang, Head of the Alumni Drum Troup, sent their best wishes for the event’s success.

群贤毕至 蓬荜生辉


After a group photo was taken to commemorate the event, the performance officially began. First to take the stage was a group performance titled "Three and a Half Sentences — My Literary Society" by the seven directors of the Literary Society present at the event. This program, an original work by Literary Society director Chen Gang, was both humorous and heartfelt, creating a light and cheerful atmosphere filled with laughter and smiles, bringing knowing smiles to the audience's faces.

A group of people in a room

AI-generated content may be incorrect.


The original stage play "Stop Bullying" became one of the highlights of this event. Produced with great dedication by the CLAHE, the play closely follows the theme of "Harmony and Inclusion," conveying a profound message of opposing bullying and promoting harmony through vivid and expressive storytelling. The script was personally written by the president, Yuan Ye, with vice presidents Wang, Yuexiang and Chen, Gang meticulously organizing and overseeing the rehearsals. On stage, actors Wang, Yuexiang, Jiang Nan, and You Zhi delivered a compelling performance, showcasing the emotional tension between the characters with remarkable chemistry. Wen Sheng An provided an English narration that helped the audience follow the story, while the two hosts gave a detailed introduction in English, ensuring that every viewer could fully appreciate the play's depth and charm. The actors seamlessly blended emotion and movement, offering the audience an immersive artistic experience that left a deep emotional impact as the story unfolded.

原创舞台剧《停止霸凌》,编剧:原野,导演:王月祥 陈刚,演出:王月祥 由之 江南,旁白:安文生

音乐和歌声同样是这场盛宴的亮点。多伦多少儿艺术团Leona Lian的独唱《如愿》,歌声清澈悠扬。少儿合唱《蜗牛》(Something Just Like This)更是将节目的氛围推向高潮,展现了艺术团员们的青春活力与音乐才华。

Music and singing were also highlights of this grand event. Leona Lian from the Toronto Children's Art Troupe gave a solo performance of "As Wished," her clear and melodious voice resonating beautifully. The children's choir performance of "Snail" ("Something Just Like This") further elevated the atmosphere, showcasing the youthful energy and musical talent of the troupe members.

多伦多少儿艺术团Leona Lian:《如愿》



Originality was a defining feature of this event. The Red River Valley Choir performed two original choral pieces: "The Most Beautiful Snow Lotus," with lyrics by the choir's leader and lyricist Yuan Yue, and "Love in Canada," an original composition by the choir’s director and conductor, composer Zhuang Jianhua. Both songs featured touching melodies and heartfelt emotion, with the harmonious singing expressing deep love and blessings for this land. Yuan Yue also revealed that the choir will soon release an English version of their choral work, aiming to share this cross-cultural sentiment with a wider audience.



Wen Sheng An and Ai Xue delivered a heartfelt recitation of "Eternal Chang'an," using their poetic and vivid language to bring the history and culture of Chang'an to life with remarkable depth. Qu Lifei’s Peking opera solo performance of the Mei School classic "The Drunken Concubine" seamlessly blended the ancient art of opera with a modern interpretation, showcasing the timeless charm and rich beauty of Chinese culture.

安文生 艾雪:《永远的长安》,曲立菲:《贵妃醉酒》

北美华人健康协会会长王培忠的口琴独奏《红河谷》以悠扬的旋律,将大家带入了大自然的怀抱,仿佛听见了风吹过广袤大地的声音。徐旭祥的小提琴独奏《传奇(Fairy Tale)》如同一篇美丽的童话,他通过小提琴演绎出细腻的情感与悠长的旋律,让人沉醉其中。

Wang Peizhong, Chair of the CNIW, gave a harmonica solo of "Red River Valley," with its soothing melody transporting the audience into the embrace of nature, as if hearing the sound of the wind sweeping across the vast land. Xu Xuxiang’s violin solo of "Legend (Fairy Tale)" unfolded like a beautiful story, with delicate emotions and flowing melodies conveyed through the violin, captivating the audience and leaving them entranced.

王培忠:《红河谷》,徐旭祥:《传奇(Fairy Tale)》


Amidst the beautiful singing and classic dance performances, the Chinese folk dance "Mist and Rain in the Jiangnan" by the University Alumni Performing Arts Troupe stood out. The dancers, with their graceful movements, portrayed the delicate beauty and charm of Jiangnan, captivating the audience and immersing them in the enchanting atmosphere.



At the end of the event, the soprano Ms. Liang Meiying, president of the Canadian Professional Women’s Association, sang "Let the World Be Filled with Love." The hosts invited all the guests to join in singing, collectively expressing their wishes for a better world through song. The atmosphere reached its peak as the entire audience sang in unison, spreading love to every corner. The event concluded on a warm and harmonious note, giving this special day, International Women’s Day, extraordinary meaning.



In this event, a special segment was set up to present the "2024 Outstanding Volunteer Awards" to honor the volunteers who have contributed to the development of the Literary Society. Each volunteer is a driving force behind this cultural endeavor, and their selfless dedication deserves our deepest respect and gratitude. A total of 30 volunteers received the 2024 Outstanding Volunteer Award, with no specific ranking.


征文编委:冯文侣、刘俊民、庞进、孙瑞祥、李卫萍、 杨鸿






Every event organized by the Literary Society relies on the quiet contributions of volunteers. Although many volunteers were not included in the award list, their efforts are equally deserving of our respect and gratitude. A special mention goes to Xu Xuxiang, who traveled all the way from Niagara Falls to ensure the smooth running of this event. He took on the crucial role of DJ for the entire performance, handling music playback and background projections. He dedicated a tremendous amount of time and energy to this task, doing so without hesitation.


此外,特别设置的抽奖环节给活动增添了别样的欢乐与期待,每一位幸运的观众都收获了意外的惊喜。本次活动颁奖及抽奖环节的奖品由以下热心人士友情赞助:文友宋建军专程从美国寄来的亲笔书法作品;龙凤国际联合会庞进主席亲笔书法作品;文学社理事万沐原创小说《传媒大亨》;ViVA灯具David 阮总捐赠精美的书法作品集和油画作品;FOSON精制橱柜和台面陈亿军总裁赞助FOSON精品红酒;百万酒业股份公司万总赞助中华老字号“江小白”白酒;贵州和为贵酒业集团的冷总为优秀义工和笔耕不辍奖获得者赠送珍品“和为贵”白酒。 翰墨飘香 酒醉乾坤,本次精彩活动中的抽奖奖品独辟蹊径,尽显文学社的特色和文人的雅致与洒脱。

In addition, the specially arranged raffle added a unique touch of joy and anticipation to the event, with each lucky audience member receiving an unexpected surprise. The prizes for the award and raffle segments were generously sponsored by the following kind individuals: Wen Sheng An, who sent a hand-painted calligraphy piece from the United States; Mr. Pang Jin, president of the Longfeng International Federation, who contributed a hand-painted calligraphy work; Literary Society director Wan Mu, who offered an original novel titled "Media Tycoon"; Mr. David Ruan, from ViVA Lighting, who donated a beautiful collection of calligraphy works and oil paintings; Mr. Chen Yijun, CEO of FOSON, who sponsored exquisite FOSON wine and kitchenware; Mr. Wan from Million Wine Industry Co., who sponsored the renowned Chinese brand "Jiangxiaobai" liquor; and Mr. Leng from Guizhou Hewei Gui Liquor Group, who gifted the prized "Hewei Gui" liquor to outstanding volunteers and recipients of the Pen and Ink Dedication Award. The raffle prizes were exceptional and unique, reflecting the Literary Society's charm and the refined, carefree spirit of the literary community.

翰墨飘香 酒醉乾坤


Vice President of the CLAHE, Wang Yuexiang, carefully prepared tea and snacks for the event, while director Wan Mu brought his homemade specialty dessert—xue mei niang (a sweet, delicate treat)—which was delicious and delightful. Wen Sheng An contributed two large boxes of premium, beautifully packaged chocolates, adding to the warmth of the atmosphere. Guests enjoyed the food while engaging in friendly exchanges, discussing literature and art, and sharing their insights and experiences. This leisurely time brought more warmth and friendship, embodying the "harmonious home" philosophy that the event aimed to promote.


This New Year's celebration event garnered the attention, participation, and support of many literary friends. Professor Wang Peizhong adjusted his schedule and flew back from Newfoundland, thousands of miles away, to attend and show his support. President Gao Shan also drove from his residence, 200 kilometers away, to participate, which was truly touching. The event not only offered a feast for the eyes and ears but also played an active role in promoting cultural exchange and uniting the community. Through the unique charm of literature and art, we collectively witnessed the building of a more harmonious and inclusive home. As we celebrate the Year of the Snake, let us join hands and move forward, working together to create a brighter tomorrow!




导演:王月祥 陈刚

主持:王小燕 刘俊民

接待:黎明 卫平

后勤:万沐 王月祥

宣传报道:卫平 黎明




深度鸣谢:更优双快中文学校罗阳富校长友情提供演出场地(加拿大高校文学社 供稿)

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